OTB Caption Contest Winners
The Eats, Shoots, and Leaves Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
The Eats, Shoots, and Leaves Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
Photo By STRINGER/CHINA/REUTERS Fri, Apr 26, 2013
First: Patrick McCain – Hagel to Obama: “Sir, we tried and tried, but you have just got to give up the idea of training a Kung Fu army.”
Second: Hal 10000 – The “Panda Shake” dance craze hasn’t quite taken off.
Third: Fog – The panda’s last words were, “F*cking Nugent…
Kevin – BREAKING NEWS Panda in solidarity with prisoners at GITMO, joins hunger strike. When asked, Jay Carney blamed the sequester.
OzarkHillbilly – Mitch McConnell is exhausted because doing nothing is really hard work.
John Burgess – Man… that GMO bamboo… that’s good shit.
Mr. Prosser – They bring me the best food, they give me toys to play with, they gave me this tree and they bring in females to mate with when I’m in the mood. Eat your hearts out guy
Gromitt Gunn – Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.
Dawn Smith – Panda: “I had a dream that I was impaled by a rhinoceros, and I just kept riding around on his head like this, because all I had was Obamacare…”
John425 – GAO reports that Obama’s “pandering” is fast depleting the panda stockpile. (…thats the problem with Obama, too much panda-erring — rodney dill)
Paul Hooson – “I’m getting tired of trying to find a safe place to hide from Hooson’s bad jokes…”
…and now I’d like to show you a little something I call me ‘ole bamboo.
“I’m giving Grumpy Cat at run for the money.”
What’s Black and White and Red all over… a Communist Panda.
The Monday Contest is still looking for the soap.
This was a good one. I think most of the entries could have been #1.
Oh well, there’s always next time to be the absolute worst one here. My string of jokes about the giant rubber duck watching ethnic housefires should give me a few strong contenders for next time to shock and emit a few groans. I even have a new joke about that giant duck watching that Cleveland kidnapping.
I certainly appreciate the honorable mention Rodney. You’re a true gentleman. Strangely, one time when my brother and I were at a professional office, a fellow greeted us by saying, “Hello, gentlemen”, and we both turned around and said, “”Where,? Where?”.
@OzarkHillbilly: True, In my mind the top three (as I picked) were very close, and there were a lot of other good ones.
Woohoo, now I can truly say that I’ve accomplished everything a man can accomplish in life. Thanks Rodney!