Bryan sent me a the 2nd picture as a caption contest possibility but, clicking the link, I’ve decided the whole group was worthy:

Enter your comments on any or all of these posts in the comments below.
Who’s Cool at G-8 Meeting? It’s All in Bush’s Gestures

Bryan is also running a contest of his own.

Poliblogger has his own take on the story that accompanies the photos above.

Finally, the previous OTB caption contest is still open until I get around to choosing a winner this afternoon. Get your entries in fast!

Update (14:36) The BBC has a whole slide show on this.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. “Hey now, some of my best friends hate Jews.”

  2. Rodney Dill says:

    Can you find the hidden bush is each of these pictures?

  3. MommaBear says:

    Beware any picture where the hands cannot be seen.

  4. Paul says:

    #1. OK, a little faster now…

  5. Randy Paul says:

    For number one:

    “I never sit next to Dad during dinner!”

  6. Steven says:

    A mini-play:

    Box one: “Umm, where is the restroom.”

    Box Two: “Ok, I’ve found the potty, let’s go…”

    Box Three: “Thanks for letting me take him–score one for Middle East peace!).

  7. Chortle says:

    #1. “Sorry, but you really do look like a woman wearing a tie.”

    #2. “I know that people will talk when they see us walking hand in hand but I am the President and I don’t care.”

    #3. Don’t point your finger at me, French Fry.”

  8. Nan says:

    Which world leader did Bush spot picking his nose?

  9. Arthur says:

    #3: Chirac: “Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

  10. Exek says:

    For photo 1:
    Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi: “you americans are hung like freakin horses”
    G.W: yup

    For Photo 2:
    “Follow me to the land of jew haters”

    For Photo 3:
    G.W: “boy you french have a new word for everything”

    Also for Photo 3:
    G.W. “Deusche Bag said what”
    Chirac: “What, Ce qui”

  11. Hodink says:

    The President loves his nursery rhymes.
    #1 Baa
    #2 Baa
    #3 Black Sheep

  12. Hero says:

    Niccceee pagee