Roger Simon: I Had My Legs Cut Off
Politico‘s Roger Simon has resumed his column after an 8-month absence. He explains in an interview with himself:
Q: Where have you been? It’s been months.
A: I decided that while anyone can write about health care from the outside, it takes a real journalist to explore it from the inside.
Q: So?
A: So I had my legs cut off.
Q: That’s not funny!
A: You’re telling me. You want to know what’s funny about losing your legs?
Q: What?
A: They’re always in the last place you look.
Q: I can’t tell if you are making this up. How did you lose your legs?
A: How about I got an infection and it led to blood poisoning?
Q: That, I believe.
A: The doctors had to cut off my right leg below the knee and almost all of my left foot. After a long stint in intensive care, then seven weeks at the National Rehabilitation Hospital in Washington, I am now in a wheelchair. But I can’t wait to get back on my own two — artificial — feet again.
Q: You are being very brave about this.
A: It is amazing how brave you can be when you have no choice. Also, I am on a lot of drugs.
Yikes. That must have been one hell of a infection and case of blood poisoning – how did he get it?
Well, at least artificial limbs are a lot better than they used to be.