Photo Of The Day: Man’s Best Friend Edition
A dog, ‘Leao’, sits for a second consecutive day, next to the grave of her owner, Cristina Maria Cesario Santana, who died in the week’s catastrophic landslides in Brazil, at the cemetery in Teresopolis, near Rio de Janiero, on January 15, 2011. By Vanderlei Almeida/AFP/Getty.
H/T: Andrew Sullivan
Please tell me someone is going to look after the dog. I see no dog food, no water, no shelter. Reporting on the dog’s unwavering loyalty is fine, but I’m more concerned with what’s going to become of the dog.
Yes, I’m a soft heart when it comes to animals.
It must have got dusty in here all of a sudden.
Chopping onions here.
Doug, I both thank you and despise you for posting this photograph.
Rio de JanEIro – e before i