Russia Backing Sanders Again

In 2016, they were backing an extreme long-shot. Now, he’s the frontrunner.

On the Issue of (d)emocratic Nominations

Primaries are not all they are cracked up to be.

Money Could Decide Super Tuesday

Competing in fourteen states plus overseas territories in one day is expensive.

Bloomberg Tweets Doctored Debate Video

Creepy misinformation? Or just lame?

Russians Actively Working to Re-Elect Trump

Our intelligence professionals are issuing a familiar warning.

Friday Open Forum

The one that doesn’t have a photo.

The Buttigieg-Klobuchar Dustup

It got somewhat ugly at the kids’ table.

Nevada Democratic Debate Roundup

Most national pundits saw it differently than I did.

Nevada Debate Reflections

The clear winner was Donald Trump.

Thursday Open Forum

Have at it.

Democracy is Hurting Democrats

The wrong people are choosing the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

What does “Electable” Mean?

Democrats say they want an candidate who is electable.

American Exceptionalism in Choosing the Head of State

We are truly exceptional in how we choose the president.

Bloomberg to Sell Business if Elected

The mega-billionaire commits to a path quite different from the fake billionaire currently in office.

A Wednesday Forum

For all your Miercoles-based foruming.

West Point Why We’re Losing Wars Says West Point Prof

A book out today makes an odd case.

Boy Scouts File for Bankruptcy

The venerable youth organization has fallen on hard times.

A Tuesday Open Forum

Someplace to hang out.

Bolton and his Book

He is complaining that the White House is holding it up.

Airpods Airpods

Podcast Recommendation

Trek edition

A Monday Open Forum

Let the week begin

The EC Helps Small States!

(Or not. Part 1,276,524).

The US’ Nonhierarchical Parties

Lack of control of label is lack of control, ultimately, of a party.

Bloomberg’s Influence-Buying

Unprecedented spending since leaving City Hall has put him in a unique position.

Does Stop-and-Frisk Disqualify Bloomberg for President?

The policy was undeniably harmful and unconstitutional. Is it forgivable?

Sunday Open Forum

It’s easy.

Queer Activists Disrupt Buttigieg Fundraiser

Do gay candidates have a special obligation to be leftists?

Army Not Investigating Vindman

Tweets aren’t policy, unless they are.

Rethinking Chinese Investment

Several trends are pointing in a new direction.

Brokered Democratic Convention a Real Possibility

Could the fevered dream really come true?

A Cartoon to Ponder

From the Freedom House “Freedom in the World 2019” report.

Are Biden and Warren Toast?

Two early frontrunners are being written off.

America Ready for a Gay President?

It’s a reasonable question but not the right one.

A Photo for Friday

Happy Friday Forum

Chat if you got ’em.

Bill Barr Standing Up to Trump?

The Attorney General claims to be frustrated by Presidential tweets that undermine his department.

Post-New Hampshire Polling

We now have five candidates in double-digits.

Bloomberg’s Billions Buying Ground Game

An unprecedented spending blitz is upending the campaign.

It’s a Thursday Forum

Pick a topic, any topic.

Deval Patrick Drops Out

The Democratic nominee will be white.

Back to the “Winning” Question

There was not a singular “winner” last night, so we need to stop talking like there was.

The Narrative Abides

Iowa and New Hampshire voters are changing the perception of the race.

Andrew Yang Drops Out

The math compelled it. But he outlasted several better-known candidates.

Post-NH Forum

It’s time for some over-reaction Wednesday.

NH Hot Take (9:30pm Eastern)

Some thoughts based on incomplete results.

Young Pete Buttigieg’s Ode to Bernie Sanders

An amusing discovery.

It isn’t a Dirty Trick to Vote in an Open Primary

The plurality of New Hampshire voters are unaffiliated. Should they all stay at home?

Ginsburg Says Start Over on ERA

A feminist icon offers some advice her allies will not want to hear.

Tuesday’s Forum