Shiny New Bullets Fired into Iraqi Home
Michael Demmons , Ace, Blackfive, Michelle Malkin, Richard at Hyscience and others reported yesterday on an APF photo that bore the caption, “An elderly Iraqi woman shows two bullets which she says hit her house following an early coalition forces raid in the predominantly Shiite Baghdad suburb of Sadr City. At least 175 people were slaughtered on Tuesday and more than 200 wounded when four suicide truck bombs targeted people from an ancient religious sect in northern Iraq, officials said.”
The problem, of course, is that these shiny new rounds have obviously not been fired, much less into a house.
Interestingly, the original story from Yahoo is gone without explanation but it was easy to find several variants of the photo via the magic of Google. I found the version above Yahoo and Breitbart has another.
I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that a credulous young reporter wouldn’t know a spent round from a new one but, surely, someone along the chain should have noticed that, no? It rather detracts from the woman’s credibility, after all.
I e-mailed that pic to Confederateyankee yesterday under the title “this one shouldn’t take long”. It didn’t. The photographer along with the entire AFP chain of command must be absolutely stupid and the lady in the pic is a stooge.
Maybe they threw them at her, it could of put an eye out.
These Iraqis are a bunch of ungrateful neer-do-wells.
It is clear that those bullets are Iranian-made providing clear evidence that the government of Iran is engaged in a disinformation campaign against the US.
I highly doubt that the so-called “truck bombs” that ostensibly killed 175 people even existed.
Congratulations! Between this and Scott Beauchamp, you’ve proven the leftards wrong about everything!
Yeah, at first I was afraid Malkin et al. were going to argue that only Iran could be providing shiny new rounds to the terrorists.
If the insurgents have actually been reduced to *throwing* their bullets, then maybe the surge is working after all. Tho I did accidentally detonate a .22 round once, dropping it on a stone floor.
“Congratulations! Between this and Scott Beauchamp, you’ve proven the leftards wrong about everything!”
Certainly not everything and every story but surely you’d agree that it’s many more than an unbiased editorial board should let “slip”
Wire photos have only a slightly larger “chain of command” than your average blog. Before blogs, wire stuff *was* blogs, with things often republished and re-edited several times a minute. While yes, everyone in the chain was a dolt, it doesn’t really make for a conspiracy
“While yes, everyone in the chain was a dolt, it doesn’t really make for a conspiracy”
I’m not saying it was a conspiracy…the photo is an outright fraud.
Even more odd: while the photo has been removed from the US Yahoo page, it’s still on the various foreign Yahoo pages, such as Canada’s.
Yahoo! Canada News Photo
Apparently Yahoo thinks Canadians are more gullible than Americans.
As you once pointed out, the Media(AP) can be pretty clueless when it comes to simple ordinary facts, should it surprise us they know nothing abouts guns and bullets either?
Apparently Yahoo thinks Canadians are more gullible than Americans.
Well, how many Canadians have ever even seen a bullet? Pretty good assumption, eh?