NADER REDUX: Politics1 reports that Dennis Kucinich may be planning a third party run in 2004:
Former Green Party nominee Ralph Nader is one who has openly praised Kucinich’s progressive campaign, stopping just short of making a full endorsement of his candidacy. Most likely, however, is that Kucinich could end up as the nominee of the Natural Law Party — a party advocating a ban on genetic engineering of food and the use of holistic meditation as a way to end war and conflict. The NLP — founded and led by followers of purported cult leader Maharishi Mahesh Yogi — won ballot status in 39 states in 2000 for NLP Presidential nominee John Hagelin. Kucinich gave a speech in February to party leaders at the NLP national headquarters in Iowa. In response, the NLP’s official website now solicits contributions and support for Kucinich. “I strongly support Rep. Kucinich in his bid for the presidency. America urgently needs a powerful peace candidate today — one who can unite the nation for peace. I believe that Rep. Kucinich can achieve this crucial goal … The Natural Law Party dynamically supports Rep. Kucinich and his peace candidacy,” wrote Hagelin in a NLP email sent out last week.
Sounds like the perfect fit to me. Indeed, I encourage all the Democrats who lose in the primaries to make independent runs in 2004. Do not let the fact that you can’t even get the support of your own party’s ideologues stop you! Your voice must be heard! No justice, no peace!