General Petraeus: “Burn A Koran” Day A Threat To U.S. Troops
The plan by one fringe church in Gainesville, Florida to burn copies of the Koran on September 11th is igniting fires of protest across the Muslim world.
General David Petraeus has issued a strong condemnation of the plans by a fringe church in Florida to burn copies of the Koran on September 11th and calls it a threat to the safety of American troops in Afghanistan:
KABUL—The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said the planned burning of Qurans on Sept. 11 by a Florida church could put the lives of American troops in danger and damage the war effort.
Gen. David Petraeus said the Taliban would exploit the demonstration for propaganda purposes, drumming up anger toward the U.S. and making it harder for allied troops to carry out their mission of protecting Afghan civilians.
“It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort,” Gen. Petraeus said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. “It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community.”
Petraeus made these statements in the wake of protests in Afghanistan and elsewhere by Muslims who don’t seem to understand that this Church in Florida does not represent the United States as a whole:
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Hundreds of Afghans railed against the United States and called for President Barack Obama’s death at a rally in the capital Monday to denounce an American church’s plans to burn the Islamic holy book on Sept. 11.
The crowd in Kabul, numbering as many as 500, chanted “Long live Islam” and “Death to America” as they listened to fiery speeches from members of parliament, provincial council deputies, and Islamic clerics who criticized the U.S. and demanded the withdrawal of foreign troops from the country. Some threw rocks when a U.S. military convoy passed, but speakers shouted at them to stop and told police to arrest anyone who disobeyed.
The Gainesville, Florida-based Dove World Outreach Center announced plans to burn copies of the Quran on church grounds to mark the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but has been denied a permit to set a bonfire. The church, which made headlines last year after distributing T-shirts that said “Islam is of the Devil,” has vowed to proceed with the burning.
“We know this is not just the decision of a church. It is the decision of the president and the entire United States,” said Abdul Shakoor, an 18-year-old high school student who said he joined the protest after hearing neighborhood gossip about the Quran burning.
The U.S. Embassy in Kabul issued a statement condemning Dove World Outreach Center’s plans, saying Washington was “deeply concerned about deliberate attempts to offend members of religious or ethnic groups.”
There were similar protests in Indonesia, where the pull of radical Islam is not nearly as strong as it is in the Middle East:
Jakarta, Indonesia — Thousands of Indonesians gathered Sunday outside the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta to protest a Florida church’s plan to burn copies of the Quran.
The Dove World Outreach Center in Gainsville, Florida, plans to mark the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks by burning copies of the Muslim holy text. The center describes itself as a “New Testament church based on the Bible.” It made headlines last year when it distributed a T-shirt that said, “Islam is the devil.”
Protesters in Jakarta carried signs saying, “Jihad to protect Koran” and “You burn qu’ran you burn in hell.” The protesters included members of the hard-line Muslim group Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia and the pluralism care movement, a multi-faith group.
“We hope that the U.S. government to stop this plan. We represent Muslim, Christians and other religions who all wants to avoid any clashes as a result,” Damien Dematra, the coordinator for the pluralism care movement, said in a news statement.
Of course, there isn’t anything the U.S. Government either can or should do to stop this Church from engaging in this activity. As distasteful as their actions are, they are protected speech and the idea of the state taking legal action because someone does something offensive to another religion is a concept that is simply alien to contemporary Americans.
The problem I see is that I don’t think the people protesting what this church is doing quite understand that. For the most part, nations like Afghanistan and Indonesia don’t have a concept of Freedom of Speech, or Freedom of Religion, that is anything like what we have in the United States. In many cases, the distinction between religion and state is one without a difference, much in the same way that the Church and State were nearly one in many European kingdoms prior to the Reformation.When the U.S. Embassy issues a statement condemning the action but the U.S. Government takes no steps to stop the even from occurring, I’m sure it sounds like hypocrisy to people who live in a world like this. Not to mention the fact that this is precisely the kind of event that groups like al Qaeda and the Taliban exploit to convince people that the United States is in fact at war with all of Islam.
I’m not sure what the answer to this dilemma is. In the best of all worlds, the Dove World Outreach Center would realize that what they plan to do is counterproductive and decide to cancel it on their own. If they don’t, however, then I’m not sure what the United States can to do convince the people taking part in these protests that they don’t represent all of America.
It’s counterproductive no doubt. Sort of like the proposed mosque in NYC. They both have the right but does making enemies make sense?
Yes, building a community center to foster outreach between people of different religions is exactly the same as burning copies of one religion’s holy book. Thanks, Steve, for clarifying that!
Bin Laden has probably laid all his propaganda writers off. The American far right is doing their job for free…
@ Mataconis
For the most part, nations like Afghanistan and Indonesia don’t have a concept of Freedom of Speech, or Freedom of Religion, that is anything like what we have in the United States.
Thank you, Doug, for stating the truth about this – finally. After all of the “pro-park51” claptrap that was thrown out during the preceding two weeks, where the liberals on OTB were claiming all sorts of moderate attitudes in Muslim countries (particularly Indonesia), thank you for pointing out the stark difference between sharia-oriented laws and the Bill of Rights here in the U.S.
I’m so tired of hate mongering stupid Republicans. I wish they would just go make their own crazy country somewhere else and leave the United States to those of us who can think.
@ Marvin
I’m so tired of hate mongering stupid Republicans. I wish they would just go make their own crazy country somewhere else and leave the United States to those of us who can think.
Yeah, yeah – we’re full of hate *yawn*.
As I said a week or two ago, we are branded by our fanatics just as others are branded by theirs.
Ours are certainly less violent than some but that doesn’t make them helpful.
“Sort of like the proposed mosque in NYC.”
“After all of the “pro-park51″ claptrap that was thrown out during the preceding two”
I note all our armchair warriors having been called to order by a non armchair warrior studiously avoid addressing his point and try to change the subject.
Bin Laden has probably laid all his propaganda writers off. The American far right is doing their job for free… hmmm…………………….
In 2005, 15 people died and scores were wounded in riots in Afghanistan sparked by a story in Newsweek magazine alleging that interrogators at the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay placed copies of the Quran in washrooms and had flushed one down the toilet to get inmates to talk. Newsweek later retracted the story. Read more at the San Francisco Examiner:
But hey who’s counting propaganda help for our enemies…I am, and I do believe that this idiot church ain’t got nothing on our leftist Marxist leaders and their state run media, not mention most of the liberal bloggers, and comenters that I have ever read.
lol. learn the difference betwixt propaganda and people who tell you the truth about Islam.
Man some people sure got some short RE written memories……
@ Brummagen
“I note all our armchair warriors having been called to order by a non armchair warrior studiously avoid addressing his point and try to change the subject.”
The point does not warrant running from it – no points are intimidating, regardless of the subject. If you wish me to address the issue of the burning of the Quran, then I’ll be happy to do that; my sentiments fall into two conflicting camps. One the one hand, I think that what the church is doing is quite wrong as it relates to the symbolism of the action; Christianity is not about statements of disdain for other’s beliefs. Nor does it need to be – God is more than capable of defending Himself, he doesn’t need believers to be confrontational in an insulting way on His behalf.
My second sentiment is a bit more practical; in light of the recent debates and positions taken about the non-threatening nature of sharia law in Islam, it is revealing to notice the tremendous anxiety voiced by many people about the Muslim reaction to what is, at its essence, a mere expression of Freedom of Speech.
But remember, its a peaceful religion so you don’t have a thing to worry about…
@Juneau “it is revealing to notice the tremendous anxiety voiced by many people about the Muslim reaction to what is, at its essence, a mere expression of Freedom of Speech.”
Gee, it is also revealing to notice the opposition by most Americans to the proposed mosque near Ground Zero, which after all is a mere expression of Freedom of Religion.
I find it ironic that the article goes out of its way to explain that the Muslim world doesn’t understand how this one church doesn’t speak for all of America, however it seems there are some in American who don’t understand how al qaeda and other jihadists don’t speak for all of Islam.
Its xenophobia on both sides that is driving this train. I wish the sensible Americans and sensible Muslims were in control, but everyone knows that passions always trump reason when you’re dealing with a mob mentality. REASON REASON REASON…………….
Hey Juneau — If a bunch of Muslims or Atheists announced they were going to burn stacks of Bibles tomorrow, how would you respond to this “mere expression of free speech?”
