Shortest Month of the Millenium
Dana Milbank's "No Palin Month" lasted almost 15 hours 45 minutes.
Dana Milbank’s “No Palin Month” lasted almost 15 hours 45 minutes:
I survived Day One of my February Sarah Palin moratorium, defeating the evil plans of ABC News’s Rick Klein.
Clearly Mr. Milbank has a different conception of what “not mention[ing] Sarah Palin — in print, online or on television — for one month” means than the rest of the English speaking world.
u only mention her b/c u love her and b?c she i is STRONG and DELIGHTFULLL and BUXOM in a NON_SEXUAL WAY and she is a EXPERTMARKSMAN and has nothing written on her HAND!
Well it is a short month so if Caribou Barbie can manage to spend it only doing irrelevant things like talking to Sean and Greta then perhaps the rest of us will be given the respite we have been deserving since August 29th, 2008
“Well it is a short month so if Caribou Barbie can manage to spend it only doing irrelevant things like talking to Sean and Greta then perhaps the rest of us will be given the respite we have been deserving since August 29th, 2008”
And the “rest of us” presumably means Northeast Liberal snobs like you. Btw, she just gave a presentation at a hunters convention in LV and is scheduled to give the keynote at Ronald Reagan’s 100 Bday celebration at his library later this month – so I guess she isn’t into just Greta & Sean as you suggest. Since you are into immature name calling, if she is “Caribou Barbie”, Obomb is the “Kenyan Interloper”. Maybe you can exhange crude nicknames with your fellow Lib Dana Milbank.LOL
Yes Smooth Jazz I cannot tell you how offended I am that she managed to finagle her way into the Centennial celebrations for someone who was a political hero growing up.
If Regan was stil with us he wud SUPORT and LOVE this BEUTIFUL and POWERFUL INTILLIGENT WOMAN!!! why do you fear her so much, libtard!
Before he did that, he’d suggest you learn how to spell.
Just sayin’
“Yes Smooth Jazz I cannot tell you how offended I am that she managed to finagle her way into the Centennial celebrations for someone who was a political hero growing up.”
Reagan your political hero?? I don’t believe that for a second. What is it with Liberals; All of a sudden they are fans of RR. Btw, You should get your facts straight: Gov Palin didn’t finagle her way into anything – She was invited by the event sponsors who reached out to her. Remember, not everybody thinks like you Northeast elitists.
Smooth Jazz,
Just because I don’t worship at the anti-intellectual feet of the former half-term Governor of Alaska doesn’t mean I’m a liberal. Try to figure that out, okay?
I think SkinnyHead is just trying to be a less successful Triump (WHERE ARE YOU TRIUMPH?! WE MISS YOU!).
The clue is that his website under his name is
“Just because I don’t worship at the anti-intellectual feet of the former half-term Governor of Alaska doesn’t mean I’m a liberal. Try to figure that out, okay?”
Please spare me. You dont like Gov Palin. Big deal. Join the club. A lot of people don’t like her. So what; That isn’t the issue and I think you know it. It is your snarky “Go back to your igloo; I’m better than you” condescending, snarling putdowns that are the issue. Caribou Barbie??? That sounds like a whackjob nickname from Tbogg & DailyKOS, and is not the kind of putdown I would expect from a blog that tries to come off as middle of the road.
Your colleagues here at OTB don’t like her and disagree with her also, but at least they don’t put her down like a backwoods hillbilly with childish name calling and putdowns. If it walks like a duck it is a duck, and anybody who puts down Repubs like DailyKOS is a Liberal as far as I’m concerned. Get over yourself Dude.
“Your colleagues here at OTB don’t like her and disagree with her also, but at least they don’t put her down like a backwoods hillbilly with childish name calling and putdowns. If it walks like a duck it is a duck, and anybody who puts down Repubs like DailyKOS is a Liberal as far as I’m concerned. Get over yourself Dude.”
Well, “dude”, perhaps you should follow your own advice and check out a mirror, as you show the same exact immature disdain for the president…
I can assure you, with total confidence, that Doug is not a liberal.
I can assure you, with total confidence, that Doug is not a liberal.
Is there really any point in trying to convince Kenny G? Sisyphus had an easier job.
I’ll admit, you’d never see Palin calling her detractors snide little names. Never. Never ever EVER. No way, in any way shape or form EVER….
Anyway, the biggest problem was Sarah Palin is that she doesn’t actually ADD anything to the public discourse. People will repeat her cutesy little quips that she heard elsewhere (lamestream media, etc) but no one quotes anything insightful that she has to say, because its ALL cutesy little quips. In pro wrestling, its what we refer to as a ‘cheap pop’ or ‘cheap heat’. If you want a ‘cheap pop’, mention Reagan. If you want ‘cheap heat’, mention Nancy Pelosi.
Let’s not fool ourselves, the media is entirely to blame for this Sarah saturation. And people desperately need to stop acting as though the reason people say she’s not going to be president is because they’re afraid of a strong, conservative woman. Condoleeza Rice is a strong, conservative woman and she doesn’t get nearly as much trash spoken about her. The reason she, Bachmann, and O’Donnell get so much trash talked about them is because they’re loons. And BTW, did you notice how Bachmann has her hair done like Palin in her speech after the SOTU and O’Donnell dressed like Palin during her campaign?
Anyway, Palin is a cult of personality and nothing more. All shine, no substance. And ask yourselves this: If she weren’t a hot chick (and let’s not fool ourselves…she is) would she be getting any airtime at all?
Oh yeah, and lest I forget.
Ronald Reagan would friggin hate this chick. Barbara Bush hates her, and she knew Reagan a lot longer than Palin did.
