Headline of the Day – Levi Johnston Edition

Honors go to YahooNews and/or AP for "Levi Johnston wants to be mayor; has no platform."

Honors go to YahooNews and/or AP for “Levi Johnston wants to be mayor; has no platform.”

My natural reaction was, Why should he be any different.   Reading the story didn’t change that.

Levi Johnston says there are really no qualifications to hold the job that Sarah Palin once held — that of mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.

Johnston, the father of Palin’s grandson, was grilled on “The View” Monday about his mayoral ambitions.

In August, Johnston’s manager confirmed Johnston’s plans to run for the office as part of a reality TV show and insisted he was serious about it.

Johnston said the only real qualification is to live in the city limits for a year before the election. He believes he’s as qualified as any other candidate, saying he believes it’s important to listen to the people and their concerns.

Johnston said he has no platform, which drew groans from the round-table.

Seriously, it’s a town whose population has doubled over the last decade to a whopping 10,000.  A third of the workforce actually commutes to Anchorage.  Otherwise,  Wikipedia informs me, “The local economy is diverse, and residents are employed in a variety of city, borough, state, federal, retail and professional service positions. Tourism, agriculture, wood products, steel, and concrete products are part of the economy. One hundred and twenty area residents hold commercial fishing permits.”    How detailed does the mayor’s platform need to be?

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. mantis says:

    How detailed does the mayor’s platform need to be?

    Maybe he’ll run on a platform proposing to build a giant boondoggle of an athletic center that the town does not need and will push it deep into debt. Oh wait, they’ve already done that.

    Maybe he’ll just pose nude for them and call it a day instead.