Maybe you are sincere and you would ignore it. But I do recall that conservatives have repeatedly tried to pass constitutional amendments against flag-burning, so I guess som of your brethren are a little more concerned about the wrong kinds of free speech…
One has to laugh at the idea that is the U.S. gives the militant, third-world xenophobic muslims exactly what they want, that the muslims will start liking the U.S.
Notice how the irrational muslims never worry about making the U.S. mad or causing the U.S. to riot. Look at too many in the U.S. media are so afraid of Islam and muslims that they refuse to say anything bad about them or show any image that would be insulting to them.
The left in the U.S. love to insult Christianity while openly supporting Jews and remaining silent about Muslims. Maybe American would not feel compelled to protest Muslims if the media would be honest in their reporting.
From the religion of PEACE, well they are not burning books!!!!!!!! Is this fredom of expression? Perhaps reason?
List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 2 Months Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2010.09.05 Yemen Abyan 3 0 Three people are shot to death in an al-Qaeda ambush. 2010.09.05 Dagestan Buynaksk 5 36 A Shahid suicide car bomber sends five other souls to Allah. 2010.09.05 Iraq Baghdad 12 36 Six Fidayeen attack a government building, killing a dozen Iraqis. 2010.09.04 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 Sunni extremists behead aSian businessman. 2010.09.04 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 3 Terrorists manage to kill one person with a car bomb. 2010.09.04 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Islamist open fire on two civilians riding a motorcycle, killing one. 2010.09.04 Afghanistan Kunduz 7 17 A child is among seven murdered by a Shahid suicide bomber outside a butcher shop. 2010.09.03 Pakistan Quetta 73 149 Over sixty innocents are slaughtered when a suicide bomber targets a Shia procession. 2010.09.03 Tajikistan Khujand 2 25 A suicide bomber injures twenty-five and kills 2. 2010.09.03 Pakistan Mardan 1 2 A Sunni suicide bomber detonates at an Ahmadiyya (minority sect) mosque, killing one. 2010.09.03 Azerbaijan Gumbashly 1 1 One dead as a ‘religious dispute’ between mosque members results in gunfire. 2010.09.03 Iraq Baghdad 4 4 Four Iraqis are shot or blown up around the country by Mujahideen. 2010.09.03 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An imam is gunned down outside his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals. 2010.09.02 Iraq Baiji 2 5 Suspected al-Qaeda shoot two opponents to death. 2010.09.02 Pakistan Bajaur 1 2 A female teacher is shot to death by Holy Warriors. 2010.09.02 Pakistan Khyber 1 0 Mujahideen kidnap and brutally murder a taxi driver returning from a friend’s funeral. 2010.09.02 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 A taxi driver and senior education ministry official are gunned down in separate attacks. 2010.09.02 Sudan Tabra 74 79 Janjaweed militia on camels sweep through a market and slaughter over seventy people, including eighteen children. 2010.09.02 Pakistan Turbat 2 8 Sunni gunmen open fire on a bus full of Shia pilgrims, killing at least two. 2010.09.02 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A 35-year-old man is murdered in an Islamist drive-by. 2010.09.01 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 49-year-old security worker is shot to death as he is riding home from work. 2010.09.01 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 2 Two Afghans are blown to bits by a Taliban bomb hidden on a motorcycle. 2010.09.01 Afghanistan Helmand 0 15 Fifteen people at a market are badly injured, many with limbs torn from their bodies, by a Taliban blast. 2010.09.01 Pakistan Lahore 39 275 Over thirty Shia pilgrims in a procession are dismantled by a car bomb blast and two Sunni suicide bombers. 2010.09.01 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A Buddhist couple in their 50’s are brutally murdered by Jihadi gunmen. 2010.09.01 Iraq Mosul 3 6 A woman is among three Iraqis taken down by a Jihad bombing and shooting attack. 2010.09.01 Algeria Boumerdes 2 26 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two local soldiers and injures dozens more. 2010.09.01 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young mother is burned to death by her in-laws in a suspected honor killing. 2010.08.31 Somalia Mogadishu 8 14 Five men and three women are taken down by al-Shabaab bombers. 2010.08.31 Pakistan Kurram 7 1 At least one woman and two children are among seven murdered in two home invasions by Religion of Peace radicals. 2010.08.31 Afghanistan Badakhshan 3 0 Three Oxfam humanitarian workers are taken out in a brutal roadside blast. 2010.08.31 India Kishtwar 1 0 A cop is murdered inside his home by Hizbul- Mujahideen. 2010.08.31 India Bandipora 1 2 An Indian soldier is ambushed and killed by Pakistani terrorists. 2010.08.31 Iraq Mosul 2 1 Two brothers are shot to death by suspected Mujahideen. 2010.08.31 Afghanistan Kabul 11 0 Eleven US troops on security patrol are killed in three roadside bombings. 2010.08.31 Israel Hebron 4 0 A pregnant woman is among four young Jews gunned down in cold blood by Hamas terrorists. 2010.08.31 Afghanistan Kabul 3 12 Three supreme court employees are riddled with bullets by Holy Warriors. 2010.08.31 Somalia Lasanod 1 0 A man is shot outside his doorstep by Islamic militia. 2010.08.30 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 Jihadi car bombers kill a civilian. 2010.08.30 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 3 The Taliban assassinate a local official with a bomb. 2010.08.30 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 An Estonian solder is murdered by Taliban bombers. 2010.08.30 Somalia Mogadishu 4 8 Four guards at the presidential palace are killed during an al-Shabaab mortar attack. 2010.08.29 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A middle-aged Buddhist couple are shot to death in their pickup by Islamic separatists. 2010.08.29 Chechnya Tsentoroi 7 5 A wave of armed Islamists attack a village, killing at least seven. 2010.08.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 2-year-old boy dies after being shot in the head by Muslim militants. 2010.08.29 Afghanistan Kabul 6 0 Five election workers and a candidate are kidnapped and murdered by Taliban freedom fighters. 2010.08.29 Iraq Mosul 5 12 A woman is among five Iraqis murdered by Islamic terrorists. 2010.08.29 Pakistan Khyber 2 4 The Taliban kill two local soldiers with a roadside bomb. 2010.08.29 Philippines Bukidnon 0 2 ‘Irate Muslims’ throw a grenade into a Catholic church during mass. 2010.08.28 Yemen Abyan 10 2 Ten local soldiers are ambushed and killed by terrorists who burn their bodies while chanting ‘Allah akbar.’ 2010.08.28 Pakistan Khyber 1 0 A local soldier is kidnapped and shot full of holes by Mujahideen. 2010.08.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 40-year-old man is shot in the head by Muslim militants. 2010.08.27 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 21-year-old man is murdered by Muslim gunmen. 2010.08.27 Iraq Bajaj 3 0 Three Iraqis are gunned down by Mujahid. 2010.08.27 Iraq Shafqat 3 3 A suspected al-Qaeda attack leaves three dead. 2010.08.27 Iraq Mahaweel 2 0 A blast takes down two civilians. 2010.08.27 Nigeria Borno 3 0 Boko Haram Islamists shoot three policemen to death in two drive-bys. 2010.08.27 Iraq Mosul 1 0 The body of a Christian man is found several days after he is kidnapped. 2010.08.27 Iraq Kirkuk 1 3 A child is taken down by Islamic bombers. 2010.08.27 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A middle-aged Buddhist couple is brutally murdered by Muslim gunmen as they are returning from market. 2010.08.27 Pakistan Ghaziabad 1 0 A 35-year-old mother of three is killed by her brother on suspicion of unauthorized sex. 2010.08.27 Thailand Yala 1 0 A young woman is shot to death by Religion of Peace proponents. 2010.08.26 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 Islamists murder the son of a surrendered militant. 2010.08.26 Afghanistan Kunduz 8 1 Eight policemen are machine-gunned to death by Taliban ambushers. 2010.08.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 42-year-old civilian dies from injuries after being shot twice in the chest by Muslim militants. 2010.08.26 Somalia Mogadishu 14 8 Fourteen Somalis are shredded by two al-Shabaab bomb blasts. 2010.08.26 Iraq Muqdadiyah 6 0 Six Sunnis are gunned down by suspected al-Qaeda. 2010.08.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 52-year-old man is killed in a Muslim ambush. 2010.08.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 30-year-old teacher is shot to death by Islamic radicals while leaving school. 