BTW, I like how conservatives held off on the knob-slobbering of Reagan until after he was dead. Mostly because Reagan would’ve actually said ‘You know…this isn’t all about me…’
FYI: the Wasilla Wackjob aka Caribou Barbie aka Tundra Tart is NOT speaking at any official Reagan Centennial event at the Reagan Library. She’s been invited to speak to the Young America’s Foundation dinner at the Reagan Ranch (not the same).
OFFICIAL event information may be found here:
By the way, with regard to how the Reagan family feels about the former, half-term Quitter from Alaska, I believe Ron Reagan (natural born son of Ronald and Nancy Reagan) over Michael Reagan, who is not.
“BTW, I like how conservatives held off on the knob-slobbering of Reagan until after he was dead.”
I think a lot of the lionizers would hate Reagan if he were still around. Reagan raised taxes, granted amnesty to illegal immigrants, supported negotiating and compromising with the liberals in Congress, supported nuclear treaties with Russia…
“I believe Ron Reagan (natural born son of Ronald and Nancy Reagan) over Michael Reagan, who is not.”
Of course. Everyone knows people sharing the same DNA have a telepathic link to each other.
“Ben Wolf,” full context is important. It’s common knowledge that Michael Reagan has been largely estranged from the rest of the family.
Without the Palin Name no one would listen, watch or read to the left media. All their media would go broke with 0 ratings if they gave up using Palin’s name.
In all fairness, Palin should be a majority stock holder in the entire Progressive media profit.
Without her they would implode with an addiction withdrawal spasm.
“Just because I don’t worship at the anti-intellectual feet of the former half-term Governor of Alaska doesn’t mean I’m a liberal. Try to figure that out, okay?”
Sure Doug. What your comments do say, at minimum, is that you are fool enough to believe the venom spewed by the MSM liars.
Anti-Intellectual. Sheesh. Mao, Stalin, Hitler were all smart and the intellectuals of the day loved them. She isn’t anti-learning, she’s anti-stupid! Try to learn that.
As for being a half-term Governor (though that half term was quite successful – corrupt politicians in jail, Exxon bitchslapped, and the Trans-Canada Pipeline deal sealed) the reason she resigned was because of the lawfair waged by your progressive friends. That’s right, they sued and sued and sued ensuring Palin was unable to Govern and would be saddled by enormous lawyer fees to defend herself. And guess what, EVERY one of those suits were tossed out.
Quit lying to yourself Doug, your ignorance proves you are a Liberal/Progressive/Socialist. Either that or a ballless Conservative that should be a Liberal.
It is hilarious to see a few with libs Palin derangement syndrome posting here.
I read a couple of Milbank’s columns a year ago. Very difficult to get through them as his thought process is not unlike that of a junkie. Disjointed and incoherent.
Palin’s gonna roll barry up and smoke him in the presidential debates. I can’t wait! He’ll be stuttering his signature “uuhh uuhhh uuuhh”s in the first 5 minutes….
Smooth Jazz: The Tundra Tart’s signature ‘accomplishment’ as governor, a massive oil profits tax-cum-wealth redistribution scheme entitled “Alaska’s Real Clear and Fair Share,” is a piece of populist nonsense right out of the same stable as Huey Long and 1930s leftwing radicalism. Ronald Reagan (who, like Doug, I also admired growing up) would have no doubt approved of it!
“illogic buster’: contempt for Sarah Palin is in no way incompatible with contempt for Dana Milbank. Indeed, I loathe both– and think Milbank should’ve been placed higher on Alex Pareene’s “Hack 30.”
(And I’m absolutely tickled by your handle: it’s almost as if your a populist-right version of the Fool Killer referred to in Cozzens’s “By Love Possessed.” How grotesque.)
I wonder if Marko, Smooth Jazz and other pseudo-conservatives on this thread think Bill Buckley or (say) Nancy Reagan would be caught dead in the same room as Sarah Palin.
It seems the only way Palin can get a genuine conservative anywhere near her is for him or her to be suffering from acute senile dementia, as is the case with Lady Thatcher. If the Iron Lady had her wits about her she of course would have nothing to do with Palin. The idea of an Oxford trained research scientist and statesman being in intimate proximity to Sarah Palin is simply absurd. (And shame on Lady Thatcher’s daughters for allowing this travesty to go forth.)
“Mao, Hitler and Stalin were all smart and the intellectuals of the day loved them.”
Oh dear. Someone’s been cribbing their ‘conservatism’ from Glenn Beck!
Well, yes, the dictators mentioned above were all smart in the practical sense, indeed they were all adept at real politik. But none of them– I repeat, NONE of them– could be plausibly mistaken for an intellectual. I mean, both Mao and Hitler positively hated intellectuals. Remember why Paul HIndemith and Sigmund Freud (and Beckian heroes Ludwig von Mises and F. A. Hayek) fled the Reich for America and the UK? And, uh, I hate to have to point this out, but Mao’s Cultural Revolution was nothing if not an all out assault on intellectualism and Ideas for Their Own Sake.
The notion that the majority of intellectuals moved Hitler is palpably absurd, and I won’t dignify it by responding in voluminous detail. One or two sentences is quite enough to dispel such nonsense. And as for Mao and Stalin: the last I checked, Buckley and Russell Kirk (and Whittaker Chambers, Richard Weaver, Milton Friedman– and so on, and on, and on) all very vocally opposed them; indeed the public careers of these men was predicated on an opposition to totalitarian socialism abroad; do none of these conservative icons count as intellectuals?
The first sentence of the fourth paragraph in my post directly above should read “…approve Hitler…” not “moved Hitler.” Please forgive the typo.