Fox Fake Crowd Videos

Fox News AlertFor the second time in a week, Fox News has been caught using old video to give the false impression of larger-than-actual turnout at appearances of politicos they supported.  Sufficiently embarrassed at having been caught, Fox executives are promisingserious disciplinary action” for those responsible.

While the incidents add fuel to the fire that Fox is a Republican shill outlet rather than real news — and there’s growing truth to that charge — the real story here is that Fox has joined the larger trend in broadcast journalist of becoming a hype machine.

I was a big fan of Fox News when I first came across it a decade or so ago.  Mostly, I just watched Brit Hume’s nightly “Special Report” newscast, although I did occasionally watch some of the talking heads.  At the time, I found it a refreshing alternative to the networks and CNN, all of which had a significant leftward bias but pretended otherwise.  Fox — or, again, at least the Hume show of that time — had a slight rightward bias but it seemed genuinely interested in being “Fair and Balanced” and more-or-less living up to its “We Report, You Decide” mantra.

Somewhere along the way, it became both more partisan and more shrill.  Everything was Breaking News and hype.

The thing is, it’s not just Fox.

As I’ve mentioned perhaps too many times, I’ve long since drifted away from watching television news on a regular basis, finding the Internet a much more efficient and less aggravating means of getting information.   But I catch news shows from time-to-time, usually while traveling or because someone else has the television on.   And everything from “Good Morning America” to the nightly network news promos to local news radio is in the same hype mode.  It’s all crisis this, emergency that, and tragedy the other.

It’s like Jerry Springer is suddenly in charge of all news programming.

Still, Fox is in a special category because it is perceived as the conservative network.   Too many of these episodes and it will simply be dismissed as hackery by all but the most die-hard Republicans.

There are already a goodly number of conservative-leaning outlets such as Drudge, WorldNetDaily, and CNS that even unabashed Republicans are embarrassed to cite as sources for their arguments.

Fox isn’t there yet.  It would be a shame if it crossed into that territory, however, as there’s no road back.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Derrick says:


    This pox on all of you argument is a real weak rejoinder to something like this. I’m not going to sit her and tell you that other media don’t have their biases like MSNBC or CBS, but in terms of your “hype machine” comment you just offer some blanket comment with zero to back it up. I’d love to hear your evidence for the “hype machine” on NBC news or CNN or even MSNBC, the closes thing to Fox I’ll admit.

    The reason that I say this is that it seems that the Right’s new tactic is equivocation of anything bad. “Palin maybe unqualified….but so is Obama”, “Tea Parties may be rude…..but so is Acorn” and now “Fox maybe a hack network interested in only hype……but so is everyone else.” This type of argument is a weak attempt at obscuring real differences. When has MSNBC hyped liberal events like Immigration rallies for weeks with no contrary opinions? When does MSNBC just plain lie about footage to promote liberal interests? I haven’t heard any evidence that MSNBC is faking the news, but if Fox does it….of course MSNBC has to too.

  2. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    Joyner, I am beginning to believe you are a closet progressive. Your educational background and all. It is hard to get a doctorate and still be capable of independant thought. If you want to see something bias? Check out NBC’s Law and Order. Seems they are shilling for health care, Obama Style. Derrick is right, you made a statement with little to back it up. If you want to see what truth looks like watch Glenn Beck. If he is lying, prove it. After all Dr. the first thing they liquidate is the intelligencia.

  3. Franklin says:

    I have to admit it, I’m starting to wonder if Zelsdorf *is* a troll. Citing Glenn Beck as the bastion of truth?

  4. Triumph says:

    I basically dedicate my life to Fox News.

    I only buy from companies that advertise on they network. And I only accept things as feasible if it done come out of the mouth of a Fox person.

    Fox is America and they defend America from traitors like Obama. We need them to protect us from the evil that envelopes us from all sides–President, Activist judges, and a Barney Frank-led Congress.

  5. mike says:

    James – i am with you for sources of news. i used to watch CNN and then switched to Fox – now I only “watch” the news when I have it on in the background while doing something else. This has less to do with the bias issues but rather the stories lack any depth and the newscasters offer nothing more than a good teleprompter reading.

