OTB Radio – Tonight at 7 Eastern

OTB Radio The next episode of OTB Radio, our BlogTalkRadio program, will record and air live tonight from 7-8 Eastern.

Dave Schuler and Alex Knapp will be joining me tonight to talk about recent events in the news.  Possible topics include:

  • Should Americans learn other languages?
  • McCain’s odd sense of humor
  • Is forced voluntarism slavery or just an oxymoron?
  • Rush Limbaugh’s popularity
  • Reforming the War Powers Act?
  • Salmonella cost-benefit analysis
  • Balancing the budget

Please join us. We’ll also be taking your calls at (646) 716-7030.

You can play the show, subscribe to its feed, or share it with your friends via the widget below:

(Note: The playback automatically updates to the most recent show available. Older shows can be accessed at the show archives.)

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Triumph says:

    * Should Americans learn other languages?


    * McCain’s odd sense of humor

    The guy is the next Norman Fell

    * Is forced voluntarism slavery or just an oxymoron?

    Slavery–just like military conscription

    * Rush Limbaugh’s popularity

    The guy is brilliant. I love him.

    * Reforming the War Powers Act?

    Only if we want the terrorists to win.

    * Salmonella cost-benefit analysis

    Just stop eating

    * Balancing the budget

    Why? Let our children deal with it. Our parents screwed the world enough up for us, we might as well pass it on.