2010.08.26 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim terrorists gun down a Buddhist railway worker. 2010.08.26 Philippines Balili 4 0 Maranao Muslims pull four people off a bus and shoot them to death. 2010.08.26 Iraq Mosul 4 11 Children are among the casualties in a series of Mujahideen attacks. 2010.08.25 Pakistan Swat 3 6 Three Christian aid workers helping flood victims are kidnapped and murdered by Islamic fundamentalists. 2010.08.25 Yemen Zinjibar 4 1 al-Qaeda gunmen on motorcycles massacre four security men in a drive-by. 2010.08.25 Pakistan Mohmand 2 2 A mother and her 9-year-old child are brutally murdered by Islamist gunmen. 2010.08.25 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 57-year-old rubber tapper is killed by drive-by Jihadis. 2010.08.25 Iraq Baghdad 63 277 Jihadis take out over sixty Iraqis in a series of coordinated blasts from Basra to Kut. 2010.08.25 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a tax collector to death on his way home. 2010.08.25 Afghanistan Badghis 3 0 Two Spanish soldiers training local cops are shot to death along with their translator by their driver. 2010.08.24 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 A young man is abducted and murdered by Tehreek-e-Taliban. 2010.08.24 Somalia Mogadishu 33 150 A barbaric assault on a hotel by Muslim terrorists leaves women, children and more than a dozen visiting lawmakers dead. 2010.08.24 Iraq Baqubah 3 13 Three Iraqis are taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. 2010.08.24 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A peace activist and father is killed in captivity by Sunni militants. 2010.08.24 Mali Bamako 1 0 An older pensioner taken prisoner by al-Qaeda is murdered in captivity. 2010.08.24 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 A man at a market and another in his home are among three gunned down by Muslim assassins. 2010.08.24 Iraq Fallujah 2 2 Two children are successfully killed by Mujahideen bombers in a blast that also leaves their mother wounded. 2010.08.23 Iraq Baiji 7 0 Suspected al-Qaeda shoot seven oil workers to death. 2010.08.23 Pakistan Kurram 8 10 Islamist bombers take out seven tribal elders and a teacher at a school. 2010.08.23 Pakistan South Waziristan 26 40 A suicide bomber at a seminary sends two-dozen other souls to Allah. 2010.08.23 Thailand Pattani 2 4 Two civilians are machine-gunned to death by Muslim insurgents in separate attacks. 2010.08.23 Pakistan Matni 3 3 Three people are blown to bits by Mujahid bombers at a market 2010.08.23 Pakistan Landikotal 2 0 Local Taliban burn two men alive in their truck. 2010.08.23 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 A mortar attack and separate bombing at a coffee shop leave three dead. 2010.08.22 Iraq Mussayab 1 11 One employee is killed when a sectarian bomb blast rips through a store. 2010.08.22 India Kulgam 2 0 A mother and her teen daughter are brutally murdered in their own home by Religion of Peace gunmen. 2010.08.22 Tajikistan Dushanbe 5 1 Islamic militants beat five prison guards to death. 2010.08.22 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 Sunni terrorists gun down an innocent Shia father of two young children. 2010.08.22 India Pulwama 1 0 Islamic radicals murder the son of a welfare employee. 2010.08.22 Pakistan Peshawar 1 3 A civilian is taken down in a militant ambush. 2010.08.21 Afghanistan Heart 2 0 Two men are shot to death by the Taliban (the second in Kandahar). 2010.08.21 Afghanistan Paktika 8 5 Eight Afghans are murdered by Taliban bombers in two attacks. 2010.08.21 Iraq Baghdad 3 1 Three cops are taken down by Islamic terrorists in separate attacks. 2010.08.21 Pakistan Baghlia 6 5 Six members of a peace committee are blow to bits by Mujahid bombers. 2010.08.21 Dagestan Kizlyar 1 3 Children are among the casualties when Jihadis attempt to blow up a passing car. 2010.08.21 Ethiopia Addis Ababa 0 1 A popular church leader is brutally assaulted by Muslims with wooden clubs. 2010.08.21 Afghanistan Helmand 6 0 Six Afghan cops are bound and executed by religious hardliners. 2010.08.20 Pakistan Sanghar 1 0 A leader of the peaceful Ahmadi sect is shot in the head by orthodox Sunni. 2010.08.20 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A civilian is brutally executed and tied between two roadside bombs by the Taliban. 2010.08.20 Afghanistan Helmand 30 17 Some thirty workers and guards are massacred when Islamic fundamentalists assault a construction company. 2010.08.20 Yemen Loder 11 0 Eleven local soldiers are killed when al-Qaeda militants fire a rocket into a passing vehicle. 2010.08.20 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Jihadis shoot an electrical worker to death and take out two other civilians with a bomb. 2010.08.20 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 1 Islamic militants are suspected of gunning down two cops. 2010.08.20 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 63-year-old civilian is shot to death by Muslim terrorists. 2010.08.19 Algeria Baghlia 3 4 Fundamentalists ambush a group of soldiers, killing three. 2010.08.19 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 14 Two civilians are killed when the Taliban blow up a fuel truck. 2010.08.19 Afghanistan Logar 2 0 The bodies of two men are discovered after they were kidnapped and murdered in captivity. 2010.08.19 Pakistan Orakzai 1 0 A security guard is gunned down by Muslim militants. 2010.08.19 Iraq Mosul 3 4 A kidnapped civilian is among three Iraqis murdered in separate attacks. 2010.08.19 China Xinjiang 7 14 An explosives-laden vehicle is plowed into a crowd and detonated, leaving seven dead. 2010.08.19 Yemen Abyan 2 1 al-Qaeda militants machine-gun two cops to death at point-blank range. 2010.08.18 Iraq Tikrit 2 3 Two civilians are blown to bits by a Jihadi bomb. 2010.08.18 Iraq Diyala 3 0 Three brothers are brutally murdered on their own farm by Mujahideen. 2010.08.18 Pakistan Nazimabad 1 0 A children’s doctor is shot to death by sectarian rivals. 2010.08.18 India Sopore 1 2 Islamic militants attack a lawmaker’s home, killing a guard. 2010.08.18 India Kulgam 2 0 Two civilians grazing cattle are abducted and murdered by Religion of Peace radicals. 2010.08.18 Iraq Mosul 4 2 Four Iraqis are taken down in separate terror attacks. 2010.08.18 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A 62-year-old woman is murdered outside her own home by Islamic fundamentalists. 2010.08.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A suicide bomber takes out an Afghan cop. 2010.08.17 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 A civilian is killed when Mujahideen toss a grenade at a police station. 2010.08.17 Russia North Ossetia 2 23 Two people are dead and twenty-three others injured in a suicide attack and separate cafe bombing. 2010.08.17 Iraq Baghdad 61 129 Over sixty young Iraqis lining up for work are senselessly cut to shreds by a Shahid suicide nail-bomber. 2010.08.17 Iraq Diyala 3 0 An auditor and two judges are assassinated by Islamic terrorists in separate attacks. 2010.08.17 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A leader of a minority religious sect is gunned down by mainstream rivals. 2010.08.17 Iraq Baghdad 10 46 Sunni militants detonate a fuel tanker in a Shia neighborhood, incinerating ten innocents. 2010.08.17 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 8 0 Eight civilians are murdered by a Taliban bomb attack on a home. 2010.08.17 Afghanistan Zabul 2 0 A man and his wife are shot to death in their home by religious extremists. 2010.08.17 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Two civilians are murdered at a mosque by Taliban gunmen. 2010.08.16 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 0 A couple in their 20’s is stoned by Islamic fundamentalists for having sex. The man has to be finished off with a gunshot. 2010.08.16 Somalia Mogadishu 9 53 Nine refugees are killed when al-Shabaab Islamists attack a displaced persons camp. 2010.08.16 Somalia Elasha Biyaha 1 0 A cleric who advocated peace is assassinated by Islamists. 2010.08.16 Afghanistan Farah 2 0 Two people are killed when Taliban gunmen fire into a bazaar. 2010.08.16 Pakistan Karachi 4 0 Sunnis shoot four Shia to death in separate attacks. 2010.08.16 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 5 A remote-controlled bomb on a bridge takes out two civilians. 2010.08.16 Afghanistan Heart 5 2 Three women and a child are among five civilians killed by a Taliban bomb attack on their car. 2010.08.16 Iraq Muqdadiya 4 9 Four Iranian pilgrims on a bus are targeted and killed by Sunni bombers. Women and children are among the victims. 