Minnesota Student Dies in Goal Post Celebration

Richard Thomas Rose, a student at the University of Minnesota-Morris, was killed yesterday during a post-game goal post celebration.

Student Dies in Goal-Post Celebration (AP)

A 20-year-old University of Minnesota-Morris student was killed Saturday when football fans rushed onto the field and pulled down a goal post at the end of the school’s homecoming game. Richard Thomas Rose, of Benton City, Wash., was pronounced dead at a hospital after attempts to revive him on the field failed, school officials said. No one else was hurt.

Minnesota-Morris Chancellor Sam Schuman said it was not immediately clear how Rose died. “I think the presumption is that (his) death was caused by a blow from the goal post,” he said.

Tragic. Of the things worth risking one’s life for, tearing down the goalposts after a win by a football team at a school no one has ever heard of is not very high on the list. The Cougars compete in the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference (NSIC) at the Division II level.

The school bills itself as “America’s best public liberal arts college.” There’s not even a link to its athletics department on the front page; I had to go to the sitemap to find the football page.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. DL says:

    I’ll give them a month till OSHA requires all fans at all football games to wear NFL regulation helmuts!

  2. Something like this happened, oh, about 20 or 25 years ago at a college in the fair city of New Haven, and the young woman, who was only injured, sued the New Haven police basically because they didn’t keep her off the field, where she injured herself.