Obama Affair Rumors

obama-vera-baker-globe-coverThe National Enquirer, the folks who gave us the John Edwards-Reille Hunter story, have a new Breaking News Exclusive OBAMA CHEATING SCANDAL.

PRESIDENT OBAMA has been caught in a shocking cheating scandal after being caught in a Washington, DC Hotel with a former campaign aide, sources say.

And now, a hush-hush security video that shows everything could topple both Obama’s presidency and marriage to Michelle!

A confidential investigation has learned that Obama first became close to gorgeous 35 year-old VERA BAKER in 2004 when she worked tirelessly to get him elected to the US Senate, raising millions in campaign contributions.   While Baker has insisted in the past that “nothing happened” between them, the ENQUIRER has learned that top anti-Obama operatives are offering more than $1 million to witnesses to reveal what they know about the alleged hush-hush affair.

Among those being offered money is a limo driver who says that he took Vera to a secret hotel rendezvous where the President was staying.  On the condition of anonymity, the limo driver said he took Baker “from a friend’s home in the DC area to the Hotel George where I learned later that Obama would be spending the night.” The driver recalled that he “waited in the lobby while she went to change her outfit.”But to the best of my knowledge she did not have a room at the hotel and she was not staying there so I thought that it was a bit odd.”

The driver said he then picked up Obama at the airport and drove both he and Baker to various locations while he was campaigning for funds. Vera accompanied him to each meeting. “About 10:30 PM, I drove them to the hotel and they went in together!”  “My services for the evening were done – and there was no indication she was going to leave the hotel that night.”

A top DC source told The ENQUIRER exclusively that the driver’s account had been independently corroborated by investigators who believe the couple spent the night together at the hotel.  The ENQUIRER has also learned that on-site hotel surveillance video camera footage could provide indisputable evidence.  “Investigators are attempting to obtain a tape from the hotel (that) shows Vera and Barack together,” the DC insider confided.  “If the tape surfaces, it will explode the scandal.”

Well, yeah.

The story is making the rounds, naturally, which simultaneously makes me uncomfortable and feel compelled to weigh in.  Despite their occasionally getting big stories right, I don’t trust the Enquirer or the other gossip rags.  A couple of sources of unknown motivation are enough for them.  Then again, that’s increasingly true for the traditional press, too.  TheGlobe , Drudge, and others are running with it.

As ZIP reminds us, the Vera Baker rumors have been around since the end of the 2008 campaign.  At least the Daily Mail had the decency to call it “a shadowy smear campaign designed to derail his bid for the US Presidency by falsely claiming he had a close friendship with an attractive African-American female employee.”   And, as DBKP observes, the Enquirer has apparently been working on the story ever since.

But, like Mediaite‘s Frances Martel, I’ll believe it if and when the purported video emerges.  As No Sheeples points out, “There’s a big difference between a second tier candidate for President nailing some weird videographer and actually being President and having an affair.”

It wouldn’t be the first time a politician had an affair while on the campaign trail, of course.  If there were a political counterpart to the old VH-1 “Behind the Music” series, it would be as much a standard subplot as a drug-induced career spiral is for rock stars.

So, I suppose I wouldn’t be shocked if this bore out.  I’d sure as hell be surprised, though.   Despite significant ideological differences, Obama has always struck me as an incredibly decent sort.  As Joe Biden said in a different context, he’s storybook, man.   He’s seemingly excelled at everything he’s ever tried and is universally regarded by those who know him and work with him as down-to-earth, earnest, and hard working.  And, while politicians always tout themselves as family men, Obama actually seems to be one, making time for his kids even while holding down the hardest job on the planet.  Let’s just say he’s no Bill Clinton.

Further, while I suppose it would be good news for Republicans if true, I sincerely hope it isn’t.   It’s just bad for the country to continually be let down by our leaders and role models.  And that’s especially true for The First Black President, who serves as an inspiring example for a historically downtrodden group and has the very real potential to heal some very old wounds.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. floyd says:

    Vera BAKER??… C’mon, they could do better than THAAAT! Why not just call her Norma Jean Baker?
    Geeesh,if it were true, the name alone would indicate some sort of neuroses, far more dangerous than a simple affair.

  2. herb says:

    I’ll believe it if and when the purported video emerges.

    Meh. Even if they find a video of Obama and Baker entering and leaving the hotel at the same time, would that prove they had an affair?

    Not hardly. I’ll believe if/when better evidence surfaces. This limo driver just isn’t credible:

    “But to the best of my knowledge she did not have a room at the hotel.”

