Evolution in the Blogosphere
No, this isn’t a post about Intelligent Design, but about how the blogosphere might respond to the recent changes N. Z. Bear’s Ecosystem. BlogCarnival.com has new code that bloggers can put on their blog (hat tip Instapundit). It would provide a permanant and easy way of linking to the multitude of carnivals that are out there. I’m sure that other people will come up with other ways to try and boost their ecosystem ranking that will induce another change in how the ecosystem measures blog popularity.
You guys spend an awful lot of time worrying about this stupid “Bear Ecosystem” nonsense. Who cares? What’s got to do with anything??
Despite my concerns expressed earlier, I find myself evolving! Crossroads Arabia, now with feathers!
I dropped seven different phyla while devolving. I said seven right? I got over it. I rather like the new current integrity, lack of crowding/density. Seems like more of what it once was, a long time ago. Even if current trends favor the geriatric blogs. But this kind of goofs things agin’ don’ it?