Is it the press’s responsibility to turn nonsense into sense?
The anti-DEI party is suddenly really concerned about identity
A deep dive into why imperfect Criminal Legal System data is still reliable
The weirdness of this year’s polling gives the President’s team hope.
The release of a second set of figures has created a lot of hyperbole.
He appointed a third of the Justices but has the worst record before them in modern history.
A few predictions that are going to disappoint just about everyone.
We can all agree that Trump and Biden are over the line. But where is it?
Thoughts after reading Part 2 of the Reuter’s series, “Slavery’s Descendants”
Diving into the structure of Alabama’s districts and highlighting deep problems.
A format unchanged since the Ford Administration* doesn’t suit the modern era.
What’s that phrased about broken clocks?
Why a paper got the story right and no one paid attention and polls over opposition research
The WSJ doesn’t like Stanford’s attempt to make its website more inclusive.