2010.08.15 Iraq Numaniya 1 0 Muslim gunmen murder an Iraqi pharmacist who had returned from studies in the U.S. 2010.08.15 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 3 2 Three worshippers are shot to death outside a mosque by sectarian rivals. 2010.08.14 Egypt Shimi 0 11 Eleven Christians are injured in assaults by Muslims stirred to anger by a local cleric. 2010.08.14 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A local cop is shot to death by Islamic militants while traveling to work. 2010.08.14 Thailand Yala 2 0 A Buddhist man and wife are brutally murdered by Muslim gunmen while riding to their plantation. 2010.08.14 Pakistan Sindh 2 8 A woman and boy are left dead when Muslim rivals attack each other over where to build a madrasah. 2010.08.14 Iraq Baghdad 6 15 Islamic terrorists take down six Iraqis in a series of attacks, including policemen who were set on fire. 2010.08.14 Afghanistan Dam Abad 3 1 Three children are torn apart by a rocket fired into their home by Islamic hardliners. 2010.08.14 India Sopore 1 0 Islamic terrorists kidnap and murder a civilian. 2010.08.14 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 A local cop is shot to death by Uzbeki Islamists. 2010.08.13 Yemen Lahj 1 0 A man is gunned down in an al-Qaeda drive-by outside a mosque. 2010.08.13 Afghanistan Herat 4 12 The Taliban ambush a convoy of security guards, killing four. 2010.08.13 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Sunni fundamentalists are suspected of firing into a barbershop, killing the owner. 2010.08.12 Iraq Baaj 4 0 A bomb placed by Jihadis kills four disposal workers. 2010.08.11 India Rajouri 2 21 Lashkar e-Toiba terrorists fire on a bus, murdering two civilians, including a woman. 2010.08.11 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shias are shot to death by Sunnis in separate drive-by attacks. 2010.08.11 Pakistan Mohmand 1 3 A woman is killed, and her three sons injured, when militants fire a rocket into their home. 2010.08.11 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 Jihadis gun down two cops and kill a civilian with a bomb. 2010.08.11 Iraq Sadiya 11 4 Islamists lure eight police to their deaths by first killing three members of a family and then booby-trapping the house. 2010.08.10 Iraq Baghdad 5 16 Terrorists take down five Iraqis with two bombs. 2010.08.10 Afghanistan Kabul 5 1 Blood and body parts are scattered about following a double suicide attack that leaves five Afghans dead. 2010.08.10 Afghanistan Helmand 5 0 Five local security personnel are killed when Islamic fundamentalists fire a rocket through their vehicle. 2010.08.10 Pakistan Mohmand 3 0 Three members of a security patrol are killed in an ambush by Islamic militants. 2010.08.10 India Baramulla 3 0 Islamic radicals machine-gun three cops to death. 2010.08.09 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim terrorists stab and partially behead a young plantation worker. 2010.08.09 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Three traffic cops are taken down by Jihadi bombers. 2010.08.09 Afghanistan Badghis 1 0 A pregnant woman accused of adultery is whipped 200 times and then shot three times in the head by Islamic fundamentalists. 2010.08.08 Indonesia Bekasi 0 12 A mob of hundreds of Muslims chase and beat Christian worshippers after disrupting their service. 2010.08.08 Iraq Ramadi 8 50 Eight Iraqis are pasted by Jihadi bombers. 2010.08.08 Iraq Fallujah 4 14 Four civilians lose their lives in two car bombings. 2010.08.07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim terrorists kill an off-duty soldier on his motorcycle. 2010.08.07 Afghanistan Maiwand 1 1 A child is murdered by Sunni bombers. 2010.08.07 Thailand Pattani 2 1 A Buddhist husband and wife are murdered by Muslim gunmen in their motorcycle shop. Their 4-year-old nephew is wounded. 2010.08.07 Afghanistan Nuristan 10 0 Ten members of a medical team, including Christian doctors, are pulled out of their cars and executed by devout Muslim fundamentalists, who spare an Afghan able to recite the Quran. 2010.08.07 Iraq Garma 3 15 al-Qaeda militants detonate a bomb outside a home, killing three residents. 2010.08.07 Iraq Basra 43 185 Over forty people are massacred by Islamic terrorists at a market. Most burn to death in a fire caused by bombs. 2010.08.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 43-year-old Buddhist woman is brutally machine-gunned to death by Muslim radicals on her farm. 2010.08.07 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A British father of four is shot to death by a Taliban prisoner who seizes a weapon on his way to a prayer session. 2010.08.07 Afghanistan Helmand 5 13 A bomb hidden in a wheelbarrow leaves five innocents dead. 2010.08.06 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 Muslim radicals shoot a woman to death. 2010.08.06 Iraq Baghdad 2 13 Two civilians are blown to bits by Jihadi bombers. 2010.08.05 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 Islamic militants open fire on an oil tanker, killing the driver. 2010.08.05 Afghanistan Kunduz 7 13 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders seven local police. 2010.08.05 Yemen Abyan 3 1 al-Qaeda terrorists ambush and kill three members of a patrol. 2010.08.05 Iraq Tikrit 3 0 An al-Qaeda attack leaves three people dead. 2010.08.05 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 0 A woman is among three people shot to death in their home by Muslim radicals. 2010.08.05 Ingushetia Nazran 2 0 Two cops are gunned down by suspected Islamic separatists. 2010.08.05 Philippines Zamboanga 5 24 A suicide bomber at an airport murders five other people. 2010.08.05 India Baramulla 1 2 Islamic militants fire on a security patrol, killing one member. 2010.08.05 Iraq Baghdad 6 8 Two shootings by terrorists take down six Iraqis. 2010.08.04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist is gunned down in an Islamist drive-by. 2010.08.04 Afghanistan Uruzgan 1 1 Terrorists detonate a bomb at a bazaar, killing one civilian. 2010.08.04 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A young child is killed in a fundamentalist IED attack. 2010.08.04 Somalia Bondhere 3 12 Three cleaning women are exterminated by an al-Shabaab bomb blast. 2010.08.04 Pakistan Peshawar 4 11 A hero cop is among four blown apart by a Shahid suicide car bomber. 2010.08.03 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 The Islamic State of Iraq machine-guns five soldiers to death at point-blank range. 2010.08.03 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 Two police officers are assassinated by Islamic separatists at a market. 2010.08.03 Iraq Kut 12 55 Two car bombs at a market leave a dozen people dead and fifty others wounded. 2010.08.03 Iraq Mosul 9 15 Two vicious bombings leave nine Iraqis dead. 2010.08.02 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 1 Five children are blown apart by a suicide car bomber. 2010.08.02 Jordan Aqaba 1 5 A Palestinian rocket attack on an Israeli resort overshoots its mark and kills a taxi driver in Jordan. 2010.08.02 Iraq Fallujah 3 7 A 4-year-old girl is among three sleeping family members murdered by Islamic bombers. 2010.08.02 Iraq Baghdad 10 22 A coffee shop and a residential neighborhood are among a series of bomb blast sites that leave ten dead. 2010.08.02 Afghanistan Faryab 4 3 Four civilians are cut to pieces by Taliban gunmen. 2010.08.01 Pakistan South Waziristan 2 0 Religious extremists kill two local soldiers with a roadside bomb. 2010.07.31 Iraq Tarmiya 3 8 Three civilians on a minibus are taken out by Jihadi bombers. 2010.07.31 Iraq Yusufiya 4 11 Four rescue workers are lured to the scene of an earlier bombing and then blasted in a second attack. 2010.07.31 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 Two Afghan refugees are abducted and shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists. 2010.07.30 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young pregnant woman is tortured and murdered in a suspected honor killing. 2010.07.30 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 1 A mother and child are exterminated by Jihadi bombers. 2010.07.30 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 19 Children are among the casualites when a suicide bomber detonates at a soccer game. 2010.07.30 Iraq Buhriz 4 0 Four members of a family are blasted to death by al-Qaeda bombers. 2010.07.29 Pakistan Kurram 10 0 Shia terrorists pull ten Sunnis from their homes and shoot them to death, then torch the houses. 2010.07.29 Afghanistan Ghazni 8 3 Eight security guards are ambushed and murdered by religious extremists. 2010.07.29 Iraq Adhamiya 16 14 al-Qaeda terrorists stage a brutal attack on a neighborhood, killing sixteen people and burning their bodies. 2010.07.29 Iraq Shurqat 4 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes down four Iraqis. 2010.07.28 Iraq Baghdad 6 15 Six people waiting in line at a bank lose their place in life, courtesy of Muslim bombers. 