Sullivan links this Glenn Reynolds TCS piece on what differentiates good and not-so-good blogs. He cites two factors: (1) a personal voice and (2) rapid response times, which he elaborates upon. Ultimately, of course, it comes down to this:
In every case, though, what brings success is knowing something other people don’t know, and expressing it well.
All of this means, of course, that if you came to this column looking for blogging secrets, well, there aren’t any. The key to good blogging is simple: have something interesting to say, and say it well. Kind of like, well, every other sort of writing – just faster, and with links. There’s nothing new about that, but it’s still a kind of magic, as good writing always is.
Glenn also answers, definitively, the question posed by John Lemon (see comments section here):
(There’s only one hard-and-fast rule: get rid of the typos. No blog that’s full of typos looks good.)
‘Nuff said.
To continue the daisy chain — from Glenn to Andrew to James …and now to John — I’ve blogged on this important piece of blogger navel gazing (BNG).