Lawyers Win SCOTUS Case, Forced to Leave Firm
A rather bizarre coda to yesterday’s big Supreme Court decision.
A rather bizarre coda to yesterday’s big Supreme Court decision.
Sanders’ position on felon voting is logical, yet politically suicidal.
The man responsible for the deaths of eleven people in a Pittsburgh synagogue has been indicted on 44 counts by a Federal Grand Jury.
Not surprisingly, Dylann Roof received a sentence of death for the murder of nine people at a historic African-American church.
To nobody’s surprise, Dylann Roof was convicted of the race-motivated murders in a Charleston church.
Polling shows that most Americans oppose Donald Trump’s plan to bar Muslim’s from immigrating to the United States, but Republicans are far more receptive to the idea.
The probability that the shootings in San Bernardino were at least inspired by ISIS and/or other Jihadist terror networks is increasing.
A new poll taken in the wake of the Paris attacks finds Americans increasingly fearful of ISIS attacks in the U.S., opposed to the admission of Syrian refugees, and not very confident in President Obama’s ability to deal with the ISIS threat.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev appeared in public for what is likely the last time in his life, apologized for the crimes he committed, and was unsurprisingly sentenced to death by a Federal Judge.
A word that has come in recent years to be used to refer chiefly to Muslim fanatics obviously applies to a man who murdered nine people because they’re black.
A well-founded fear of ISIS seems to be drawing many of the former Soviet Republics in Central Asia closer to Moscow.
Final justice, but far from the end of the road.
The parents of the youngest victim of the Boston Marathon bombing argue that his killer should be spared from the death penalty.
An unsurprising outcome as we approach the second anniversary of the bombing at the Boston Marathon.
Was Man Haron Monis a terrorist, or just a lone nut who had latched on to the rhetoric of ISIS to justify his own delusions? In the end, it hardly matters.
The latest ISIS video is horrible and barbaric but we should not take the bait they are offering before considering the consequences of our actions going forward.
The justice system works, there’s no need to scrap it.
The news media of 1914 didn’t see World War One coming, but it’s not clear that we’re any better.
Cowardice. There really isn’t any other word for it.
The Governor of Massachusetts decided to celebrate a bit after Dzhorkhar Tsarnaev was captured.
New questions about the interrogation of the surviving Boston Marathon bombing suspect.
The wacko fringe of the GOP is increasingly finding room in the mainstream of the party.
Some on the right are complaining that Dzhokar Tsarnaev was read his Mranda rights too soon.
My latest for The National Interest, “Why Terrorists Are Worse Than Guns,” has posted.
The Boston Marathon bombing attacks are leading some politicians to make wildly absurd statements.
Another Senator wants to delay immigration reform because of the attacks in Boston.
What Miranda does and does not cover and what consequences follow if police do not comply.
A strange loophole in the law means Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will be questioned without being advised of his Miranda Rights.
A sensational story, little solid information, and instant analysis are a bad combination