  6. Steve Verdon says:

    How about Nancy Grace Derrick? Her displays of bias were simply despicable and outragous during the Duke Rape case as one example. A complete cupid stunt.

    But hey feel free to watch that pablum if it makes you feel better about yourself.

    The reason that I say this is that it seems that the Right’s new tactic is equivocation of anything bad. “Palin maybe unqualified….but so is Obama”, “Tea Parties may be rude…..but so is Acorn” and now “Fox maybe a hack network interested in only hype……but so is everyone else.”

    No Derrick, this tendency is by both the Right and Left. We could take your little list there and swap the names around and it would read as if it were something off of KoS or DU.

    I haven’t heard any evidence that MSNBC is faking the news, but if Fox does it….of course MSNBC has to too.

    Please point out where James wrote anything of the like. He did write that he thinks all the news stations are shrill and hyperventilating, but that isn’t the same thing as faking the news.

    See it works like this. James talks about Fox News specifically, then transitions to his view of the news channels in general. His overall feeling is that they are all shrill and hyperventilating, thus he tends not to watch them. That doesn’t mean that all of them are faking the news.

  7. James Joyner says:

    See it works like this. James talks about Fox News specifically, then transitions to his view of the news channels in general. His overall feeling is that they are all shrill and hyperventilating, thus he tends not to watch them. That doesn’t mean that all of them are faking the news.


    The post isn’t intended as a comprehensive comparison. I come right out and say I don’t watch much news, let alone enough to do that. My impression from the snippets that I catch, though, is that the cable outlets and morning shows, at least, have gone the route of local news.

    “His face was chewed off by a monkey! You dare not watch!”

    “Watch the poor victim cry at the loss of her loved one!”

    “It’s a second American Revolution!” “No, it’s teabaggers!”

  8. kth says:

    Steve, Nancy Grace is insane but it’s hard to see how her insanity has a partisan bias (the belief that police and prosecutors can do no wrong is sadly a bipartisan one).

  9. Steve Verdon says:

    Steve, Nancy Grace is insane but it’s hard to see how her insanity has a partisan bias (the belief that police and prosecutors can do no wrong is sadly a bipartisan one).

    Oh…its not partisan bias. My bad. Its okay then.


  10. legion says:

    Yes Steve, it is about the partisanship. The important point about this story is the one thing you and James both are desperately trying not to address… It’s not that Fox News in blatantly biased – everyone knows it is, and everyone know other sources are biased in their own ways.

    The reason this is important is that Fox was busted blatantly manufacturing footage to support a clear lie, and calling it ‘news’. That’s so far beyond any sort of ‘bias’ it’s in a whole different area code.

  11. Wayne says:

    I like to see a little more than a 20 second clip. Something smells to me. Unlike James I do watch the cable News networks. I have seen Palin Campaign clips used for background clips. I have seen many campaign clips used by many media on political figures for background clips. I think they actually did it for Hillary’s book tour.

    That said given the context of the story, Fox should have not use those particular clips as background clips. A better deal would have been to send a camera crew to one of her book tour events. I suspect it was due to sloppy or lazy journalism than intentional. Yes mistakes happen on all networks and yes any of them should be reprimanded for it. I suspect many are quicker and use harsher criticism on this case because it was Fox News. If it was CNN it would have been no big deal to many who are outrage over this.

    A mistake on a cable cable channel that films approximately 16 hours every day, what a big conspiracy. Especially to those who are so quick to overlook major mistakes on other networks. Anyone remember the actual doctor photo’s used and polar bear on stranded ice that was took many decades prior.

    James admits to not watching cable news but yet is so willing to draw quick conclusions and make accusations about Fox News. He does gets some things right like the “breaking News” B.S. and the sensationalizing of everything by every network. However even someone throwing darts in the dark can hit the dart board at times.

  12. Wayne says:

    I believe this is a picture of Hillary in front of fundraiser crowd while Fox is talking about her book tour.,2933,236780,00.html

  13. Wayne says:

    If Fox is lying, I guess others like the Chicago Tribune are as well. Look at their video.,0,6574472.story

  14. Wayne says:

    Sorry for the multiple posts but the Chicago Tribune link to Fox who did a live shot on the crowd waiting for Palin. So Fox had the footage just didn’t get the right one up. In the end story was true and they had video and other news outlets back them up. Also there were many that were quick to call Fox liars using a 20 second video.