2010.07.28 Iraq Karbala 16 37 Jihadis take down sixteen innocents in a rocket attack. 2010.07.28 Afghanistan Nimroz 25 20 Twenty-five bus passengers are murdered in a bloody bombing by Sunni fundamentalists. 2010.07.28 Afghanistan Heart 2 0 Two Italian soldiers are killed by a Taliban roadside bomb while guarding a highway. 2010.07.28 Afghanistan Zabul 6 3 Six civilians are killed in two Taliban roadside bombings. 2010.07.28 Iraq Mosul 5 6 A young girl is among five Iraqis murdered in a series of Mujahideen attacks. 2010.07.28 Iraq Fallujah 2 8 Children are among the casualties of an Islamic bombing outside a rival mosque. 2010.07.27 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 A civilian is taken out by a roadside bomb. 2010.07.27 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Suspected Islamists storm a home and kill a woman and her son. 2010.07.27 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 50-year-old villager is murdered outside his hom by Muslim gunmen. 2010.07.27 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 26-year-old man is gunned down by Islamic insurgents. 2010.07.27 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by Muslim militants in separate drive-bys. 2010.07.27 Nigeria Maiduguri 32 0 At least thirty-two policemen are assassinated and ‘roasted like animals’ by Boko Haram Islamists. 2010.07.27 Somalia Mogadishu 13 40 At least thirteen civilians are killed when Hizbul Islam terrorists attack a government building. 2010.07.26 Pakistan Peshawar 8 23 Two children are among eight people murdered when a suicide bomber detonates outside the home of a family mourning an earlier killing. 2010.07.26 Iraq Baghdad 4 16 A suicide bomber targets a news channel staff, killing four members. 2010.07.26 Iraq Karbalah 40 68 Sunni bombers take out about forty Shia pilgrims in twin bombings. 2010.07.26 Pakistan Darra Adamkhel 5 0 Three children are killed when Islamic terrorists fire a rocket into a family home. 2010.07.26 Yemen Lahej 4 9 al-Qaeda gunmen take down four local soldiers in an ambush. 2010.07.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 55-year-old Buddhist teacher is shot to death by Islamic militants while driving home. 2010.07.26 Paksitan Swat 4 4 Islamic gunmen ambush a family vehicle, leaving four dead, including two children. 2010.07.25 Pakistan Khyber 2 0 Mujahideen pull two occupants out of a vehicle and shoot them in the back of the head. 2010.07.25 Yemen Shabwa 6 0 Six soldiers sitting in a car are machine-gunned to death by al-Qaeda at point-blank range. 2010.07.25 Algeria Kabylie 1 8 A suicide bomber murders a night watchman. 2010.07.25 Iraq Mosul 7 2 A child is among seven Iraqis killed in a Jihad bombing and separate shooting attack. 2010.07.25 Mali Baskno 1 0 al-Qaeda beheads a 78-year-old French hostage. 2010.07.24 Iraq Mosul 2 18 A shooting and a bombing at a store, leave two people dead. 2010.07.24 Afghanistan Khost 1 20 Muslim radicals plant a bomb in a mosque that kills one person. 2010.07.24 Iraq Basra 1 4 An innocent civilian is murdered by a Jihad bomber. 2010.07.24 Dagestan Kizlyarsky 3 0 Muslim militants shoot three local soldiers to death in their vehicle. 2010.07.24 Pakistan Naushehra 1 1 A young man is gunned down by the Taliban while standing outside his home. 2010.07.23 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 2 Two local cops are blown to bits by Sunni bombers. 2010.07.23 Jordan Deir Alla 1 0 A man machine-guns his 16-year-old niece after she loses her virginity from a sexual assault. 2010.07.23 Pakistan Lahore 1 5 A police officer is taken down in an Islamist bombing. 2010.07.23 India Poonch 1 1 An army officer is killed by a terrorist landmine. 2010.07.23 Pakistan Bajaur 3 0 The Taliban blow three members of a peace committee to kingdom come. 2010.07.23 Dagestan Chernyaevka 2 4 Children are among the casualties when Muslim gunmen open up on a school bus in one of two separate attacks. 2010.07.23 Afghanistan Logar 1 1 The Taliban ambush a vehicle carrying two US sailors, killing one and kidnapping the other. 2010.07.22 Yemen Ataq 6 1 Six local soldiers are taken down in an al-Qaeda ambush. 2010.07.22 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 Muslim terrorists send rockets into a commercial district, killing three people. 2010.07.22 India Kishtwar 1 0 A 42-year-old contractor is abducted, tied up, tortured and then beheaded by Holy Warriors. 2010.07.22 Pakistan Rawalpindi 0 2 Two Christian girls are gang-raped by Muslims. 2010.07.22 Iraq Mosul 9 10 An imam and a baker are among nine people murdered in various ways in several Mujahid attacks. 2010.07.21 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 Islamic militants enter a Christian home, gun down the father in front of the family and kidnap his wife and children. 2010.07.21 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A civilian is gunned down by Muslim militants while on his way home from a tea shop. 2010.07.21 Russia Baksanskaya 2 0 Islamic militants murder two guards at a power plant. 2010.07.21 India Kishtwar 1 0 Mujahideen beat a shopkeeper in his home in front of his family, then pull him out and shoot him. 2010.07.21 Iraq Mosul 1 1 A woman is killed, and her child injured, by Jihadi bombers. 2010.07.21 Iraq Abu Saida 15 44 At least fifteen innocents are blown to bits in a bombing outside a mosque. 2010.07.20 Iraq Qurat Tabba 8 22 Jihadis blow up a market, killing at least eight patrons. 2010.07.20 Yemen Harf Sufyan 34 12 Thirty-four people are killed when two Shiite groups clash over ‘ideological differences.’ 2010.07.20 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 3 2 Two NATO civilians and an Afghan soldier are gunned down by a rogue Afghan soldier. 2010.07.20 Iraq Qsaireen 6 8 Six Iranian pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by a Sunni suicide bomber at a restaurant. 2010.07.20 Afghanistan Baghlan 6 0 Six police officers are beheaded by Islamic fundamentalists. 2010.07.20 Pakistan Khar 1 0 A local soldiers is shot to death in a terrorist ambush. 2010.07.20 Kenya Liboi 1 1 al-Shabaab snipers attack a Kenyan military patrol across the border, killing one officer. 2010.07.19 Iraq Baqubah 4 15 Holy warriors bomb a cafe killing four Iraqis. 2010.07.19 Pakistan Faislabad 2 1 Two Christian brothers who were pastors, are accused of blasphemy and then brutally gunned down outside a courthouse while in chains. 2010.07.19 Iraq Fallujah 1 0 al-Qaeda members kill a local leader with a car bomb. 2010.07.19 Iraq Mosul 4 5 A Fedayeen suicide bomber plows into another vehicle and detonates, leaving at least four dead. 2010.07.19 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 4 Religious extremists assassinate six local police with a roadside bomb. 2010.07.18 Iraq Balasim 48 50 Nearly fifty people are shredded into pieces by suicide bombers striking two crowds. 2010.07.18 Afghanistan Kabul 3 42 Sunni fundamentalists take out three civilians in a bomb attack. 2010.07.18 Pakistan Sargodha 6 20 Six Shia worshippers lose their lives, and several others are dismembered when a Sunni suicide bomber visits their mosque. 2010.07.18 Somalia Mogadishu 12 43 A dozen people are left dead after a reported al-Shabaab attack. 2010.07.18 Somalia Lasanod 1 0 Islamic militants assassinate a court official. 2010.07.18 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A middle-aged Buddhist man is among two people shot to death by Islamists in separate attacks. 2010.07.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Malaysian karaoke bar owner is shot to death by Muslim extremists. 2010.07.17 Algeria Tebessa 4 0 Four people are killed in a suspected al-Qaeda bombing. 2010.07.17 Pakistan Kurram 18 2 A brutal ambush on Shia civilians by Sunni radicals leaves eighteen dead. 2010.07.17 Iraq Tuz Khormato 2 3 Two boys are murdered in what is thought to be a sectarian bombing. 2010.07.17 Nigeria Jos 10 14 Young children are among ten Christians hacked to death in their homes by Muslims, who also burn a church. 2010.07.16 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 A Pentacostal pastor and father of five is shot in the head by Muslim extremists. 2010.07.16 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 The Taliban execute two men by strapping dynamite to their bodies. 2010.07.16 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 A teacher is among two civilians shot to death by Islamic terrorists. 2010.07.16 Pakistan Tirah Valley 10 14 Three children are among ten innocents blown to bits at a marketplace by Religion of Peace advocates. 2010.07.16 Thailand Yala 2 1 A 53-year-old Buddhist woman bleeds to death after Islamists set off two bombs, killing two people. 