Can a White Man Still be Elected President?
The new Esquire arrived today and its cover feature asks, “Can a white man still be elected president?” It’s tongue-in-cheek, I’m sure, although rather amusing in light of recent polls showing Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama easily beating all Republican comers in a hypothetical election.
One wonders, too, if Ann Coulter was involved in the cover design. Cover boy John Edwards appears directly underneath a bold banner, “THE SEXIEST WOMAN ALIVE.”
(I should note, for the record, that Edwards doesn’t look at all womanly in the pic. His blue tie on blue shirt is reminiscent of Dick Cheney’s wardrobe and no metrosexual would wear a Timex Ironman watch with suit clothes.)
Rasmussen polls last week suggested that Edwards would beat both McCain and Romney as well.
Hopefully the Dems will nominate Joey “The Liar” Biden. Both Giuliani and F. Thompson are out-polling the despicible Senator from Dheliware.
“Can a white man still be elected president?â€
Let me think about that. Total white men elected president thus far: 43. Total who don’t fall into the “white man” category elected president thus far: 0.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that the answer to such a patently absurd question is “Yeah!”