Joe Biden 2012: If Romney Wins, We’ll Go To War In Syria
Our Vice-President demonstrates his uncanny skills as a prognosticator:
WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — Two months before the 2012 presidential election, Vice President Biden warned on the campaign trail that Mitt Romney wanted to go to war with Syria.
The video, which was posted by BuzzFeed, was of Biden speaking to supporters at a rally in York, Pa. on Sept. 2, 2012.
“He said it was a mistake to set an end date for our warriors in Afghanistan and bring them home. He implies by the speech that he’s ready to go to war in Syria and Iran,” Biden said in his speech.
Biden also went after the Republican presidential nominee when Romney called Russia America’s “number one geopolitical foe.”
“He wants to move from cooperation to confrontation with Putin’s Russia,” Biden said. “And these guys say the president’s out of touch? Out of touch? Swiss bank account, untold millions in the Cayman Islands. Who’s out of touch, man?”
Romney told CBS News last year that he would send U.S. troops to Syria if needed to prevent the spread of chemical weapons.
“I think we have to also be ready to take whatever action is necessary to ensure that we do not have any kind of weapon of mass destruction falling into the hands of terrorists and whether that requires troops, or whether that requires other actions by our friends and allies,” Romney said.
Romney also said he would arm the Syrian rebels battling President Bashar Assad’s forces.
Biden said last week there is no doubt that Assad’s government is responsible for the heinous use of chemical weapons.
Obama says more than 1,400 civilians died, including at least 400 children during the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack. Other casualty estimates are lower, however, and the Syrian government denies responsibility, contending rebels fighting to topple the government are to blame.
Obama is calling on Congress to approve a military strike on Syria
Are we sure Mitt Romney didn’t win the election?
To steal a line from The Good Professor, they told me if I voted for Romney we’d be at war with Syria within a year — and they were right!
the Republican won. Didn’t matter if it was the white one or the black one.
So what is Romney? A Fascist? A Borg? You need look no further than your fellow American voters…apparently, a real Democrat as you would define one can’t get elected president in this country…
I wonder if FreedomWorks would be actively opposing a President Romney? Also, I wonder if a President Romney would have taken this to Congress?
@al-Ameda: maybe assad would have realized there was a real man in the white house! but really, putin would have tossed gas out of the formula, he’s breaking obama’s balls- or whatever’s left of them.
Oh you sheep that still think there’s any difference between the Rep or dem puppet they choose for you to pick from… wake up, get educated, and for the love of Freedom turn off main stream media!!!
I believe that if we would look at all that has transpired with the current president we would not make the mistake of reelection period.
Then that says far more about your personal beliefs than your ability to judge the American Electorate (especially since I’m assuming that you probably didn’t vote for Obama in the first place).
What exactly “has transpired” that would shift national opinion so heavily?
Obama beat Romney by approximately 5 million votes (and over 100 electoral votes). The fact of the matter is that’s a large margin (though tighter than the 2008 race). If anything, all this currently demonstrates is that there was ultimately very little daylight between Mssrs Obama and Romney on the topic of Syria. That might have kept some Democrats home. But I don’t see how this would have swung any swing voters — chances are they had already shifted if they were going to.
Perhaps ultimately something will, but that remains to be seen.
So you’re saying that Obama should have taken unilateral action against Syria, bombed chemical weapons facilities, and informed Congress after-the-fact if at all?
Maybe Romney would have given Assad a ride on his (Mitt’s) new car elevator in La Jolla?
Well I believe that if we somehow came to believe that Republicans were interested in responsible governance we’d be sadly mistaken.
@al-Ameda: don’t get mad because your guy looks like a stooge now- he’s weak and it shows. and going off topic about joe bidens predictions doesn’t change it.
You guys had a chance, but you have been too dumbed down for too long and can’t understand the liberty principles that Ron Paul was promoting. Don’t screw it up next time- Rand Paul 2016
I’m not mad – that’s a conservative condition. However it is interesting that you’re still saying he (Obama) looks weak because he took this to Congress and didn’t take unilateral action. And if Obama took unilateral action and bombed Syrian chemical weapons facilities House Republicans would be apoplectic and Darrell Issa would be initiating hearings to investigate Obama’s abuse of power.
But Romney didn’t win and, so far, no war.
@al-Ameda: whatever he was “supposed to do”- he didn’t. he spoke before he thought, and that’s not very presidential.
@edmondo: He’s not a Republican. The two parties no longer exist. Not on the top anyway. They will do as they please and they just make us think they work in our best interests on occasion. We no longer have an America.
@Bert: I don’t agree with the Pauls on a lot of things but I will say the GOP goes about things in a moronic way that hurts the party. I am Independent now and I will vote Paul.