  15. Nancy Grace will be my wife in Hell.

  16. G.A.Phillips says:

    Nancy Grace will be my wife in Hell.

    lol,You don’t get no wife in hell Harry, but maybe a pineapple or two, a day.:)

  17. G.A.Phillips says:

    Citing Glenn Beck as the bastion of truth?

    lol, there is a direct line to the ******* white House, it ain’t rung yet to correct him…

    Thats because he is the best danged investigative reporter the world has ever known!!!!!!

  18. G.A.Phillips says:

    While the incidents add fuel to the fire that Fox is a Republican shill outlet rather than real news

    It’s not a Republican shill outlet, It is an anti******************liberal shill outfit, and it’s still far and balanced.

    Ya I’m not sure what ****************** meant either, but it wasn’t good!

  19. Brett says:

    And everything from “Good Morning America” to the nightly network news promos to local news radio is in the same hype mode. It’s all crisis this, emergency that, and tragedy the other.

    It’s like Jerry Springer is suddenly in charge of all news programming.

    They have to compete with a vast range of alternative tv programming (including more entertaining movies on demand, television series on dozens of channels, and sports), as well as alternative news sources. That more or less involves standing out, so they try for shock value.

    I’ve also migrated away from virtually all television news over the years. I used to watch Olbermann and occasionally MSNBC (and if something pops up that’s interesting on C-Span, like a session of British Question Time, I’ll watch it), but he started really irritating me after a while. *

    *It’s a combination of his question-asking (notice how he always seems to ask these kinds of leading questions that aren’t questions?), and the fact that he was doing Special Comments over trivial election bullshit in 2008.

  20. Republicans have finally been forced to admit what has been painfully obvious for some time: that Fox news is the home of batsh*ttery.

    Now they’ve started to realize that they — the few remaining sane ones — are being tarred with the big brush of crazy. So they criticize Fox, sotto voce, and couch it in ‘pox on all houses’ rhetoric.

    But neither CNN nor MSNBC is even in the same asylum as Fox.

    MSNBC is clearly liberal. Olbermann conducts interviews that sound like Chicom self-criticism from the 60’s, and Ed Schultz is abut halfway to whackville, but Maddow actually does some careful journalism and runs decent interviews. And Chris Matthews is more loopy than liberal.

    But they don’t lie openly. They don’t invent an alternate reality. Fox does.

    As for CNN their bias is in favor of all things boring not liberal. Putting them in the same category as the liars, frauds, haters and lunatics at Fox is absurd.

  21. wr says:

    MSNBC is liberal in the evening, but they give a conservative Republican former congressman three hours every morning. And they keep Pat Buchanon on their payroll.

    When Fox gives Ron Dellums his own show and hires Alexander Cockburn to give regular analysis, then you can say the two are the same.

  22. anjin-san says:

    Obviously, there is bias and hype across the spectrum. But Fox just flat out makes shit up, and it is all done to bolster the GOP – which, after all, looks a little ragged in the light of day, so no wonder…

  23. TangoMan says:

    But they don’t lie openly. They don’t invent an alternate reality

    Give me a break! How conveniently you forget MSNBC cameramen contorting like they’re in a circus act in order to capture footage of a gun carrying man attending an Obama event so that there is no appearance of racial cues (he’s black) and then using that footage to beat the war drums of gun toting racists showing up at Obama’s events.

    That is the textbook definition of creating an alternate reality – a black man transforms into a white man.

  24. Tango:

    Dude, are you drunk? You usually do a better job of concealing your racism.

  25. Wayne says:

    Both Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan hate the Republicans and have a big ax to grind against them. True they are conservatives but they have no love for the GOP.

    How do you use TangoMan pointing out that MSNBC use of a Gun toting black man as being proof of racism against Obama as being racist? I bet you believe that any black conservatives are Uncle Toms. Talking about racist you should look in the mirror.

    How about a previous thread where you were caught using sensational but false headlines to as you said gather interest?

