Tabby Thursday
Steven L. Taylor
Thursday, January 9, 2025
- Tuberville has got to be the dumbest current member of the US Senate and has to be in the running for Dumbest Senator of All Time. I recognize this is not an especially deep or analytical statement, but I think it to be empirically true nonetheless. The problems with this 18-second clip are numerous, but let’s especially underscore the notion that he is asserting that we would fight a war with China using assets from the eastern coast of the US because that makes any sense. (Plus, spoiler: China does not control the Panama Canal).
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a retired Professor of Political Science and former College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored
A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog).
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Tuberville is a fucking moron. I’m sorry; there’s just no better way to put it.
I will just pretend for a second that they did not discuss Trump’s petition, and just marvel at the abject lack of concern on the part of everyone involved for the unavoidable and corroding optics of this call which served exactly no other purpose. The very idea that Trump personally needed to check this reference is so maddeningly preposterous and the suggestion that Levi asked Alito to take this call and Alito did shows them both to be craven. Just, just . . . [sputter, sputter].
If this is Tabby Tuesday, shouldn’t the picture be of a cat?
@CSK: Yup. Stunningly so.
@Joe: Agreed.
@Moosebreath: Never say I am unresponsive to reader requests!
Love that cat!
Re: Jimmy Carter’s state funeral.
Grandson Jason Carter, Gerald Ford’s son Steve, Walter Mondale’s son Ted, others, deliver clear concise, enlightening eulogies on the exemplary life of Jimmy Carter, offering profound lessons in history, civil behavior, ethical responsibility, mutuality, and spiritual awareness to all who would be so conscientious as to listen for comprehension.
Every line, every statement, a pointed indictment of President-elect Trump, who sits in attendance as the camera frequently notes. We likely look in vain for any inkling of a modicum of acknowledgement or impact.
Trump’s avowed policy plans express antithesis to Carter’s record. The evangelicals who powered all of Trump’s White House runs are seemingly immune to the sheer magnitude of cognitive dissonance generated by their support for someone who “fits to a T” their concept of the anti-Christ.
Thursday Cat blogging. In competition with KevinDrum? Even looks like Drum’s Charlie.
@gVOR10: It’s our Felix.
@Steven L. Taylor: Give Felix a head scratch for me. He’s darling. Reminds me of our Earl of many years ago.
@Steven L. Taylor:
Nice cat picture.
@Mister Bluster:
@Steven L. Taylor:
That cat is looking into my soul, my innards and is flatly unimpressed.