Laurence Simon calls our attention to Word of Mouth, a bizarre site where people can anonymously spread gossip about others:

The mission of this website is to help our users to research the people they know and meet toward learning something about their background and character. If you have had experience with and/or have opinions about someone then please take the time to submit a “Word-of-Mouth Report” at this website. Users will then be able to search for, find, and review this “Word-of-Mouth Report” and then contact you through our Anonymous Email System to learn the experiences that you have had and/or opinions you have regarding the report subject. Report authors are totally and completely anonymous. By submitting “Word-of-Mouth Reports”, you will help others to make informed decisions about people they meet and know.

Lovely. I wonder if John Ashcroft is behind this? It sounds a lot like the T.I.P.S. program, except without any of the redeeming qualities.

Update (1318) Kevin says this appears to be a scam.

Update (1435) Terry Oglesby points out Snopes was on this one weeks ago.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Steven says:

    Yup–this sounds like a great idea.

  2. Liz says:

    These people e-mail me tirelessly with the news that other people are leaving information about me on this website. If someone has time to leave a post about me on some gimmicky website, I frankly am surprised they do not have more of a life. Come on, sell your belongings on E-Bay, take a walk, lay in bed and eat bon-bons. While I am wildly popular and important in my own house, anyone else who think I am intriguing enough to gossip about needs a reality check.

  3. ML says:

    Yes, this site sucks…it’s real creepy if you ask me. I hope they arrest the dude(s) who are in on this. Shame on them!!!

  4. binoculars says:
