Sarah Palin’s Latest Speech For Donald Trump Must Be Heard To Be Believed
Sarah Palin was in Wisconsin campaigning for Donald Trump and gave a speech in which she seemingly hit new lows when it comes to incoherence:
The entire speech, which you can watch in its entirety above, ran 18 minutes. Palin got applause three times: 1. When she was introduced 2. When she mentioned Hillary Clinton and Benghazi and 3. When she finished. Here are a select few of my favorite lines — in the order in which Palin said them.
* “Getting off the airplane … Seeing all the green and gold and the green and gold until I’m dead and cold paraphernalia everywhere.”
* “This awesome awakening, the shifting and sifting and the exposing of this rabid bite for them to hang on to any kind of relevancy and to hang on to their gravy train.”
* On immigrants: “Inducing and seducing them with gift baskets … ‘Come on over the border and here’s a gift basket of teddy bears and soccer balls.’ ”
* “In order to work, to produce, to strive and to thrive, and to really be alive in the greatest country on earth.”
* “Trashin’ our economy, shippin’ out jobs, lettin’ us foot the bill, palin’ around with the same old politicos and insiders.”
* “And we won’t retreat, we’ll reload. We’ll reload.”
It was like watching Walt “Clyde” Frazier give a political speech. It was awkward as hell and impossible to stop watching all at the same time.
It’s as if Palin has slipped into some kind of demented self-parody that makes even Tina Fey’s Sarah Palin seem sane by comparison, and, but for the result of an election, it’s entirely possible that today she would have been completing her second term as Vice-President of the United States. To say we dodged a bullet is an understatement.
Here’s the video:
Whew! Yeah, thank goodness we had Joe Biden all those years as our VP. Errr, wait a minute!
Trump could appoint Ms Palin Russian Ambassador
That way she could keep an eye on her house.
And family…………….
@Pat Curley:
What exactly has Joe Biden done wrong as Vice-President?
By all accounts I’ve read he’s been a faithful ally to the President, a frequent adviser on foreign policy matters, and a crucial liaison to Congress during negotiations over budget and other issues.
The conservative effort to paint Joe Biden as some kind of buffoon has, in other words, been an utter failure in everyone’s minds but their own.
Three possibilities:
1. She doesn’t know she sounds deranged.
2. She no longer cares if she sounds deranged.
3. She thinks sounding deranged is cute and clever and exactly what her fans want to hear.
I blame Obama.
@CSK: You forgot, “She’s off her meds again.”
Washed down with the beer that made Milwaukee famous.
Sorry, no. She’s always thrown out incoherent word salad. Somehow, eight years ago, Republicans chose to not notice.
I am a great believer that the way one speaks and writes reflects the way one thinks. Which would explain a lot of Palin’s opinions. And doesn’t reflect highly on Trump either.
Thank you John McCain, for giving voice to those millions of Americans who have no business voting, whatsoever.
No one’s denying that she’s always been a fount of witless gabble. But in the past year or so, the fount has turned into a water main eruption.
@Kylopod: Yes, did someone slip some LSD in her drinkie-poo or was she always this incoherent?
A VERB, we need a VERB!!!
(To all of the other old farts like myself around here, remember Alexander Haig?)
Are we sure SNL slip a ringer in to make this speech…?
@grumpy realist:
Oh, sure. Alex “I am in control here” Haig. I thought it was an episode of “The Outer Limits.”
You know, I’m pretty critical of Obama. But it’s a rare day that goes by that I’m not glad that McCain-Palin lost. It could have been soooo much worse.
@Doug Mataconis:
Let’s see, Biden referred to unscrupulous bankers as “shylocks” an anti-Semitic slur. He once stated, “We have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt.” Or how about, “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.” Or, “You don’t know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country. My state is anything from a northeast liberal state.” Or, ” you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.”
He’s a clown, but great insurance against anybody trying to assassinate Obama.
@Pat Curley: So now that you’ve taken this opportunity to criticize Biden, perhaps you can attempt a larger task: Defending Palin.
@CSK: I’ll go with number three.
@Pat Curley: The man has been a national level politician since 1972 and that’s what you’ve got?
@Doug Mataconis: Got home and up voted that again.
@Pat Curley:
Biden does occasionally say dumb things. I have numerous issues with his politics, particularly his support of police militarization. And he’s a plagiarist. But he’s nowhere near as dumb and incoherent as Sarah Palin. Biden sounds like an idiot on occasion. Palin sounds like an idiot all the time.
And this is different from any 2008 speech how again?
OK, maybe she stuck to the script a bit better then, but not by much. Yet James voted for her. Doug however voted for Stewie from The Family Guy. He’s a Maverick!
Well, she certainly propelled Trump to a resounding victory in Wisconsin last night, didn’t she?
Oh, she didn’t?
@Doug Mataconis:
Fixed that for you.
Part of her problem is that she’s so ensconced inside the conservative bubble that she thinks everyone knows what she’s talking about and, therefore sounds even more insane than she actually is. Here’s the (also cuckoo) right wing nutter take on her soccer balls and teddy bears complaint. It doesn’t explain away how kooky she is, but at least she was trying to reference an actual event.
@Pat Curley: Wow, those were WEAK. I can only second gVOR08’s response – 44 years of having nearly every word recorded, and you find a couple jokes gone bad and maybe one real offensive statement.
I haven’t had the patience to actually listen to her speak since the vice presidential debate in 2008 so I have an honest question for those who do – do the transcripts do her justice? Does she really sound this unhinged when she is talking? Or is she even worse and the transcripts do what they can to find an underlying thought?
@Pete S: I’ll take “Unintelligible Gabble That Sounds Worse In Real Life” for $500, Alex.
@CSK: I am compelled to vote for all three….
Biden Gaffed, Dean Screamed, Hillary Cackled… all silly business from people lacking cogent argument.
As much as it pains me to defend Sarah Palin—EVER–“green and gold until I’m dead and cold” is not just a senseless rhyme. You see it on t-shirts and such about the Packers. So it actually is paraphernalia she could have been looking at, and she’s far from the first politico to give a shout out to NFL fans in whatever state they happen to be visiting.
She’s still a moron overall, and we’re lucky to have avoided her getting elected to VP.