Gore to Headline MoveOn Rally Against Nuclear Option
I’ve just gotten a rather non-sensical email from Jessica Smith (js****@fe****.com) at Fenton Communications (202-822-5200) informing me that,
MoveOn PAC will kick off a week of campaign activities to oppose a Republican attempt to eliminate the filibuster of presidential nominations for the federal judiciary. A new TV ad and at least sixty rallies in over forty states will spearhead the effort. On Wednesday, Vice President Al Gore is scheduled to give a major address on the subject at a MoveOn PAC rally in Washington DC. The Senate may vote this week to eliminate the 200-year-old rule.
That should be a treat! Nothing like having an Al Gore stemwinder to make one’s cause look mainstream. One can only hope Howard Dean does the intro and Michael Moore leads the benediction.
The e-mail contains multiple cut-and-pastes in various font sizes, which makes one wonder about the ability of Fenton Communications to communicate.
“Our government was founded on principles of checks and balances to ensure that no one party holds absolute power,” said Ben Brandzel, MoveOn PAC Advocacy Director. […] “You would think it would be enough for Republican leaders that their party controls both houses of Congress, the White House, and has appointed most of the sitting Supreme Court Justices and appellate judges, but no, they want complete control of the federal government. To get it, they’re willing to toss out a 200 year old rule that has balanced the rights of political majorities and minorities and served the American people well since the early days of the Republic, said Brandzel”
Actually, the filibuster doesn’t protect majorities, since it is a measure designed from preventing the majority from voting. But, yes, the Republicans are willing to toss out a rule that was used for such wonderful minority-protecting things as delaying a vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in order to get an up-or-down vote on judges appointed by a president who was just re-elected by a majority of the voters by the majority of the upper house of Congress. I can live with that.
A prognostication: Given Algore’s splendid sense of timing (endorsing Dean just prior to implosion, giving global warming speech during blizzard) it may be that the filibuster crisis comes to a head and is resolved just as Algore begins his speech. There may be more to this compromise talk than we expect. 🙁
Thankfully, no: Frist has outright rejected Reid’s offer. See the update to my original post.
Fenton Communications; one of my last clients before I bailed out of public accounting. Its been six months and I don’t miss it (or them) a bit.
Harcourt Fenton Mudd. Now I’m getting Star Trek flashbacks.
The Dimocrats are past masters at filibustering having used the tactic liberally for 120 years following the Civil War. The liberal media conveniently forgets the use of the tactic in the Jim Crow laws prohibiting miscengenation, mixed busing, mixed schooling, mixed bathroom facilities, mixed public drinking facilities or anything even slightly resembling mixing of the races.
Seems to me a good public campaign would be to remind Americans how devious the Dimocrats are and the lengths they will go to achieve any or all dubious goals.
Al Gore is the only person who has been correct about foreign policy, energy independence, environment, education, science and techology, and health care. He wants stronger and brighter future for all Americans. We can’t have that. He must be defeated.
Al Gore is the only person who has been correct about foreign policy, energy independence, environment, education, science and technology, and health care. He wants stronger and brighter future for all Americans. We can’t have that. He must be defeated and moved to Canada.
Goddamn filibustering racist Democrats like Strom Thurmond really piss me off! How could anyone belong to a political party that would have him as a member!