Children Thrown from Windows During Paris Fire

Witnesses to the deadly Paris hotel fire that killed at least twenty people say that some were throwing children out the windows to save them from the flames.

Eyewitness: Children thrown from windows (CNN)

Night watchmen and prostitutes, the first witnesses to a deadly Paris hotel fire early Friday, begged for calm as hysterical parents threw their children from the windows of the burning building. “I saw bodies, windows in flames, people crying out for help,” Alfred Millot, head of the fire service at the nearby upmarket Galeries Lafayette department store, told AFP. “It’s hard in that kind of situation to tell people to calm down. They jumped. People on the first floor threw their children out the windows,” Millot added.

The fire gutted the six-story one-star Paris-Opera hotel, located near the historic Garnier opera house.


Update (0948): Thankfully, though, No Maltese were injured in Paris hotel fire.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Jerry says:

    It’s a horrible and devastating event, but I too cannot speak with enough relief that no Maltese were injured. Hooray for Malta!

  2. Scott Dillard says:

    It is truly awful. But at least it wasn’t my favorite hotel, the Therese, in the First. It’s an 18th century building. I don’t know much about fire safety and emergency exits in France, but they don’t appear to be as well marked as here.

  3. Sounds like a flashback to the Triangle Shirt Waist Fire…awful.

  4. McGehee says:

    “People on the first floor threw their children out the windows,” Millot added.

    As bad as the truth is, the fact the children were only being thrown from first-floor windows comes as a relief after the headline.