Sarah Palin Supports GOProud’s Attendance At CPAC (I Think)
From the same interview I wrote about yesterday, here’s Sarah Palin responding to a question about GOProud’s attendance at CPAC this year:
Well, I’ve never attended a CPAC conference ever so I was a little taken aback this go around when I couldn’t make it to this one either and then there was a speculation well I either agree or disagree with some of the groups or issues that CPAC is discussing. It really is a matter of time for me.
But when it comes to and David, perhaps what it is that you’re suggesting in the question is should the GOP, should conservatives not reach out to others, not participate in events or forums that perhaps are rising within those forums are issues that maybe we don’t personally agree with? And I say no, it’s like you being on a panel shoot, with a bunch of the liberal folks whom you have been on and you provide good information and balance, and you allow for healthy debate, which is needed in order for people to gather information and make up their own minds about issues.
I look at participation in an event like CPAC or any other event, along, or kind of in that same vein as the more information that people have the better
Some on the right, such as Andrew Brietbart, are saying this morning that this means that Palin supports GOProud’s attendance at CPAC. Maybe it does. When you’re dealing with a mish-mosh of words that seem like they were randomly thrown together, it’s really hard to tell.
Nonetheless, if Palin really is saying that GOProud should be allowed to attend CPAC and that boycotting the meeting because of their attendance is the wrong approach then I’ve got to say that I agree with Sarah Palin.
Yea, I know, stop the presses on that one.
“When you’re dealing with a mish-mosh of words that seem like they were randomly thrown together, it’s really hard to tell.”
Of course, it’s a “mish-mosh” in the mind of a far left Liberal; To any open minded person looking at that interview and listening to her, her points were lucid and her delivery on point. Perhaps her manner of speaking isn’t as fluid as the typical Harvard speech major, but her delivery and dialect is arguably refreshing to the heartland and middle of the country. I understand from your Liberal cocoon and perch in the Northeast echo chamber, her manner of speaking isn’t acceptable to you, so everything she says is “Word Salad” – The new catch phrase making the rounds on leftist blogs.
Btw, nobody cares whether a Palin Hater agrees with her, least of which whether GOProud should participate at CPAC. Everyone knows anti Palin zealots who “agree” with her are doing it for phony expedience. She has expressed tolerance for the gay POV in the past every though she doesn’t agree with their lifestyle. If you took your anti Palin blinders off and removed your ear muffs, you would know that her belief for GOProud participate is not unusual for her.
Smooth. Can you just sum up, in one or two sentences what you believe she is saying? Because I’m not sure if she is saying 1) she disagrees with GOP Proud’s POV but wouldn’t let that stop her from attending, 2) She’s not saying anything about her agreement or disagreement but just noting that if someone does have a disagreement they shouldn’t let that interfere with going, or 3) She agrees with GOP Proud’s POV.
MarkedMan — The fact that you want her statement to have a definite, precise meaning is proof that you are a LIEberal Palin-hater. In the midwest and the heartland they understand that you don’t have to mean anything specific as long as you utter syllables.
***In the midwest and the heartland they understand that you don’t have to mean anything specific as long as you utter syllables.***
lol, a crap load of people voted for Obama around here. All he does is talk vague smack……
Man I would love to see her debate that puppet…..
“Btw, nobody cares whether a Palin Hater agrees with her…”
Just as nobody cares (well, apart from the amusing entertainment value) whether a Palin sycophant like you tries to lash out at anyone who dares to disagree with her…
“Man I would love to see her debate that puppet…..”
Careful what you wish for, as 2012 is looming…
Seeing as she cast the veto against a antidomestic partnership referendum, back in 2007, as opposed to what she probably considers an erroneous step in supporting Prop 8 and 4, but
don’t let reality get in the way of your meme.
“Perhaps her manner of speaking isn’t as fluid as the typical Harvard speech major, but her delivery and dialect is arguably refreshing to the heartland and middle of the country.”
Actually, her manner of speaking, delivery and dialect would earn her a D in middle school Language Arts in our state. Sarah Palin could be a poster child for why America is so far behind other developed countries educationally.
The logic that anyone in the midwest finds Sarah’s Word Salad™ with WTF dressing “refreshing” is very interesting, and says a great deal about the decline of education everywhere in our nation–not just in the perpetually ignorant, red state south.