    Now how could he possibly know that? He’s the limo driver, not the hotel clerk.

    “My services for the evening were done — and there was no indication she was going to leave the hotel that night.”

    Riiiight. There’s also no indication that she spent the night in Obama’s room. Or slept in Obama’s bed. Or had sex with him.

    This limo driver is making wild guesses based on information he has no way of knowing. We shouldn’t join him.

  3. sookie says:

    Then again, that’s increasingly true for the traditional press, too.

    ding!, ding!, ding!, ding! We have a winner!!

    Yes, I’m more than a bit dubious about this story right now… but count me in the wait and see corner. They’ve been right in the past and he certainly has the ‘The rules don’t apply to me’ attitude which sets the stage for these situations to develop (as do many politicians left and right).

    In the time between 2000 and 2008, his ego must have come in for some vigorous stroking (really, no pun intended). Whether he responded ‘inappropriately’ or not is the question, but the groupies and aides and many others, would have been all over him with adoration. He would have had no trouble finding takers, if, IF he chose. The ball was in his court so to speak.

    If this story turns out to have legs and that at least some of the traditional press had more than an inkling, at a time when it would have sunk his presidential bid, will you be surprised? On either count?

    Beyond that, if it explodes, what ever the truth is, how he chooses to handle it will say something about him. Just as how we handle it will say something about us.

  4. Derrick says:

    I can’t wait to hear again how Obama is treated the same as Bush. I’ve seen Enquirer front pages about W affairs, even a few about Laura Bush’s affairs. I also remember seeing about the Palins as well, yet we never saw any “respectable” blogs/media running with it until there was some actual proof. I also remember hearing about a coming video about Michelle saying “Whitey”, and again that was posted in a number of places. I’m a fan of this site, but please don’t tell me again how Bush had it as bad, while we have about a 100 examples of why he didn’t. This story is beneath you James until there’s more than a nice juicy headline from the purveyor of Alien abductions (and yes they were right about Edwards, but there is a good tale out there about the sun shining on a dog’s ass to explain that).

  5. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    A want to be communist dictator who believes he lives outside the law. I am shocked, shocked I say that a humble man such as Barack Hussein Obama would have an affair. On going, no less. Of course there are those that will vilify the messenger. Ever hear of a libel suit? What is revealing is James wishing this man bent on destroying our way of life is not guilty of what he may be accused of. Dr. Joyner is saying the color of his skin is more important the the content of his heart. What kind of President thinks the government should decide how much money a citizen can make? Where in our founding documents is it listed we should redistribute wealth? This President does not believe in America. That is the kind of example Dr. Joyner thinks is inspiring to America’s African/American youth.

  6. Michael Reynolds says:

    Breaking News: Men like sex.

  7. James Joyner says:

    This story is beneath you James until there’s more than a nice juicy headline from the purveyor of Alien abductions (and yes they were right about Edwards, but there is a good tale out there about the sun shining on a dog’s ass to explain that).

    I saw it last night and ignored it. But it’s simply too widespread at this point to pretend that my not covering it makes it go away.

    Further, I think it’s particularly useful to have skeptical commentary on this sort of thing from across the aisle.

  8. Michael Reynolds says:

    Every time some sex “scandal” comes up I long to be in France.

    I’m not denying there’s a giggle to be had over other people’s sex life, but to actually get worked up about it seems so absurd. People f–k. I can’t cite a source but IIRC they’ve been f–king since the dawn of time. I have a high degree of confidence that there will be more such f–king in the future, and I expect that said f–king will cross all partisan, religious, ethnic and gender lines.

  9. JinEugene says:

    “Hard-working”? At what, exactly?

  10. defendUSA says:

    As much as I dislike The Pied Piper, I wouldn’t want it to be true either as you state. However, if it is true, what will be done? My problem is that I am tired of all things going on and the passes being given.
    In my book, character is king. And if you’re found to cheat and lie, you should get all you deserve and if that includes losing the job of the highest office in the land, so be it. What goes around, comes around. He will not be immune forever.

  11. susan says:

    And that’s especially true for The First Black President, who serves as an inspiring example for a historically downtrodden group and has the very real potential to heal some very old wounds.

    I am fascinated that America’s First Black President is a Progressive who represents the Woodrow Wilson KKK Democrat political party which historically has kept blacks downtrodden.

    The wounds will never heal because Vichy Progressives need these wounds to remain infected with dis-ease in order to maintain their Slave Plantation power trip.

