I am, for the day at least, a Playful Primate on The Truth Laid Bear Ecosystem. I’m sitting at #97 and find it especially amusing that I’m one spot ahead of a certain well-known professional blogger.
I am, for the day at least, a Playful Primate on The Truth Laid Bear Ecosystem. I’m sitting at #97 and find it especially amusing that I’m one spot ahead of a certain well-known professional blogger.
I have been running (scurrying?) as an Adorable Rodent.
No doubt my page re-design will shoot me up the evolutionary ladder any day now.
make that “running (scurrying?) in circles for some time now as an Adorable Rodent.”
Between that and the orgy talk over there.
Congrats. But you deserve to be ahead of Kaus since you post more and better stuff.