  26. G.A.Phillips says:

    MSNBC is clearly liberal. Olbermann conducts interviews that sound like Chicom self-criticism from the 60’s, and Ed Schultz is abut halfway to whackville, but Maddow actually does some careful journalism and runs decent interviews. And Chris Matthews is more loopy than liberal.

    lol…. All of this crap is pure propaganda, put on by some of the luckiest fools ever to suck their way onto T.V……

    Dude, are you drunk? You usually do a better job of concealing your racism.

    I’m sure it’s not racist for CNN and MSNBC to point out how white the crowds are at Palins book signings, lol…. ******* Losers..

    But they don’t lie openly.

    Got to give you this one Harry, your right, they are to stupid to realize that they lie openly, just like their master and his cronies, and all of his worshipers.

    ******* donkeys blowing their own horns as the future of America burns!!!!

  27. G.A.Phillips says:

    The post isn’t intended as a comprehensive comparison. I come right out and say I don’t watch much news, let alone enough to do that. My impression from the snippets that I catch, though, is that the cable outlets and morning shows, at least, have gone the route of local news.

    dvr Beck, it’s a comedy, a tragedy, and the best danged news show we have.

    It’s even got a bat err, I meant donkey phone.

  28. DL says:

    One could argue that if we keep tossing nerfballs while the other side tosses hand grenades, it’ll be all over with anyway, regarding receiving truthful(remember that word from that old Pontius Pilate incident?) information.

    This nation is self-destructing and part of the cause is little PC is preventing truth from being told. Propaganda for the good side is essential to combat the deceitful propaganda for the evil the left seeks to do. Nothing less than a full scale assualt will stop them – beating up on Fox for showing old crowd photos is the political equal to swatting at fleas while the enemy is charging.

    Those liars and deceivers count exactly on us playing by the rules – a different form of useful idiots. Spying and sabotage helped win the World War II – time to start playing rougher, unless America and freedom aren’t worth much -then following John McCain’s strategy of talking nice for appearance sake is just the way to go – and lose.

  29. Herb says:

    It’s true that cable news really, really, REALLY sucks.

    But I don’t see how CNN/MSNBC’s lack of quality has any bearing whatsoever on Fox News deceptive video-editing problems.

    So the “it’s not just Fox” stuff is pretty weak. True, Fox isn’t the only network that is all hype and suckitude.

    But they are the only network using the wrong crowd footage at Tea Party rallies and Sarah Palin book signings…

  30. G.A.Phillips says:

    So the “it’s not just Fox” stuff is pretty weak. True, Fox isn’t the only network that is all hype and suckitude.

    Ya they suck and are all hype thats why they have viewers, lol…

    How many number one selling books do the hosts for their Opinion hours have? I think beck has like 5 all to himself, lol…Right now, lol….

  31. odograph says:

    It annoyed me, in the first days of the second Iraq invasion, to see the same video a couple days in a row, with voice-over about the current day’s events.

    I think many do “go to the library,” usually just to get something visually arresting.

    Fox might have bent that to “sell” their message, for sure.

    The answer in both cases is to demand (as viewers) a time-stamp to float in every clip. If that demand doesn’t work, maybe in some future it will have to be a system requirement. No unstamped news video.

  32. Wayne says:

    They did use the wrong footage. The stuff they recorded earlier of the crowds at the book tour was much more impressive and lasted 2 minutes instead of 20 seconds. I guess they must be liberal leaning since they didn’t use the best footage and did only a 20 second spot? Fox derangement syndrome.

  33. Wayne says:

    A time stamp on clips and photos is a good idea in all media.

  34. Wayne:

    In real life Tangoman is Peter Brimelow, one of the leading lights of a movement described as “scientific racism.”

    In the past I’d accused him of only showing up here — or anywhere — when he thought he could inject race into a discussion. So for a while he was being more careful, making an effort to comment on a wider array of topics. It was transparent, of course, and revelatory.

    But this is more like the old Brimelow, where he would leap tall buildings to wedge race into an issue. What he wants is to turn this into a discussion of race so that he can cut-and-paste his patented “nigras ain’t smart like us white folk’ propaganda.

    It wasn’t very subtle, and since he’d been making an effort at subtlety, I wondered if he was drunk.

  35. Wayne says:

    Thanks for the explanation. It was obvious the two of you have history of discussions. I just wasn’t following the jump from his statement to your conclusion. I understand knowing from experience where someone wants to go but a logical jump can be confusing to someone who catches a snippet.

