Biden Drops F-Bomb on Former Colleagues
The string of U.S. vice presidents caught saying the F-word on Capitol Hill now stands at two:
Joe Biden dropped a big F-bomb into a live mic at an event on Friday afternoon.
“Gimme a f–ing break,” the vice president said after a former Senate colleague referred to him as “Mr. Vice President.”
Biden was at Union Station in Washington, D.C. to announce $1.3 billion in stimulus money to expand passenger rail capacity.
The obvious comparison is Dick Cheney’s “frank exchange of views” with Pat Leahy in June 2004. It’s not quite the same, of course, in that Cheney’s utterance was angry and insulting while Biden’s was good humored and self-deprecating. And Union Station is one-minute Metro ride or five minute walk from the Capitol building.
In addition to quite a bit of outrage from the likely suspects, the Cheney incident spurred an eloquent defense of the F-word from, of all people, Charles Krauthammer that included a handy dandy guide to the variations and formulations and the occasions to which they’re most suited. Interestingly, the Army’s first successful F-bomb test happened three years later.
Four years in the Marine Corps taught me that the F-word is the most elastic expression in the English language–noun, verb, adjective, adverb: truly wonderous were the uses to which it was put.
For complete information, you have to find and download the file “fword.wav”, for example here:
Standard Disclaimer: I’m not responsible for any virus you download. I did test this, but make sure you always use an anti-virus if you download files off the Internet.
As is typical, it’s the hypocrisy that is the story. I have no problem with Biden’s or Cheney’s use of the f-word. That is a word many grown-ups used sometimes. However many including those in the MSM bashed Cheney for using the word. They stated such language is beneath the position of VP and Cheney is deplorable for using it. Yet Biden using it is no big deal.
You got that right; I spent six years in the Navy and for those of you that use it frequently:
It is an over-active, emotional, or demented mind toiling with an inadequate inventory of a volcabulary.
I do it, more frequently that I should, but I am not a public official, much less the Vice President.
My most frequent use of the word is when I come home, open the door and see what mischevous behavior my three dogs and a cat have been up to.
Aaahhh F**k is like a command for them to go hide, tilt their heads, slink around, and come looking for forgiveness.
After I take them for a walk, feed them a small piece of balogna, and scratch the bellies, all is forgiven, with them and for me.
Maybe Biden should take more walks, scratch more bellies, and carry a slice of bologna in his pocket.
Wrong. It got pretty much the same coverage.
“Wrong. It got pretty much the same coverage.â€
What media are you watching? I remember clicking through the channels and hearing about Cheney comments on several channels. I can’t say the same about Biden. If you don’t believe me try to Google it. I didn’t come across an article from CNN or MSNBC about Biden but sure did on Cheney.