Blog Reader Survey
Henry Copeland releases the latest BlogAds reader survey results. Some of the findings he highlights:
Democrat blog readers are most likely to contribute online (78%) while Libertarians the least (53%).
Sounds about right. Indeed, who are the libertarians going to contribute to? Certainly, not the moribund Libertarian Party.
Republican blog readers make the most (70% over 60K) and Greens the least (50% over 60K).
Greens are the most antagonistic to TV (48% think it is worthless) versus 22% of Republican readers.
Sometimes, the stereotypes are right!
Libertarian and Green blog readers are mostly likely to be bloggers themselves (29%), while Republican blog readers are least likely to be bloggers (17%.)
I’m not sure what that means, precisely. Maybe it’s just that Libertarians and Greens are a tighter circle whereas Republicans and Democrats are less of a niche audience.
It’s grossly inaccurate for you to say the Libertarian Party is moribund. At last November’s election, for the third congressional election in a row, the Libertarian Party polled over 1,000,000 votes for its US House nominees. No other minor party in US history has done this even twice. Also the Libertarian Party has a very important First Amendment election law case pending in the US Supreme Court, which (if the party wins) will affect all political parties.
How many major officeholders (President, Senator, Congress, Governor) are Libertarian Party members?
A million votes in a country with nearly three million people ain’t much.
A million votes in a country with nearly three million people ain’t much.
Okay, campers, here’s the challenge: the word “hundred” is missing from this sentence. Put it where it belongs, and you get an OTB merit badge!