  36. Herb says:

    They did use the wrong footage….I guess they must be liberal leaning since they didn’t use the best footage and did only a 20 second spot? Fox derangement syndrome.

    Wayne, you confuse me.

    First, what’s your source that the “best footage” was of her signing?

    Second, regardless of whether the original footage would make Palin look better or worse, why can’t Fox News get their footage straight? My personal video archives aren’t in that much disarray and I’m not even a news network.

    Third, how does Fox News mistakenly airing the wrong footage (for the second time) lead to me being deranged? Their screw-up is my symptom? How does that work exactly?

    (PS, I propose a moratorium on all phrases that end in “Derangment Syndrome.” It was funny, once upon a time, to assume that disagreements stem from derangement, but the LOLcatz played that meme off some time ago.)

  37. Wayne says:

    I consider the footage that I link to as better. Having long lines of people waiting patiently and talking enthusiastic IMO is much better than what they had shown.

    Your second point, it is not unusual even for the nightly news that only has to do it for 30 minutes to hour to get clips mix up or just plain wrong. I suppose you will not admit to seeing an anchor talking about a story and the video being of something totally unrelated. Fox News has what 16 hours a day recording. They use the appropriate footage before and after but let us judge them on a 20 second clip and not the rest.

    Let us once look at the facts. Did large crowds show up for Palin’s Book? Yes. Were they enthusiastic? Yes. Are they similar to what she had showing up at her campaign speeches? Yes. Should FOX News use book tour footage? Yes. Would someone get a false expression even if they mistook the campaign footage as book tour footage? No because there were large enthusiastic crowds showing up at both events.

    It is like sportscaster stating that the Vikings beat the Packers at their last meeting and showing clips from their first meeting. They would not be lying even though they should have shown a more recent clip. By the way sometimes they show clips of prior games during a game.

    As pointed out above they did the same thing with an AP photo during Hillary’s book tour.

    Anybody can be sharpshooted or pick apart especially when the audience is so quick to distort and warp the situation. How about applying the same standards and scrutiny to CNN and MSNBC? Yeah I know you not interest in tearing them down or holding them accountable. It is “tear down your enemies even if you have to lie and distort to do it”. If the same people had half the passion to destroy our real enemies, the wars would be done by now.

  38. Herb says:

    Wayne, I reiterate…the quality (or lack thereof) of CNN/MSNBC is irrelevant to the quality (or lack thereof) of Fox News.

    So you can stuff that “How about applying the same standards and scrutiny to CNN and MSNBC?” nonsense back into the little box of nothing it came from.

    Many critical things can be said about CNN and MSNBC, but they are not germane to whether Fox News has a faulty video archive or not.

    In this case, if Fox News is not deliberately trying to slant the news, then they’re incompetently slanting the news.

    Either way, they’ve got egg on their faces. Pointing fingers elsewhere does not wash it off.

  39. the Q says:

    I will be willing to bet that now that Fox’s lies have been exposed (twice in a week)and all you conservative apologists write it off as innocent “mistakes”, someone will go back into past Fox broadcasts and discover more innocent “mistakes” such as putting D where R should go (see Foley, Mark, pervert)or:

    “At 10 o’clock this morning, Martha [MacCallum] reported that the president didn’t watch the election returns and watched the HBO movie [Ed Nortons documentary on Obama],” Garrett explained to FOX anchor Shephard Smith.

    “That’s because I misheard Robert Gibbs in the gaggle. The White House says he was probably watching the Bulls-Bucks game. My mistake.”

    The list goes on and on and for all you little brown shirts, please stop saluting these mistakes as “innocent”.

  40. An Interested Party says:

    Propaganda for the good side is essential to combat the deceitful propaganda for the evil the left seeks to do. Nothing less than a full scale assualt [sic] will stop them – beating up on Fox for showing old crowd photos is the political equal to swatting at fleas while the enemy is charging.

    What a silly little Manichean world you live in…if you really believe that “the left” is “evil” and “the good side” is made up of conservatives represented by the likes of Fox News…well…I hope you enjoy being on the losing side of history…

    By the way, the Fox apologists around here are so cute…keep up the good work! Sadly (for you anyway), you aren’t convincing many people, including many of your fellow travelers, as James Joyner makes clear in the original post…

  41. TangoMan says:


    You do yourself no good by giving credence to anything that Reynolds writes. The man is clearly off his meds. Your original criticism of his comment is still apt and his “explanation” doesn’t explain his psychotic comment.

