Obama Campaign Selling Birther T-Shirts

I find this amusing:

President Obama’s campaign team is trying to capitalize on claims that he was not born in the United States.

His campaign is now selling T-shirts emblazoned with his face above the slogan “Made in the U.S.A.” On the back is an image of his birth certificate. The fundraising pitch says the shirt is a “limited-edition” item.

Someone should get two and send them to Orly Taitz and Donald Trump.


FILED UNDER: 2012 Election, US Politics, ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. mantis says:

    This is just another example of mean ol’ Hussein Obama being mean to those nice “real American” folks out there who have been saying the evil usurper is a non-American, Kenyan negro person. Why won’t he just leave them alone? He’s just the meanest ever! Just ask Jay Tea.

  2. Ken says:

    The response of Drudge and the rest of the Legion of Butthurt amounts to “Mommy mommy! I acted crazy and they laughed and pointed! It’s NOT FAIR!”

  3. Chad S says:

    Yes, but where’s the Long sleeve shirt? I won’t buy that these are from him unless I see one of those in my hands.

  4. anjin-san says:

    It’s kind of fun to watch our unprepared President crushing the GOP like a grape…

  5. mattb says:

    I just really hope that the shirts themselves are made in the US — and I mean inside the continental US and not one of our development “quasi-national” zones.

    BTW, I say more power to the campaign considering how much birther swag has brought in for a number of cottage websites and publications like Newsmax. Obama’s generated at least tens of thousands for them, it’s time he gets some of the action.

  6. mattb says:

    Ok, creative types: can someone come up reveal or at least suggest how this sort of crass capitalistic move really reveals Obama for the crypto-teleprompting-fascist-socialist-communist he is?

    For example… is it a move to undercut the legitimate income of all those *ahem* authorized merchandise dealers in DC so that they can be unionized and government taken over to do the special electoral ops work that Acorn used to do?

  7. Rick Almeida says:

    Also, too, Obama has no class and this victory lap is proof!

  8. jukeboxgrad says:

    Yup, there he goes again, spiking the ball.

  9. tom p says:

    Someone should get two and send them to Orly Taitz and Donald Trump.


  10. Jay Tea says:

    I dunno where I got the idea that this whole birther idiocy was a net gain for Obama…


  11. mantis says:

    I dunno where I got the idea that this whole birther idiocy was a net gain for Obama…

    Most people don’t dispute that. You went wrong, of course, by trying to claim that Obama was responsible for the birthers; that they were his creation. It was a rather obvious way to try to deflect the embarrassment of rightwing lunacy onto the president, as if he made your side half crazy (and “half” is being generous).

  12. Jay Tea says:

    You went wrong, of course, by trying to claim that Obama was responsible for the birthers; that they were his creation.

    Oh, good lord, what universe are YOU from? I never said Obama was “responsible for” or “created” the birthers, just that he found them politically advantageous, and he and his allies actually worked to keep them in the public eye.

    And now that he’s used up their political use, he’s found a way to benefit financially from them. I don’t like it, but I do respect it. It’s very politically savvy.

    And it gives Doug yet more excuses to keep bringing up the birthers, and you and your ilk more excuses to feel superior. That alone should be an impeachable offense.


  13. mantis says:

    Oh, good lord, what universe are YOU from?

    The one where your mealy-mouthed bullshit is quite transparent. You should visit sometime.

  14. Jay Tea says:

    Come on, mantis. You have pretty much everything I’ve ever written bookmarked, if not committed to memory, just so you can wet yourself in glee when you “catch me.” Show everyone where I actually said Obama was “responsible for” or “created” the birthers.

    Or start walking it back. Own up to having overdriven your headlights on this one.

    And while you’re at it, acknowledge that Obama, after making tons of political hay out of the birthers, is now getting campaign contributions out of the whole stupid mess. His campaign is literally making money off the whole stupid mess.

    Just for giggles — how many T-shirts have you ordered?


  15. mantis says:

    You have pretty much everything I’ve ever written bookmarked, if not committed to memory, just so you can wet yourself in glee when you “catch me.”

    No, not really. When I frequented your site, I was certainly familiar with your stuff, but since then I have paid little attention to you, except when you drop by here to blame the president for the actions of his opponents. Then I might look at your site and grab something when appropriate.

    Show everyone where I actually said Obama was “responsible for” or “created” the birthers.

    You spent nearly all of your attention to the birther phenomenon describing how Obama is at fault, and next to none on the Republicans, Tea Partiers, and rightwing media gods who beat the birth certificate drum for years. When you did talk about them, it was to deliver praise for beating the birther drum (see your many posts on your hero, Donald Trump).

    It’s clear who you blame for the birthers’ existence. It’s understandable, since they are so embarrassing for you to be associated with, even tangentially, that you must find some way to blame the left for them. But then, you find a way to blame the left for everything you don’t like, no matter how absurd. SSDD.

    Or start walking it back. Own up to having overdriven your headlights on this one.

    Oh, like you owned up to repeating birther lies? No, you waved your hands in the air, blamed Obama, and pretended it was all too beneath you to pay attention to the facts, despite writing about the subject many times. Please spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

    And while you’re at it, acknowledge that Obama, after making tons of political hay out of the birthers,

    You mean ignoring them for years until Trump and others managed to make it national news and an embarrassment to the country?

    is now getting campaign contributions out of the whole stupid mess. His campaign is literally making money off the whole stupid mess.

    Yes, they are. And I find it hilarious.

    Just for giggles — how many T-shirts have you ordered?

    Zero. I’ve contributed money to one candidate in my entire life, and it wasn’t Obama. Plus those shirts really aren’t my style. I’m political on the internet, not so much in the meatspace. I’ve never worn a political shirt, put a bumper sticker on my car, or had a sign in my yard.

  16. Jay Tea says:

    It’s clear who you blame for the birthers’ existence.

    Keep porking that chicken, mantis. The only people who might buy it are those who are so desperate to keep the birther idiots front and center — and it ain’t the right.

    The birthers were a fringe element of the right, now fed and cared for and promoted and kept going by elements of the left. The vast majority on the right wants them to go away — but you won’t let them, because they’re too damned useful for you. That’s why Doug keeps bringing them up, and that’s why you always have to get all hot and bothered and frothing over them whenever he tosses out the red meat. You NEED to assert your moral and intellectual superiority, and they make a great straw man.

    And now, Obama sees them as a way to make a few bucks for his campaign. I couldn’t make the argument any better.


  17. jukeboxgrad says:

    The birthers were a fringe element of the right, now fed and cared for and promoted and kept going by elements of the left.

    Naturally. That’s why Corsi’s new book (“Where’s the Birth Certificate?”) is currently #17 at Amazon Books (link). Soros is buying lots of copies!