    This is the problem with America’s Ivy-Inbred educational system; from their Ivy Towers the Inbred spread the infected wound to everyone via groupthink dictation.

  12. Lincolntf says:

    “He’s seemingly excelled at everything he’s ever tried and is universally regarded by those who know him and work with him as down-to-earth, earnest, and hard working.

    Huh? We know he’s tried a few things, but what has he succeeded at? He went to college, but refuses to show us his grades. Then he represented Chicago as it slipped ever deeper into the pit of violence and poverty that it is today. Sure, he wrote two books, but neither of them contained an original thought that I could ever find. His enthusiastic drive to secure the Olympics for his failing City was unceremoniously swatted down. The list goes on.
    He certainly has plenty of accolades under his belt, but I see no real achievements.

  13. G.A.Phillips says:

    Breaking News: Liberals cheat.

  14. Brett says:

    I’ll keep an eye on it (The Inquirer was the one who broke the scandal of John Edwards’ affair, so they do get them right from time to time), but I’m skeptical as well.

    Everything I’ve read about Obama from “behind the scenes” (including Newsweek’s “Secrets of the 2008 Campaign” and Halperin’s latest book) is that something like this – a campaign fling – would be something that Obama would be far too cautious to do. He’s not Bill Clinton, who had a history of these rumors going back to his time in Arkansas state politics, or Edwards, who comes across as occasionally rather impulsive behind the scenes.

  15. Dodd says:

    So, I suppose I wouldn’t be shocked if this bore out. I’d sure as hell be surprised, though. Despite significant ideological differences, Obama has always struck me as an incredibly decent sort. As Joe Biden said in a different context, he’s storybook, man. He’s seemingly excelled at everything he’s ever tried and is universally regarded by those who know him and work with him as down-to-earth, earnest, and hard working. And, while politicians always tout themselves as family men, Obama actually seems to be one, making time for his kids even while holding down the hardest job on the planet. Let’s just say he’s no Bill Clinton.

    My reasons for being deeply skeptical are much more cynical. I have no real feeling that Obama is especially decent but the one thing he most certainly is is disciplined in his ambition. NE’s newfound credibility (and apparent dogged efforts on this story) notwithstanding, I’ll need the proof before I believe he’d risk his ambitions for a little bit of nookie.

  16. imtoast says:

    Now if it were another man, I’d believe it. I don’t believe this story at all.

  17. astonerii says:

    Hard to imagine that this author seriously thinks Obama excels at everything he does. How much tokenism and complete fabrication by the Media does this author seriously take at face value?

  18. James Joyner says:

    Hard to imagine that this author seriously thinks Obama excels at everything he does. How much tokenism and complete fabrication by the Media does this author seriously take at face value?

    I don’t mean literally everything, of course, but the highlights: He’s been an excellent student, an excellent athlete, an excellent teacher, an excellent community organizer, and excellent father, and an excellent politician. He went from completely off the national radar screen to President of the United States in a span of, what, four and a half years? And he’s four years older than I am.

    There are aspects of his personality that annoy me and, certainly, most of his political agenda is different from mine. But, c’mon, you have to give the man his due.

  19. An Interested Party says:

    Judging by many of the comments on this thread, I can understand why so many people would want to believe that this story is true…I mean, how else can you hope to get rid of this lazy bullet-proof abomination bent on destroying our way of life who represents the Woodrow Wilson KKK Democrat political party and who has never accomplished anything….

  20. Matt says:

    Oh man I’m having flashbacks to the “Whitey” tapes (remember all the posters here talking that up lawl) or that Larry dude…

  21. floyd says:

    You’re slippin’ man… I didn’t even know that was supposed to be exaggeration and sarcasm until I read the “by-line”![lol]

  22. floyd says:

    “excellent politician”… No, excellent puppet, yes! Axelrod is the excellent politician!

  23. Rick says:

    “He’s been an excellent student, an excellent athlete, an excellent teacher, an excellent community organizer, and excellent father, and an excellent politician.”

    how do you know any of this? No one has a clue what kind of student he’s been since he’s never released any transcripts. He’s never really been a teacher, look up what “adjunct” means. As a community organizer he used 160 million dollars to make no change in Chicago’s schools. I’ll grant he can read a speech off a teleprompter.

  24. just me says:

    Well I will withhold judgement. Given the Enquirer’s track record on politicians and their affairs, it very well may be true.

