Bonus Caption Contest Winners

The Cheney-Leahy Edition, OTB Bonus Caption Contest is now over.

The winners:

1st – David Harris: Tired of the constant questions surrounding his health, the vice president helps swear in his new clone.

– Tom H.: Uh, Pat your fly is open, I swear. Been taking my advice?

3rd – The Doctor: “Do you, Dick, take this man, Patrick to be you lawfully wedded husband?â€

Winner, Dr. Seuss Memorial Category – Rodney Dill
I am Dick
Dick I am
I̢۪ll watch your swearing in, Dick-I-am

Do not Say
F—- off and Damn
I do not like that, Dick-I-am

I will not curse you
in the house.
I will not curse you
by your spouse.
I will not say Damn
here or there.
I do not say F—- off
I do not say
F—- off and Damn.
I do not say them,
(underbreath: “So take that A—h—-â€)

Honorable Mention
: Ingress -“Dick, you barbarian, tell it to the hand.â€

Brandon: Vice President Dick Cheney looks on as the Bible begins to sizzle and burn when Senator Leahy lays his hand on it during his swearing in ceremony.

Thanks to all the participants. Another contest is currently running.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Paul says:

    It’s official… The caption contests have jumped the shark.

  2. Rodney Dill says:

    Thanks James, I wasn’t sure how you would handle my entries, given I’ve run most of the contests for the last few months.

    The caption contests have jumped the shark.

    True, but they’ve mostly started on the other side of the shark to begin with. Life is tough enough, you gotta have some silliness now and then.