Don’t forget to get your entry in for yesterday’s OTB Caption Contest. Winners will be announced sometime tomorrow.
Don’t forget to get your entry in for yesterday’s OTB Caption Contest. Winners will be announced sometime tomorrow.
Sorry I blatantly ripped you off with a Weekend Caption Contest… The picture was too good to sit on…
Ya thieving bastard! I knew I should have gotten the caption contest idea copyrighted! No one in history had ever had such a brilliant concept until March 7, 2003, when the OTB Caption Contest 1 and Deux were born.
Ooohhh, I don’t know how I missed this reply. I’ve got and idea, let’s start a war and divide the blogoshpere and market the hell out of it. Oh, sorry that’s happening elsewhere. Don’t think the trademarked it though…
BTW (channeling Al Gore) I invented the Internet, nah nah nah…