Colbert Shows Suspends Production

There’s been a lot of buzz today on Twitter about “The Colbert Report” running a re-run last night and the show suspending production for tonight’s show as well. (There are no Friday episodes, for whatever reason, of either it or “The Daily Show.”)

WSJ (“Stephen Colbert Suspends Production of His Show“) fills in the details:

Stephen Colbert has suspended production of his satirical comedy show temporarily because of an emergency in Mr. Colbert’s family, according to people familiar with the show.

The show is expected to resume production soon, perhaps as early as next week, the people added.

Comedy Central, the Viacom Inc. network that airs the show, had stoked speculation about the fate of “The Colbert Report” when it issued a cryptic statement cancelling the tapings of the show scheduled for the remainder of this week. “Due to unforeseen circumstances, the show will air repeat episodes on Wednesday, February 15 and Thursday, February 16,” network spokesman Steve Albani said in an emailed statement.

Certainly, the network wasn’t going to cancel one of its most popular–and arguably its most culturally impactful–programs. I hope all’s well with Colbert’s family.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. There are no Friday episodes, for whatever reason, of either it or “The Daily Show.”

    Colbert and The Daily Show only run new episodes Monday-Thursday, so that at least is normal. Probably because their target audience of college students and twenty-somethings doesn’t tend to be watching TV on Friday nights.

  2. @Stormy Dragon:

    only run new episodes Monday-Thursday

    Or, because they can.

  3. Hey Norm says:

    As someone else pointed out…Colbert would be the perfect one to do a bit about the Media Frenzy over the halting production of Colbert’s show.