    I struggle to see Obama as being dumb enough though to think he could have an affair while president and not get caught. Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Mark Sanford and others should have been more than enough evidence to avoid having one-when you are that high profile you eventually get caught.

  25. Franklin says:

    If history is any lesson, it is very difficult for people with this much power to avoid exploiting it to satisfy their most primal desires.

    Still, I’d be significantly more surprised and disappointed if it was true than if it was false. There’s a lot of big players trying to bring him down and they have failed so far.

  26. Michael Reynolds says:

    I’m a big supporter of Obama, but my first vote was for Richard Nixon. And “he’s too smart” was what all the smart people said about Watergate. (Not that getting a little strange is equivalent to Watergate.) Smart does not exclude dumb.

  27. floyd says:

    I remember the left having a field day telling lies about Bush cheating on his wife and deeming him unfit for his job because of this “character flaw”!

    Now, I can understand saying that B.O. should get the benefit of the doubt, but most of you are defending infidelity as if it were a virtue, just in case this icon is found to have feet of clay.

    Why don’t you guys ask your wives if they think cheating is a virtue? Or better yet encourage them to cheat on you.

  28. Lunacy says:

    @susan. YES.
    @rick. YES. I was thinking the exact same thing.

    @James and others.

    He is NOT the first black president. This is a lie that I would love to swat down forever. He is the first mulatto president. Let’s call a spade a spade.

    Seriously, are we really still a people who think any black is all black?

    How come the same doesn’t go for other ethnic groups? Does my 1/8th indian make me an amerindian octaroon?

  29. Lunacy says:

    Oh and,

    @floyd. YES.
    @defendUSa. YES.

    @michael. Refer to Floyd’s comments.

  30. Pete Town says:

    Derrick you are delusional. Let’s start with Rathergate about Bush’s National Guard service. How about the NYTimes story of his cocaine use.
    No big media has picked this up. Yes, Bush had it MUCH WORSE.

  31. Michael Reynolds says:

    @Lunacy. Refer to your screen name.

  32. An Interested Party says:

    No big media has picked this up.

    Maybe not, but certainly random people around here afflicted with raging ODS have used it to vomit all their various neuroses…

  33. anjin-san says:

    But, c’mon, you have to give the man his due.

    Not really. Rush has decreed otherwise…

  34. Drew says:

    C’mon. This story is silly. Now, Chris “Tingle up my Leg” Mathews and Obama………well.

  35. An Interested Party says:

    Now, Chris “Tingle up my Leg” Mathews [sic] and Obama………well.

    That must be similar to the numerous fluffers in the press that Bush had from right after 9/11 until Iraq went sour…

  36. tom p says:

    I love all the people who get all “a-tingle” over a non-story because James feel the need to comment on what a “non-story it is”…

    Guys, the real story is that Obama had an orgy in the Lincoln Room of the White House for donors of 50 thou or more and they were all aliens…. (oh and I know this is true because I seen a picture on the internet of the Devil in a cloud over the White House)


    If only the Weekly World News was still around…. You too, could be as enlightened as I.

    PS: Did I mention that the Obama I am speaking of is not Barack? It is his dead mother come back to haunt our dreams of zero taxes and ultimate property rights.

  37. SoFedUp says:

    I’d be shocked if it were true. All you have to do is look at Michelle to doubt it. She would absolutely beat his skinny ass if he did something like that and she’s big enough and strong enough to do it.

  38. Shana says:

    I will have to have more evidence to believe this. They see a black man who has made something of himself and feel that they must destroy him. Check out the story it says they have offered more than $1 million to witnesses. Of coarse, if you offered me that much $ I’d make up a lie. Then why are you looking for stuff to destroy this man you’re digging for things. Ok, even if he did do it, no it’s not ok but if it was 100 yrs ago and he was not president leave it alone. Yeah he’s president but he’s still human.

  39. floyd says:

    Let me get this straight… you feel that any charge against B.O. is suspect of being racially motivated, simply because of what you perceive to be his race?
    Further, while you decry this perceived ubiquitous injustice, you would perpetuate it yourself for money?
    After all this you say that if he was a nobody , a hundred years ago, nobody would care, and besides only non-humans should be held to standards of conduct,or fidelity?
    Did I understand all that right?[lol]

    BTW; B.O. made nothing of himself, it was David Axelrod who made “something” of him, either way though, he really is “something” isn’t he?

  40. floyd says:

    I’m guessing you mean in contrast to B.O.’s “innumerous” fluffers.
    You only wish B.O.’s fluffer lines were as short.