Joseph Kennedy III Enters Race Against Ed Markey For Senate
A familiar name has entered the race for the Democratic Senate nomination in Massachusetts.
A familiar name has entered the race for the Democratic Senate nomination in Massachusetts.
The junior Senator from Massachusetts could be facing a big challenge in 2020.
Hillary Clinton won the final Super Tuesday of the 2016 primary season, thus officially sending us into what promises to be among the most contentious General Election battles in recent memory.
Legislation to ban discrimination in employment against gays and lesbians is set to make major gains in the Senate.
Does it make sense to divide the Presidential debates between “domestic policy” and “foreign policy?” Yes, and no.
Barney Frank is marrying a dude, further proving just how gay he is.
Romney consolidated his position as the presumptive nominee, Perry continued his disintegration, Cain discovered what it was like to be a serious candidate, and Bachmann doubled down on crazy.
Tim Cook is succeeding Steve Jobs as head of the world’s biggest technology company. Does it matter that he’s gay?
Is S&P’s downgrade of the US bond rating “free speech” and thereby protected by the Constitution?
Byron York had some not unreasonable questions for Susan Feinberg, the woman who confronted Paul Ryan over $350 wine he consumed at a Capitol Hill restaurant. She won’t answer.
I’ve been arguing for years that what the Republican Party needs is to embrace its crazies and play more to racist elements in its base. It looks like someone’s listening.
Sure, there’s a lot of crap out there. But it’s easier to find good information and engage with experts than ever.
There appears to be bipartisan support for repealing one of the most egregious tax rules in last year’s Affordable Care Act
Does NATO membership serve a strategic purpose?
Democrats can’t stop using the F-word when talking about President Obama.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner held a private, off-the-record meeting in comedian Jon Stewart’s office back in April. Speculation abounds.
We’ve been talking about the 2010 elections since, oh, the day after the 2008 elections. Now, it’s time for final predictions.
Greg Mankiw notes a curious revisionism in Barney Frank’s pronouncements on Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac.