Foreign Policy Photo Caption: Ukraine Edition
This photograph of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov before their meeting in London over the Ukraine situation seems to speak volumes:
I doubt we’ll be hearing much good news on the Ukraine front today.
In the meantime, feel free to add a caption in the comments.
H/T: Mashable
Kerry: I hate when he calls me “a sissy’s errand boy”..
Tweedle Glum and Tweedle Glummer
“F*ck this guy.”
– Both
Do I have enough change in my pocket to buy a decent cup of Starbucks?
Dennis Rodman would have this solved after one game of horse.
I fracking told him I was wearing a robin egg blue tie. So what does he do? HE wears a robins egg blue tie. As you could expect, negotiations went downhill quickly after that.
“I keep throwing away my American flag lapel pin, but the President keeps giving it back.”
The sour cream for the blinis had turned rancid.
“We have decided the only viable way to save the country is to destroy it.”
Staring at the photographer is so dull. But hey, it beats the conference table we’ll be visiting for the next two hours.
After a marathon 12 hour session, the agreed on tie color.
When he woke up that morning surrounded by half-empty vodka bottles, crumpled treaty papers, and a disturbingly underclothed Sergei Lavrov, John Kerry knew the day was only going to get worse.
Kerry: “Damn! I knew I should have worn my hat.”
Both at the same time: “But he started it!”
dumb and dumberer
“Both have yachts bigger than Obama, so why the long faces?”
Kerry was for diplomatic relations with Russia before he was against them.
Kerry thought bubble: “What would Hillary do?”
Ukraine, I kraine, we all kraine for Ukraine.