Left Behind Authors Say Obama Is Not the Antichrist
The authors of the best-selling Left Behind authors have done their research and are now positive that Barack Obama is not the Antichrist.
But even the series authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins don’t think Obama is the antichrist. What may have been created as a farce has generated a firestorm of controversy on the internet.
LaHaye and Jenkins take a literal interpretation of prophecies found in the Book of Revelation. They believe the antichrist will surface on the world stage at some point, but neither see Obama in that role. “I’ve gotten a lot of questions the last few weeks asking if Obama is the antichrist,” says novelist Jenkins. “I tell everyone that I don’t think the antichrist will come out of politics, especially American politics.”
“I can see by the language he uses why people think he could be the antichrist,” adds LaHaye, “but from my reading of scripture, he doesn’t meet the criteria. There is no indication in the Bible that the antichrist will be an American.”
Jenkins and LaHaye don’t take McCain’s commercial or the antichrist speculation over Obama too seriously.
Well, you would think that that settles that, right? Wrong. Of course LeHaye and Jenkins can’t say that Obama is the Antichrist! If they did, sales of Left Behind would plummet, as it would be obvious that the Antichrist is not a smooth-talking Eastern European. Clearly, these authors are covering up the truth in order to protect their financial interests. For shame, sirs. For shame.
(cross-posted to Heretical Ideas)
I can see by the language he uses why people think he could be the antichrist
Riiiight. All those invocations to Satan have not escaped attention, I see.
LaHaye and Jenkins take a literal interpretation of prophecies found in the Book of Revelation.
A literal interpretation would mean that Obama would have to have seven heads and ten horns, no?
If he isn’t the prince of darkness, then is he the prince of dimness?
“”If he isn’t the prince of darkness, then is he the prince of dimness?””
After all he is a “Dimocrat”!
LOL… Bucking for “Snark of the Day” are we?
The anti-Christ isn’t referred to as the prince of darkness.
If you believe in this stuff than you have to vote for Obama as a necessary step towards achieving the final rapture. If Obama does not become President than we can not have the rapture.
I wouldn’t overplay this Alex. Most Christians don’t think Obama is anything more than a liberal trying to get elected. The few fringe evangelicals who are speaking of it are more likely using it to drum up Sunday attendance.
Try a you might I don’t think you are going to paint all people of faith as kooks. If anything it exposes those who mock them as having anti-religion bigotry.
I’m not making fun of the religious. I’m making fun of the idea that anybody seriously believes that Obama is the Antichrist. I also previously made fun of liberals who think so little of the religious as to imagine that the McCain campaign is trying to make Obama look like the Antichrist.
Sorry if that spoils the fun of being the defender of the faith for the day, but I’m on your side on this one. (Although its worth mentioning that Obama actually leads in the polls among all Christians.)
Which is sillier, claiming someone is the antichrist and claiming that someone isn’t?
Think about it…
well This early, i really can’t tell which i would side with, but i am leaning towards obama. Furthermore, the GOP base is not even warming up to mccain (of course, i could be wrong) and even though it’s still early in the game, this just proves to show how we see our candidates to-date. i know i will get burned for this, but i think mccain is a warmonger. i get the impression that he doesn’t care to what happens to our troops in the middle east and the other parts of the world. Can’t we just all get along? i think it is time for a purification;and i just want to share a video that i saw earlier in clashorama
Of course Obama is not the AntiChrist!
Of course Obama is not the AntiChrist!
Of course Obama is not the AntiChrist!
What is he? An imitation?
Try a you might I don’t think you are going to paint all people of faith as kooks. If anything it exposes those who mock them as having anti-religion bigotry.
No one is trying to paint all people of faith as kooks, just some of them. And let’s face it, some of them are kooks.
Could anyone’s life actually be that small?