Beltway Wedding Jam

I’m getting married this evening and I’ll be tied up all day with various hosting obligations, photograph taking, and the like. Absent world shaking events, I’ll not be blogging today. My OTB cohorts will be filling in, though, so there should be fresh content as the day goes on.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Herb says:

    Congratulations James.

    I prey that your marrage is full of happiness and is as successful as mine has been. (Just celebrated 50 years last July) and that you both be blessed with children that grow up in a World filled with peace and happiness.

  2. Huzzah and kudos, James!

  3. Many heart-felt congratulations!

    I am just sorry that we weren’t able to make it.

    I hope you both have a special and blessed day.

  4. Boyd says:

    Hmph. I have to say I’m disappointed that you’re going to allow something as trivial as your wedding interfere with keeping us, your regular readers, informed and amused. I mean, really, it’s no big deal. I’ve never let any of my weddings get in the way of what’s really important!

    But if you’re going to go ahead and abandon us anyway, enjoy, and congratulations!

  5. sgtfluffy says:

    Embrace these last hours of freedom and Congrats!

  6. Jay says:

    Congratulations! And nice picture, over on the wedding page.

  7. bryan says:

    Congratulations, James. Have fun and don’t worry. The blogosphere will still be here when you return. 🙂

  8. Rob says:

    Congratulations James.

    Just don’t let the honeymoon interrupt blogging too much, ok?

  9. mary says:

    Absent any world shaking events you won’t blog!

    You are a total jerk, your opinions are not that important, but no doubt you’ll wreck your honeymoon for your ego.

    Explains why the states with the lowest divorce rates are Democrat. Talk about the family, but not give a rats ass, the Republican way. It’s all rhetoric. Just like efficient government and self sufficiency with Republican states taking in more than they pay because Democrat states take less.

    Call off the marriage, get an inflatable doll and paste your photograph on it.


  10. bullwinkle says:

    Congratulations and good luck James! Hope it works out better than those seven prolonged “living Hell on Earth before I had to give another house and half my money to someone else who hates me” episodes of my life.

  11. Anderson says:

    Best wishes to you both! Shun the blog a few days and enjoy yourselves!

  12. Beth says:

    Congratulations and best wishes to you both, James!
    Here’s to a lifetime of love with your best friend!

  13. hln says:

    Have an excellent marriage!


  14. jen says:

    Congrats, James.

  15. Mark Jaquith says:

    Absent world shaking events, I’ll not be blogging today.

    Have a little faith in your wife. She may rock your world yet. 😉


  16. Don Surber says:

    Good luck!

  17. Mr. Right says:

    Congratulations and best wishes to the bride and groom!

  18. Kathy K says:
