Obama Change America Has Been Hiding From America For Fear of Being Killed

The novelist Alice Walker takes to the pages of The Guardian, where “Comment is free,” to explain how Barack Obama can save America from our pitiful white selves and absolve Hillary Clinton’s original sin.

When I have supported white people, it was because I thought them the best to do the job. If Obama were in any sense mediocre, he would be forgotten by now. He is, in fact, a remarkable human being, not perfect but humanly stunning, like King was and like Mandela is. He is the change America has been trying desperately and for centuries to hide, ignore, kill. The change it must have if we are to convince the rest of the world that we care about people other than our (white) selves.


It is hard to relate what it feels like to see Mrs Clinton (I wish she felt self-assured enough to use her own name) referred to as “a woman” while Barack Obama is always referred to as “a black man”. One would think she is just any woman, but she is not. She carries all the history of white womanhood in the US in her person; it would be a miracle if we, and the world, did not react to this fact. How dishonest it is, to try to make her innocent of her racial inheritance.

To recap:

  • All white people are evil [Except perhaps Barack Obama’s mother? -ed.].
  • The chief consideration in electing an American president is persuading non-Americans (at least non-white non-Americans) that we care about them.

Glad we cleared that up.

If present trends continue, then, the general election will put “The American President Americans Have Been Waiting For” against “The American Change America Has Tried To Hide, Ignore, and Kill.”

Should be interesting.

FILED UNDER: 2008 Election, Gender Issues, Race and Politics, , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Triumph says:

    If present trends continue, then, the general election will put “The American President Americans Have Been Waiting For” against “The American Change America Has Tried To Hide, Ignore, and Kill.”

    Why are you equating the views of some random writer who happens to support Hussein with the actual campaign strategy of Panama John?

  2. Michael says:

    If present trends continue, then, the general election will put “The American President Americans Have Been Waiting For” against “The American Change America Has Tried To Hide, Ignore, and Kill.”

    But wait! Call now and we’ll include 2 “Patriotic American Patriots for America” lapel flag pins, plus 12 “Hoping to Change America’s Hope for Change in America” stickers. And, while supplies last, you’ll get a free “Only New York and Ohio are significant.” bumper sticker!

    The first 911 callers will also get a *FREE* copy of Rudy Giuliani’s auto-biography: “9/11: 9/11 9/11, 9/11 (9/11)”. (Supplies seemingly unlimited).

  3. Bithead says:

    All white people are evil [Except perhaps Barack Obama’s mother? -ed.].

    (Sneeze, sneeze, racial identity, sneeze.)

  4. Eneils Bailey says:

    When I have supported white people, it was because I thought them the best to do the job.

    I support Hillary, not because she is a white person, but because she may bring back to The White House some of that china and silverware she drove off with in January of 2001.

  5. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    Here is a deal for that author. All those who judge by race, vote for Obama. The rest of us who judge by character, as instructed by Martin Luther King, vote for McCain. For if we judge on character, Obama used cocaine, McCain did not. The list of things Obama has done that are questionable are great and long. The service provided this country by McCain is also great and long.

  6. anjin-san says:


    Bush has misplaced 9 billion cash somewhere in Iraq and you are obsessing about silverware?

  7. Michael says:

    Bush has misplaced 9 billion cash somewhere in Iraq and you are obsessing about silverware?

    It was really nice silverware.

  8. Anderson says:

    Sorry, my browser isn’t showing the part of Walker’s quote that says “all white people are evil,” or words to that effect.

    Where is it?

  9. James Joyner says:

    Sorry, my browser isn’t showing the part of Walker’s quote that says “all white people are evil,” or words to that effect.

    How else are we to take phrases like:

    He is the change America has been trying desperately and for centuries to hide, ignore, kill. The change it must have if we are to convince the rest of the world that we care about people other than our (white) selves.

    I’m not sure what “evil” is if not total disregard for other human beings.

    She carries all the history of white womanhood in the US in her person; it would be a miracle if we, and the world, did not react to this fact. How dishonest it is, to try to make her innocent of her racial inheritance.

    And this is essentially an original sin argument, no? Clinton is responsible for all the bad whites have ever done simply because she shares the same skin tone?

    I can easily imagine Obama sitting down and talking to any leader – or any person – in the world, with no baggage of past servitude or race supremacy to mar their talks. I cannot see the same scenario with Clinton, who would drag into 21st-century US leadership the same image of white privilege and distance from others’ lives that has so marred the country’s contacts with the rest of the world.


  10. floyd says:

    “”She carries all the history of white womanhood in the US in her person; it would be a miracle if we, and the world, did not react to this f……act.””
    If this were even remotely true it would sure make “The Guess Who” prophetic in more than just metaphorical ways…

    “”American woman, stay away from me
    American woman, mama let me be
    Don’t come hangin’ around my door
    I don’t wanna see your face no more
    I got more important things to do
    Than spend my time growin’ old with you
    Now woman, I said stay away,
    American woman, listen what I say.””

  11. Eneils Bailey says:

    “”She carries all the history of white womanhood in the US in her person;”

    She also carries about thirty to forty pounds of extra womanhood under those constant pant-suit ensembles. Looks like and sounds like she has been bellying-up to the all-you can-eat democrat political buffet.

    Sorry, I apologize, please forgive me, I do not like this person. She is a person of questionable morals. Her claim to be ready after eight years in the White House is only supported by her ability(or inability) to keep track of Bill’s pecker.