Senate Health Care Vote Breakdown
Steven Taylor (here and here) breaks down the Senate’s party-line vote on the health care bill in some interesting ways. The upshot:
- The 60 Yes votes represented 64.22% of the population
- Only 12 state delegations split their vote: AK, FL, IA, IN, LA, MO, NC, NE, NH, NV, OH, SD (KY’s Jim Bunning, scheduled to retire did not vote)
- Several states did not follow their 2008 presidential vote:
McCain States voting “Yes”: AR, MT, ND, WV
McCain states Split: AK, LA, MO, NE, NH, SD
Obama states voting “No”: ND, ME
Obama states Split: FL, IA, IN, NC, NV, OH
- Here’s how it looks when we break it down based on the year they’re up for re-election:
Yes No 2010 16 17 +1 (not voting) 2012 24 9 2014 20 13 60 40
- Of the 33 seats up in 2010, 9 will be open. Yet all of those Senators still voted along party lines!
Allow me to break into this thread to wish Dr. James Joiner a super Holiday with the usual all the best etc… There is little other than good health one can wish for a man who has a beautiful and smart wife, a baby daughter who is just starting to walk, and a one and half inch T-Bone sizzling on the grill.
The sole exception in this spirit of peace and good cheer in his Universe remains the odious and heinous Dallas Cowboys who stand in the way of the magnificent Men in Blue achieving a playoff berth.
Similar wishes to his associate blogegrs Dave Schuler, Alex Knapp and Steve Verdon. Together with Dr. Joiner, they have tickled the brain cells and expanded my Universe.
I would like to share these greetings and sentiment with the all correspondents to this blog. I admire and at times stand in awe as they with bounty of grace and bonhomous attempt to correct some of Dr. Joiner or one of his Associates blog posting. The screaming, skewering, and blood letting that on occasion may follow between correspondents warms this warrior’s soul — the gladiator gene still lives.
Cross posted to all of today’s threads.