    If he got it into his head that you were Wayne Newton and continually explained to people that his weird comments to you were based on you being Wayne Newton, you’d probably appreciate how far his psychosis has taken over his life.

  42. Wayne says:

    RE “the quality (or lack thereof) of CNN/MSNBC is irrelevant”

    So we are to judge Fox News against perfection instead of the Industry standards? The News industry has been known to make far worst mistakes but that doesn’t matter. The possibility that it was a common human mistake cannot even be considered. How fair is that?

    Q what lies would that be? Are you saying that large enthusiastic crowds are not showing up at her book signings?If so then many other News outlets are lying.

  43. Wayne says:

    Michael was courteous enough to reply. As I stated I couldn’t follow his jump in logic but understand how it could be done if you knew someone. In the end I don’t have enough information to know. So I will have to leave it as is and maybe pay attention to the two of you interaction in the future.

    Perhaps he has mistaken you for another Michael that posted here. I simply don’t know.

  44. Herb says:

    So we are to judge Fox News against perfection instead of the Industry standards?

    We are to judge Fox News against their own standards: fair and balanced.

    As for “a common human mistake,” I think I left open that possibility when I said:

    “In this case, if Fox News is not deliberately trying to slant the news, then they’re incompetently slanting the news.”

    In fact, I think you got that idea from me!

    I’d also like to notice how Tangoman said Reynolds was “off his meds.” Again with the aspersions of mental illness! Play it off, keyboard cat.

  45. Wayne says:

    How is “fair and balance” the same as mistake free?

    Once again how are they slanting the news? Large enthusiastic crowds are showing up at her book signings. Are you claiming they are not or are you simply ignoring that point?

  46. Steve Verdon says:

    Yes Steve, it is about the partisanship.

    Uhhmm, sorry, but my view is all bias is bad. We probably can’t eliminate all of it, but attempting to do so is a good thing, so I think this objection is just silly.

    But neither CNN nor MSNBC is even in the same asylum as Fox.

    That’s a nice way of passing on Nancy Grace and Keith Olberman or even Dan Rather.

    But they don’t lie openly. They don’t invent an alternate reality. Fox does.

    Nancy Grace has been busted twice for this. She stated that the Duke lacrosse players were indeed guilty. She also pronounced Richard Ricci guilty in the Elizabeth Smart case and denied taking any responsibility for that. She also lied about her fiance’s murder in one of her books.

    You’ve rendered the position: they are all biased and not worth watching into automatically making those who hold such positions batshit crazy Republicans. Good work at poisoning the well.

    And I hate to break it to you Michael, but digital maniuplations of pictures is quite common. I’d call that making up their own reality.

    Guilty parties:

    AP, Reuters, Fox, New York Times, Time Magazine, CBS, National Geographic, Newsweek, USA Today.

  47. anjin-san says:

    And we have not even discussed the footage of black voters Fox shows every time it runs a story on voter fraud…

  48. anjin-san says:

    Or how often they get “R” and “D: mixed up when showing stories in which Republicans are loosing elections…

  49. Herb says:

    Once again how are they slanting the news? Large enthusiastic crowds are showing up at her book signings. Are you claiming they are not or are you simply ignoring that point?

    No, I’m claiming that “fake but accurate” is no defense.

  50. Wayne says:

    And other News outlet never get the R’s and D’s wrong or state a scandal involving a Democrat is a Republican which CNN did? Oh I forgot we are holding Fox to a higher standard than everyone else. I wonder why that is?

    So you are admitting that what he said was true? A mistake explains what he said more than claiming he is slanting it. They had video and facts supporting what he said. They probably meant to use the video that they recorded earlier. Being he stated that “you can see the lines forming” which doesn’t fit that video but does fit the previous video that they had used earlier.

    Dan Rather use phony document and had little to back it up while having evidence against it. If he had overwhelming evidence of his accusation and one small piece was discredited, then he wouldn’t have been lying. That wasn’t the case.