2010.07.16 Turkey Diyarbakir 1 0 A young member of an Islamist organization is arrested for strangling his 17-year-old sister in an honor killing a month earlier. 2010.07.16 Ethiopia Addis Ababa 0 1 A Christian convert is brutally beaten by angry Muslims. 2010.07.16 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 2 Jihadis take down three Iraqis with a roadside bomb. 2010.07.15 Pakistan Mingora 6 45 Six innocents are taken down by a suicide bomber, including women and children. 2010.07.15 Iran Zahedan 27 80 At least twenty-seven people are killed when a Sunni suicide bomber takes out a mosque full of Shia worshippers. 2010.07.15 Pakistan Sukkur 5 6 Five members of a church, including the pastor are brutally shot to death outside the building by Religion of Peace advocates. 2010.07.15 Iraq Tikrit 9 15 A Mujahid car bomb along a city street takes down nine Iraqis. 2010.07.15 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 10 Two people are killed by a bomb planted on a motorcycle. 2010.07.14 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A university professor is assassinated by suspected fundamentalists. 2010.07.14 Pakistan Bostikhel 2 0 Two brothers are abducted and beheaded by religious extremists. 2010.07.14 Yemen Zijibar 3 10 Hooded al-Qaeda militants assault a government building. At least three defenders are killed. 2010.07.14 Thailand Yala 1 0 A villager is gunned down by Islamic terrorists. 2010.07.14 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Jihadis take down two civilians with a roadside bomb. 2010.07.14 Iraq Amiriya 4 7 Three women and a child are brutally slaughtered in the home of a Sufi cleric by sectarian Jihadis. 2010.07.13 Iraq Khalis 3 7 Three people are killed by a terrorist bombing while protesting terrorist bombings. 2010.07.13 Afghanistan Helmand 9 0 Sunni hardliners manage to take down nine Afghan civilians by bombing their minibus. 2010.07.13 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Two local cops are taken down by Jihad bombers. 2010.07.13 Afghanistan Paktika 2 0 Two security guards are sent to Allah by Taliban roadside bombers. 2010.07.13 Afghanistan Helmand 3 4 A ‘renegade’ Afghan soldier shoots three British (Gurkha) troops to death in their sleep. 2010.07.13 Afghanistan Kandahar 9 9 A suicide bomb attack on an Afghan security headquarters leaves nine dead, including five civilians. 2010.07.13 Pakistan Karachi 0 1 A Christian woman is raped and then thrown from a roof by a Muslim doctor. 2010.07.13 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A woman is shot to death by her son in an honor killing. 2010.07.13 Iraq Yusufiya 5 0 Five members of a family are brutally slaughtered in their own home by al-Qaeda. 2010.07.13 Dagestan Derbent 1 3 Terrorists fire on a group of youth, killing one. 2010.07.13 Afghanistan Uruzgan 1 0 Fundamentalists set up a fake roadblock and then shoot a motorist to death. 2010.07.12 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Islamic insurgents ambush and murder a 55-year-old cop. 2010.07.12 Afghanistan Helmand 0 21 Twenty-one civilians are wounded by a Taliban blast at a crowded bazaar. 2010.07.12 India Nadia 0 3 Three Hindu girls are gang-raped and tortured by a group of Muslims. The youngest two are 13-years-old. 2010.07.12 Pakistan Orakzai 1 4 Islamists blow up a primary school and kill a security official. 2010.07.12 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 A seminary teacher’s driver is killed during an assassination attempt by disgruntled fundamentalists. 2010.07.11 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A man is kidnapped and tortured to death by sectarian rivals. 2010.07.11 Uganda Kampala 76 65 Over seventy innocent people watching the World Cup are blown to bits in two separate bombings by Islamic extremists. 2010.07.11 Iraq Dania 1 2 A civilian is killed in a Jihad bombing. 2010.07.11 India Doda 1 0 A civilian is cut down outside his home by Mujahideen gunmen. 2010.07.10 India Gari Madhiya 2 0 A 16-year-old girl and her lover are honor killed execution style by her family. 2010.07.10 Afghanistan Kabul 11 0 Eleven policemen are killed in two Taliban terror attacks. 2010.07.10 Pakistan Makeen 3 5 Tehreek-e-Taliban ambush a police post, killing three officers. 2010.07.10 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 A senior judge is assassinated by Islamic terrorists. 2010.07.10 Afghanistan Paktia 11 0 Eleven Shia men are shot to death by Sunni rivals in a sectarian attack. 2010.07.10 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 5 Islamists use a remote-controlled bomb on a motorcycle to take down a civilian. 2010.07.09 Jordan Naur 1 0 A married woman suspected of having an extra-marital affair is stabbed to death by her brothers. 2010.07.09 Iraq Baghdad 6 20 A Shahid suicide successfully takes out six Iraqis in a neighborhood. 2010.07.09 Pakistan Mohmand 105 75 Children are among over one hundred innocents blown apart by a suicide bomber while they are waiting in line for humanitarian aid, including wheelchairs. 2010.07.08 Afghanistan Paktia 6 0 Six civilians are crushed by debris when hardliners fire a rocket into a bazaar. 2010.07.08 Philippines Talipao 3 0 Three men are hacked to death by Abu Sayyaf ambushers. 2010.07.08 Pakistan Karachi 0 7 Seven Hindus are badly beaten after one of them (a boy) drinks water from a mosque. 2010.07.08 Iraq Baghdad 28 98 Twenty-eight more Shia pilgrims are massacred in at least four separate Sunni bomb attacks.
@ wr
Hey Juneau — If a bunch of Muslims or Atheists announced they were going to burn stacks of Bibles tomorrow, how would you respond to this “mere expression of free speech?”
Oh, you mean like the highly publicized “art” displays which, among numerous other highly offensive things, portrayed Jesus Christ in a bottle of urine? The same art which was lauded and defended by the left as a legitimate expression of artistic expression?
And please, please, give me the link or citation to a single act of violence committed by Christians in response to this highly insulting “art.” You can’t. Yet, in contrast, the actions of a small, obscure church apparently warrant the dire warnings about Muslim reaction.
You haven’t got a leg to stand on… you’re just too intellectually dishonest to admit it.
Juneau, they have no intellect to be honest about. I love how one of the echo chambers stated hate mongering on the right. We do not call Mohammed the Anti-Christ. Nor do we refer to any other nation as the great satan. We are the hate mongerers. Right. And all of the posters on this site who tend to the left had parents who knew each other. Anjin, do you limit the display of your ignorance on nearly all subject to this site or have you made an effort, like Mantis to be banned from other sites?
” thank you for pointing out the stark difference between >strike>sharia-oriented laws</strike> British Law and the Bill of Rights here in the U.S.”
My religion.
No, my religion.
Wait. You’re all wrong.
Terror is not the reason we fight it is the by product of our need for energy and the fight to control resources. De-stablilise the middle east to maintain control.
Let’s develop fossil fuel free technology and just get out of the middle east altogether. It’s a 20th century society trying to reason with a 19th century one.
This is the 21st century.
I am 24 years old and already I have seen enough to know that co-existence is impossible when resources are limited.
In truth religious people are looking to be rewarded in an after-life because they feel they didn’t get a good enough deal in this one true life. That or they have been so indoctrinated that they have no sense of reason.
No proof is not proof. A book is a book. A lie is a lie.
Wasn’t the age of enlightenment in the 18th century..
Please respond.
@ Davebo
British Law and the Bill of Rights here in the U.S.
What? Sorry, but your meaning is not clear to me. If you are suggesting that Afghanistan and Indonesia have a British Law historical foundation, you are ignoring the religious aspect of their legal system. For Indonesia, see the following;
Most civil disputes appear before a State Court; appeals are heard before the High Court. The Supreme Court is the country’s highest court, and hears final cassation appeals and conducts case reviews. Other courts include the Commercial Court, which handles bankruptcy and insolvency; a State Administrative Court to hear administrative law cases against the government; a Constitutional Court to hear disputes concerning legality of law, general elections, dissolution of political parties, and the scope of authority of state institutions; and a Religious Court to deal with specific religious cases [emphasis added].
Indonesia’s legal system is not equivalent to the Western (British Common Law) system when it comes to rights of its citizens. That, I believe, was one of the points of Mataconis’ article.
