I would use this for a caption contest, but don’t even want to know what you sick individuals would come up with for this one. . . .

Source: Dumbest Comic Book Covers
(Hat tip: Jonah Goldberg)
I would use this for a caption contest, but don’t even want to know what you sick individuals would come up with for this one. . . .
(Hat tip: Jonah Goldberg)
And MB was all set to do her ribald best.
Oh, my…
Finish your chores, son, and then we’ll talk about oiling the lever action…
Well, since others are already giving you captions whether you want them or not, here goes:
Little rough on the outside, but it’ll have to do!
Son, you like holding my wood like that?
OK, OK, I just spent the evening studying. Sheesh,people.