The Violence Inherent in the System
Under the headline “If Paris Hilton makes you mad,” Amanda Marcotte posts a Jarvis Cocker video which includes various vulgarities and such lovely philosophical sentiments as, “In theory, I respect your right to exist – I will kill you if you move in next to me.”
Marcotte adds, “Break something. Set something on fire. Tonight you can find a way to resist. That asshole with a Bush bumper sticker? It can be removed.”
So . . . the fact that Paris Hilton is quite annoying justifies mass anarchy? People are upset that the children of the rich 1) often inherit plenty of money and 2) sometimes misbehave, so they should commit crimes including vandalism, arson, and theft?
As outrageous as the Rodney King riots were, at least the outrage that initially fueled them was understandable. But Hilton is actually, as I type, sitting in prison. For crimes, incidentally, less severe than advocated by Cocker and Marcotte.
via Dan Collins
UPDATE: Marcotte has updated her post to the effect that 1) it was a “silly joke” but that 2) vandalizing the property of assholes isn’t really a big deal, since they can just replace it and 3) killing innocent Iraqis is worse.
Are you kidding?
That was a joke.
Certainly, her commenters are taking it seriously.
I’m just ecstatic that Paris is in prison. Has a nice ring to it, huh?
Glad to know she is OK with people throwing rocks in her window and keying her car!!
I see this and think: Why, God, why did Edwards “let her go” so early in the campaign?
After the Duke fiasco, it was quite apparent that Marcotte has her head firmly ensconced between her butt-cheeks and likes it that way because of the warmth.
Gah she’s such an embarrassment
Wow. Way to totally misread the post, Joyner. The video and joke had less to do with Hilton’s jail drama than it did with all of the other, slightly more horrifying events happenin’ around the world…like, say, the ongoing disaster that is the occupation of Iraq? Or the 3,500th American military casualty in said disaster? Or the 19,000 Iraqi prisoners being denied habeas corpus and other basic legal rights by the United States? Y’know. Little stuff like that.
Well there had to be somebody to spring to air defense I suppose, being that she needs it so badly.
And I suppose that someone is going to have to say this for Chris:
” Help, help, I’m being repressed!”
Bloody peasant.
Well there had to be somebody to spring to her defense I suppose, being that she needs it so badly.
And I suppose that someone is going to have to say this for Chris:
” Help, help, I’m being repressed!”
Bloody peasant.