@ Wyman
I am 24 years old and already I have seen enough to know that co-existence is impossible when resources are limited.
Yeah, if you’re a lab rat. Otherwise, just move.
I think in today’s world its impossible to convince anyone. but keeping silent is no good either. thanks to all that disinformation out there.
This kind of event surfaces too often these days, all under the caption of “Freedom of Speech”.
I get it that only the west own the “freedom of speech”. If you just do something like that with your next door neighbors like abuse them or burn their family photo or something like that which they might find it insulting to them then I’m sure American law will not support you, not even your community tolerate such thing under the notion of freedom of speech.
Not to mention the Quran is holy book for more then billion of people around the world, you can respectfully differ to that no one is extorting anyone for that matter. But at least do realize that your “FREEDOM” ends when its about hurting the emotions of other individual or over a billion people for that matter.
Chris’s question is actually very topical. It was just making the rounds today, that Tony Blair’s new book cover’s a Cheney plan to redraw maps in the middle east. That phrase, and that history, “redraw the map” have huge meaning in places like Iraq and Iran, which were shaped by an early 20th century map-redrawing by the British.
I was kind of amazed to hear from an Iranian acquaintance that the British are bigger Satans than we, for that reason.
I expect the OTB folk will follow up on the Blain/Cheney meme … but for now I can just say it was a sad dynamic. “Blood for oil” was pushed off-limits in discussion because it was too base to suggest that we were spending our youth that way … but it probably has always been more true than we’ve (as a nation) wanted to admit.
@ sheikh
But at least do realize that your “FREEDOM” ends when its about hurting the emotions of other individual or over a billion people for that matter.
No, it doesn’t. Freedom is the birthright of every human being from the first moment. It is not granted by the state or a religious edict. It is inclusive to the idea of liberty – one of the “inalienable rights” granted not by the state, but by our “creator.” This freedom includes the right to have and express an opinion different from yours, or for that matter, different from all other people on the planet. It is not a numbers game.
The freedom of a citizen does not end just because someone is offended by their opinion. No one has a “right” to not be offended.
The traditional way to say it here is that “the freedom to swing your arm ends at my nose.” I guess we don’t consider hurting emotions quite the same way as noses. This might also be called the “sticks and stones” rule.
It was pretty audacious for our founding fathers to frame it that way. In most places, and in most times, people got as much freedom as they or their clan could claim by strength. Much of the world is still that way.
Even here, “inalienable rights” took a while to spread around.
When you talk about notion of community then there are rules that you need to abide by. Those rules are there to make sure that everything which forms that community co-exist peacefully. Think of this planet as a big community if that helps. And Yes freedom of citizen ends when you set flag of our country on fire. When you kill another individual. When you drive your car and intentionally hit whatever is coming in your way. You can’t just wrap everything under Freedom. The Creator your referred does set the rules for you, making it all clear in the first place. There isn’t any such thing as absolute freedom. everything is bounded by the laws, gravity or whatever, otherwise this place would have been a big mess. humans are no exception.
No one has a “right” to not be offended.
I’d agree with you on that if you’re from Mars but we the humans, for us its a common human emotions that you can’t just take away from anyone. The solution is very simple only if we want it.
Actually I don’t think anybody in either side agrees to this. For instance, the people in Iran unhappy about the burning most likely don’t care that they’re hurting the emotions of billions of women around the world by threatening to stone a woman for adultery. Nor do the people carrying the signs in the picture care if they hurt people’s feelings by saying burning the Koran will land someone in hell.
“My second sentiment is a bit more practical; in light of the recent debates and positions taken about the non-threatening nature of sharia law in Islam, it is revealing to notice the tremendous anxiety voiced by many people about the Muslim reaction to what is, at its essence, a mere expression of Freedom of Speech.”
Yeah this sure sounds like the essence of practicality in the face of Petraeus’ statement that Quuran burning is likely to result in the deaths of our guys. Very practical Juneau.
@ sheikh
The solution is very simple only if we want it.
Sure, and its funny how for Islam those solutions always include silencing critics, all the while Imams insist on being perfectly free to condemn anyone and anything they want. Islamic freedom under Islamic law only works one way, in unequivocal favor of Islam – “Freedom for me” (to condemn Judaism, Western civilization, Christianity), “but not freedom for thee.”
Civility is fine, until your idea of civility means that I have to keep my opinion to myself – at all times, no matter what you say – just so you don’t get offended. That is simply oppression thinly disguised as reasonableness.
Nor do the people carrying the signs in the picture care if they hurt people’s feelings by saying burning the Koran will land someone in hell
lol, according to Quran these people (females) are less then slaves. One wonders if they can read that sign, and if they can are allowed to, and if not what the penalty is….
well agree with you on that nobody agrees. but every action there is some kinda of reaction that’s why I don’t really buy this absolute freedom theory. so at least in this case they’re the reacting ones.
as far as the stoning punishment goes … that is not only for women but men too. at least its based on equality.
Well, GA & Juneau have weighed in. Let’s get Zels in here so we can hear from all three of the stooges…
@ Brummagen
Yeah this sure sounds like the essence of practicality in the face of Petraeus’ statement that Quuran burning is likely to result in the deaths of our guys. Very practical Juneau.
Only a Prog would blame the insanity of a violent fanatic on the person who happened to set off their particular violent neurosis. I’m sure you’re right Brummagen; the way to keep Islamic lunatics from killing folks is to not do anything that will make them mad. You libs want it both ways, two diametrically opposed and self-canceling positions; Islam is peaceful and reasonable, but by all means don’t piss them off. You’d rather be critical of someone openly (albeit ungraciously) exercising a basic tenet of our freedom than place the blame for any violence squarely where it belongs; the rigid intolerance of fundamentalist Islam to insult, whether perceived or actual.
Under your reasoning, I look forward to your placing the blame for the Discovery Channel violence squarely on the shoulders of Al Gore since it was his ideas and words that “provoked” the hostage situation. I thoroughly believe that this “reverse” victimhood philosophy is wrong.
Curly, Moe & Larry are in the house!
“Freedom for me” (to condemn Judaism, Western civilization, Christianity), “but not freedom for thee.”
I’m not a religious scholar but as far as I know Islam prohibits from badmouthing or humiliating any other religion or sects for that matter and that’s for sure. If individuals still do it then you can’t blame Islam for that. Its teaching remains there.
according to Quran these people (females) are less then slaves
Who told you that ?guy on the BBC or CNN or something else from the mainstream media… the same think which shows you that every muslim is a terrorist or suicidal? I don’t know what slaves you’re referring to. You can always quote the reference so that I may exactly know what you’re referring.
dude… Islam gave women the equality in everything 1400 years ago… do you know when American women got the right to VOTE?
Anjin, did you write that for me? I did not write the last post. Some C*ck sucker (forgot, that is not an insult to you Anjin) uses my moniker but then Doug knows who is doing it and lets them continue. Anjin, FOAD. I am older than you, I have more experience than you and I am no doubt more intelligent than you (my IQ is 143). I suggest yours is in double digits. Churchill said if you are in your 20s and not a liberal you have no heart, if you are in your 40s and are not a conservative you have no brains. Anjin I’ll bet you are in the latter catagory.
Note to Gen. Patraeus. Coat all of our bullets and projectiles with pig grease. Let the Muslims know if they get hit by one of our bullets they will die unclean.
The best General in my lifetime was asked if he felt we, as a nation could forgive those who attacked us on 9/11 and those who assisted them H. Norman Schwartzkoph stated it was Gods job to forgive them. It was our job to make that meeting possible. Still is.
A message from the embassy is pretty easily ignored.
I think it would send a very powerful message if the President himself exercised his first amendment rights of free speech by speaking out against it, and then showing up in Florida with a picket sign.
It would become a media circus for sure, and end up promoting the intolerant schmucks in Florida, and giving further “evidence” that Obama is a secret muslim, but it would be worth it.
What better way to demonstrate what free speech means to the Afghanis? Or the rule of law (the national leader doesn’t have the absolute power to shut down demonstrations he doesn’t like)? Or the mostly peaceful, multicultural nature of the United States?
Like I said, all three stooges are now in the house.
