Inauguration Photo Blogging
As promised, a few photos that I took at yesterday’s Inauguration.
As noted, even though I was in the closest standing section, I wasn’t able to see much and wound up watching the event itself on one of the giant television screens that were there for that reason. It was likely colder near my television than yours–but the Capitol dome was behind mine.
President Bush arriving at the ceremony.
Vice President Cheney taking the oath of office.
Did you ever wonder how news photogs always manage to capture people in their worst light? Compare these pics, shot in rapid succession:
President Bush begins his second inaugural address.
What it looked like without the television.
Some crowd shots:
Some Naval Academy midshipmen down from Annapolis.
Not everyone was impressed, apparently.
Several thousand people, including Kim Webb and Mary Diamond.
I didn’t get around to taking pictures of protestors, although a friend has offered some which may be posted later. I also managed to leave my camera in the car so didn’t take it in with me for the Constitution Ball last night. I took some pictures, which I hope to get over the weekend, with James Diamond’s camera. I’ll post them if they came out okay.
The Washington Post, whose photographers had better seats and a better camera, also took some shots.
Great pics, James, judging from all of your TV shots it didn’t look like you could see the stage. It almost looks like you were under the stage. I hope it wasn’t too cold!
I took a few pictures of the protesters, available here