Quote of the Day

Courtesy new blogosphere denizen Tom DeLay:

So, as we go forward to advance our cause and reclaim our majority, conservatives must remember that our society, our government, and our policies must align in a way that promotes and protects our freedoms, our principles and our republic.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Dave Schuler says:

    There goes the neighborhood.

  2. legion says:

    And after all that hard work by you guys to dispel the concept of bloggers as unemployed losers…

    Also, assuming DeLay shares his sentiments with any still-serving members of the GOP power structure, it’s abundantly clear from his other comments that these people have absolutely no idea whatsoever why they lost power last month.

  3. floyd says:

    legion;WHY???.. Second term, off year election. Were you under the false impression that it was the brilliant democrat alternative?

  4. Steve Verdon says:

    And all that yummy pork too. Don’t forget the pork.

  5. Cernig says:

    Good try, James.

    But surely the real “Quote of the Day” is also from Tom DeLay’s blog.

    The importance of the blogosphere in shaping and motivating the current conservative movement is unquestionable- not only has it served as an important tool in breaking through the liberal MSM clutter but it has helped to keep our elected officials true to principle.

    Tom still needs to learn some blogging conventions. There was no /sarcasm after that comment.

    Congrats on making the “true to principle” Tom’s blogroll, by the way. I can only imagine that the news came as something akin to learning at some future date that Newshog might make it to William “Cold Cash” Jefferson’s blogroll. I would have to scrub the computer’s innards with Lysol.

    Regards, C

    P.S. Interestingly, while Tom thinks the blogosphere is all that and a bag of chips, all the posts linking to other bloggers have been by “NJ Conservative” so far. Any idea who that is?

  6. Tano says:

    Damn, they screen comments! What on earth are they afraid of?

  7. Cernig says:

    Hi Tano,

    Comments were unmoderated to begin with. Blog P.I. has some examples of why they now are.

    He also notes that Tom admits to not writing his own blog-posts. Not even the ones that appear under his byline.

    It’s not such a big issue that he’s not actually writing his posts — few politicians do — but this disclosure does not appear on the site, though some posts do go up under his name. Even a shared byline would be nice, to give some idea of who is responsible for word choice.

    For example, one contributor goes by the moniker NJ Conservative. No indication whether that person is the same as this NJ Conservative. Another is billed as NH Conservative, so the odds are these are merely anonymous contributors named for their state of residence. Will nobody post under their own name?

    Regards, C