Who told you that ?guy on the BBC or CNN or something else from the mainstream media… the same think which shows you that every muslim is a terrorist or suicidal? I don’t know what slaves you’re referring to. You can always quote the reference so that I may exactly know what you’re referring.
dude… Islam gave women the equality in everything 1400 years ago…
I can study and read my brother, and I do not think that all Muslims are terrorists and homicidal only true believers. Suicide is when you kill yourself. Islam gives nothing but the right to convert or die….
do you know when American women got the right to VOTE?
Do you know who did the last Islamic authorized honor killing of women in America?
Do you know were the Scripture in Islam came from?
Do know anything about the life and times of Mohamed?
@Zelsdorf Ragshaft III
I’m amazed by your sense of judgment. I ain’t going into 9/11. Even if it was done by some muslims you can’t hold this against every other muslim. Muslims die in 9/11 too. Afganistan invasion was a strategic move required by the US to keep an Eye on China and Russia. Just like it invaded Iraq with the excuse of Weapon of Mass destruction. you can coat it with whatever you want. But what justification will you give to the parents of the soldiers who had died in there? Sorry It was mistake? Your sons and daughter just died for nothing… beep…its a wake up call and facts remain its the US who are being killed in there you haven’t managed to occupy 40% of that land of afganistan in 9 years. Its not Afghanistanis or Muslims [if that makes you feel better] who are scared of deaths there. its and the americans who are thinking to pull out and for them time is ticking.
And yet the people in those countries seem to be quite happy to blame every American for the actions of a small group burning the Koran.
I think what rubs people the wrong way is that many Muslims are extremely sensitive to any slights to the Koran and Mohammed, while feeling totally unrestrained about defiling other countries symbols (American flag) and honored customs (freedom of speech). They seem to want it both ways. Perhaps if they showed more respect for other people’s customs they’d find those people more respectful of theirs.
Do you know who did the last Islamic authorized honor killing of women in America?
Do you know were the Scripture in Islam came from?
Do know anything about the life and times of Mohamed?
why don’t you enlighten me? only if you can do it with authentic references.
I wish you americans citizen would show such an audacity for freedom of speech while suppressing the “FREEDOM” itself from every other country on map.
Perhaps if they showed more respect for other people’s customs they’d find those people more respectful of theirs.
I do agree with you on this one and expect the same from you. But as far as I see all this US has not contradicted that notion so far on any forum. they’ve just put a diplomatic statement. As a country they could have distanced themselves from such thing in the first place by just condemning it.
anyway nice talk. bye
why don’t you enlighten me? only if you can do it with authentic references. Why dont you enlighten your self?
I wish you Americans citizen would show such an audacity for freedom of speech while suppressing the “FREEDOM” itself from every other country on map.
I’m all about freedom and freedom of speech for every other country on the map. I am a true believer in the God of Christianity, free will and all that.
Oh and we don’t kill you in this country when you talk smack about our main religion, or fail to join it. or leave it, or draw cartoons…
@ sheikh
dude… Islam gave women the equality in everything 1400 years ago… do you know when American women got the right to VOTE?
You paint a nice picture of how you wish it to be. However, the reality would appear to be quite different. As follows (a very small sample of available literature and documentation on the subject of Muslim women’s rights under Islam).
Violence against women in Arab and Islamic countries
S. Douki, F. Nacef, A. Belhadj, A. Bouasker and R. Ghachem
¶In Arab and Islamic countries, domestic violence is not yet considered a major concern despite its increasing frequency and serious consequences. Surveys in Egypt, Palestine, Israel and Tunisia show that at least one out of three women is beaten by her husband. The indifference to this type of violence stems from attitudes that domestic violence is a private matter and, usually, a justifiable response to misbehaviour on the part of the wife. Selective excerpts from the Koran are used to prove that men who beat their wives are following Gods commandments.
If you really care about the essence of Islam, you need to establish justice. The injustice against women in Muslim countries is terrible, and there has been more than enough pious preaching about how Islam is great for women (in an ideal world), and not enough correcting of injustice on the ground. [ emphasis added] The evil comes from the system that keeps people locked in roles that stunt their growth, the system that unjustly penalizes women who would exercise their rights.
Ending Domestic Violence in Muslim Families
By Sharifa Alkhateeb
According to a survey of the 63 Muslim community workers, leaders, and individuals done in 1993 by the North American Council for Muslim Women, domestic violence (including everything from hitting to incest) against Muslim women and children occurred in ten percent of the population of Muslims. If verbal and psychological abuse were added to this, the figure would rise considerably.
@Juneau, quoting wiki on Indonesia
But we do have religious courts in the United States:
The Beth Din is given wide latitude by US courts to settle disputes in orthodox communities in the United States. But wide latitude does not mean the every decision of the Beth Din is not reviewable by the secular courts, see
Sharia is even in play in the United States, as far as arbitration of contract disputes goes:
@ sam
The Beth Din is given wide latitude by US courts to settle disputes in orthodox communities in the United States.
I’ve been waiting for someone from the left to bring this up ever since the whole park51 thing started weeks ago – and now you have. Beth Din courts and sharia law courts are radically different, with the principal distinction being the scope of influence sought by Beth Din compared to sharia law courts. Jewish courts do not rule on the basis of a law that Jews are laboring to impose upon the whole of society. Sharia courts are. Therein lies the critical distinction, which advocates of sharia law never mention.
@ sam
American law usually enforces the contracts despite talk of pressure and unfairness. There are exceptions, but they are indeed exceptions, and the rule is enforcing contracts. Yet the skies haven’t fallen, nor do they seem likely to fall even if more contracts end up being arbitrated or otherwise evaluated under Sharia law.
Then you would agree to draw a line in the sand here in the US barring sharia courts from ruling in ,say, domestic violence cases which are obviously criminal rather than civil? Britain, having failed to act soon enough to stem the rise of sharia courts, is seeing criminal cases being brought to sharia court exclusively- ignoring the British criminal legal system altogether. Will you agree that this is not acceptable here in the US?
1. I was not advocating sharia law, only pointing out that it, in a limited fashion, finds application in the United States.
2. “Then you would agree to draw a line in the sand here in the US barring sharia courts from ruling in ,say, domestic violence cases which are obviously criminal rather than civil?”
Absolutely. But observing this
“Britain, having failed to act soon enough to stem the rise of sharia courts, is seeing criminal cases being brought to sharia court exclusively- ignoring the British criminal legal system altogether.”
alas, one has to say, the same kind of thing is apparently now happening in in the United States as far a Jewish courts go, see Lakewood Orthodox Jewish leaders want abuse accusations addressed (
The point is that we do have religious courts here in the United States, the First Amendment guarantees this. And there are conflicts between the religious courts and the secular, this cannot be denied. For my part, the secular courts should always intervene when criminal activity, especially involving assaults on the person. is the issue. But the fact some advocate the replacement of our secular courts with sharia courts is not, I think, sufficient reason to disallow the existence of such courts within a Muslim-American community if the members of the community so desire. This, of course, is subject to the same proviso as applies to the Jewish courts: American law concerning the sanctity of the person is paramount, any provision of Jewish or Muslim law notwithstanding. Moreover, no person can be made subject to religious courts against his or her will — any such person requesting relief from such imposition from an American court is to be granted that relief. (Note that I said “against his or her will” — if someone, for example, has agreed to a contract, willingly, under Jewish or Islamic law, he or she cannot escape compliance with the contract by asking American courts for relief from the jurisdiction of the religious courts he or she agreed could enforce the contract.)
I didn’t mention these things at the behest of some left-wing imperative, I brought them up because they were relevant to a discussion you started. Not everything, you know, is reducible to ideology.
@ sam
Not everything, you know, is reducible to ideology.
Fair enough… I stand, duly chastised.
Juneau — I didn’t ask you about Piss Christ. But of course you have to start whining about yet another right-wing injury so you can act the victim.
I asked you a simple question: If a bunch of Muslims or atheists announced they were going to burn stacks of Bibles, would you support this as free speech? If a bunch of mean liberals were to burn the American flag, would you stand up for their rights to express themselves this way?
It’s not a hard question. It doesn’t require wracking your memory to come up with imagined injuries from decades ago they’re still whining about on Fox. Yes or no.
@ wr
Yes. Simple enough for you, silly man?
Large amounts of whining from the right, but not one has the nads to actually address
Petraeus’ comments directly…
This so-called pastor is just fomenting hatred. He’s not behaving as the Christian he claims to be. And the Muslims who are threatening violence are just rising to the bait and acting like terrorists, and not like peaceful, God-loving people. Everyone needs to settle down.
Come on guys. Tell us Petraeus is anti-American. Tell us he does not understand the threat…