White House Science Policy Office Basically Shut Down (See Update)

The White House office specifically charged with advising on and developing science policy now has no staffers whatsoever.

On Foreign Policy, Biden Is The Anti-Trump

Joe Biden delivered his first major foreign policy address of the campaign. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than what we have right now.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Britain’s Ambassador To The U.S.: Trump “Inept,” “Dysfunctional”

In memos to his superiors, the British Ambassador to the United States had an exceedingly frank, and negative, assessment of the current occupant of the White House.

Are Our Critics and Commentators too White?

Should the pundit class look more like America?

Summertime in Alaska, it’s 90 Above

Anchorage had record high temperatures yesterday.

Should NeverTrumpers Become Democrats?

A considerable number of Republican have effectively left our party over Donald Trump. Should we go all the way?

Democrats Clash In First Night Of First Debate

Democrats clashed, to some degree, in last night’s inaugural debate of the 2020 season but they clearly agreed far more than they disagreed.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump’s Art of the Threat

The latest is about deportations

Pete Buttigieg Lays Out An Encouraging Foreign Policy Platform

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg laid out his foreign policy platform in a speech this week. It’s certainly an improvement over the current President.

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Stopping Climate Change Means Changing Our Lifestyle

How much sacrifice in our consumer culture is it worth to save the planet?

Biden Not Only Democrat Lifting Language for Websites

The original ‘scandal’ was silly. The follow-up is sillier.

New Biden Plagiarism Scandal

While mildly embarrassing, it’s unlikely to have much impact on the race.

On Eve Of State Visit, Trump Attacks Royal Family Member, Intereferes In British Politics

Hours before departing the United States for a pomp and circumstance filled State Visit to the United Kingdom, President Trump sticks his foot in his mouth.

London Mayor Denounces Trump On Eve Of State Visit

Just a day before he is scheduled to arrive in the city for a State Visit, London’s Mayor is denouncing President Trump.

Irish Voters Approve Liberalized Divorce Laws

Despite opposition from the Catholic Church, or perhaps in rebellion against it, Irish voters overwhelmingly approved a new law liberalizing that nation’s divorce laws.

Jimmy Carter’s Rennaissance?

Some 2020 Democratic hopefuls are turning to a surprising source for counsel.

Australia’s Ruling Conservative Coalition Scores Surprise Win

Surprising pollsters and political analysts down under, Australia’s ruling center-right coalition pulled off a big win in Saturday’s election.

Guardian Drops Neutrality in Climate Crisis Reporting

Gone are ‘climate change’ and ‘skeptic.’ In are ‘global heating’ and ‘denier.’

Progressives In The Democratic Party May Have Misread The Signals For 2020

Based on the early stages of the campaign for the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination, it appears as though the party’s progressive wing has misread the signals being sent by the party’s voters.

Montana Governor Steve Bullock Joins Crowded Democratic Field

Yet another candidate joins an already crowded field for the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination.

Trump’s Foreign Policy Is A Failure

President Trump’s foreign policy has largely been a failure, and there are specific reasons why.

Colorado Senator Michael Bennet Joins The Democratic Field

Colorado Senator Michael Bennet is the latest entrant into the race for the Democratic nomination for President, and the field isn’t done growing.

Democrats Aren’t Buying Cory Booker’s ‘Unity’ Message

Cory Booker’s message of unity isn’t going over well with Democratic voters eager for a fight.

Bill Weld Launches Primary Challenge To Trump

Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld has officially joined the race for the 2020 Republican Presidential nomination

What Exactly Does Beto O’Rourke Believe In?

So far, Beto O’Rourke’s campaign has been far more about image than substance.

Climate Change and Central America

More pressures on a region already struggling.

Politics on Twitter vs IRL

The 2020 debate on Twitter does not represent ordinary Americans. Does that matter?

The Filibuster’s Inevitable Demise

Senate Republicans are pushing for the end of minority obstruction—and the Democrats can’t wait.

DNC Excludes Fox News From Hosting A 2020 Primary Debate

As it has since 2007, the Democratic National Committee is barring Fox News from hosting a debate featuring the party’s candidates for President.

Michael Bloomberg Not Running For President

For the fourth time since the 2008 election cycle, Michael Bloomberg flirted with the idea of running for President. For the fourth time, he declined to do so.

Trump Continues To Lie, The Truth Continues To Die

The President continues to lie at an astounding rate that only seems to be getting worse. Does anyone care?

John Hickenlooper, Former Colorado Governor, Enters Presidential Race

Former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper is the latest entrant into an already crowded Democratic field.

Trump Delivers Bizarre, Incoherent, Red Meat Speech At CPAC

In a two-hour rant before an adoring crowd of CPAC sycophants. President Trump displayed everything wrong with him and his Presidency.

Washington Governor Jay Inslee Is Running For President

Washington Governor Jay Inslee is running for the Democratic nomination for President on a platform primarily focused on climate change. Whether that helps distinguish him from a growing field of candidates remains to be seen.

House Passes Bill To Block Trump’s Emergency, With Minimal GOP Support

The House of Representatives voted yesterday to block the President’s declaration of an “emergency” at the southern border. Now the matter goes to the Senate.

Republicans Face A Choice: Do They Support The Constitution, Or Trump?

Republicans face a choice in the coming days. Do they support the Constitution, or do they support Donald Trump? You can count on them making the wrong choice.

The Political Realities of a Green New Deal

Kevin Drum uses some clever sleight-of-hand to demonstrate a hard truth about the human condition.

Bernie Sanders Is Running For President Again

Bernie is back and running for President, but he’s likely to face a tougher road this time around.

The Rift Between The U.S. And Europe Gets Wider And Wider

The Trump Administration continues to drive a wedge between the United States and Europe, can it ever be repaired?

Bill Weld Prepares For Primary Challenge To Trump

Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld is preparing for a primary challenge against Donald Trump. He won’t win, but he could still have an impact.

Trump Declares ‘National Emergency’ At Border, Admits “I Didn’t Need To Do This”

President Trump declared a national emergency at the southern border while at the same time undercutting his own case for doing so.

Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ And The Law

President Trump’s impending decision to declare a national emergency to get funding for his border wall will quickly face serious legal challenges. It may be more vulnerable than the White House suspects.

Lyndon LaRouche, Conspiracy Kook And Perennial Presidential Candidate, Dies At 96

Lyndon LaRouche, an eight-time Presidential candidate who ran a cult-like organization that spread bizarre conspiracy theories, has died at 96.

Howard Schultz’s Seinfeldesque Campaign About Nothing

Based on his appearance on CNN last night, Howard Schultz appears to be running a campaign about nothing.

Republicans Shift Focus To Freshman Democrats

The right has spent a seemingly inordinate amount of time focusing on relatively powerless Members of Congress.

Senator Amy Klobuchar Enters Presidential Race

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar became the latest Democrat to enter the 2020 race on Sunday.

John Dingell, Longest Serving Member Of Congress, Dies At 92

The longest-serving member of Congress in American history has passed away at the age of 92.

Majority Oppose Use Of National Emergency To Build Border Wall

Most Americans oppose the idea of the President using a “national emergency” to get funding for his border wall. Will that matter to him?

The Argument For a Centrist Democrat In 2020

While much of the attention in the race for the Democratic nomination to date has been on the left, there is a path forward for a more centrist candidate.