Muslim D.C. Cabdriver Assaulted By Passenger Yelling About Boston Bombing Attack
So, this happened:
An Army reservist and Iraq veteran who works as a cabdriver says a passenger he picked up early Friday at a Northern Virginia country club accused him of being a terrorist because he is Muslim, then fractured his jaw in an attack being described by Islamic activists as a hate crime.
Mohamed A. Salim says the passenger compared him to the men accused of carrying out the Boston Marathon bombing 11 days earlier and threatened to kill him.
“Because I’m a Muslim, he treated me like a piece of trash,” Salim said. “I love this country. I didn’t deserve this.”
Ed Dahlberg of Clifton, who has been charged with misdemeanor assault, denied hitting Salim in a statement released by his attorney.
Muslim rights workers said Salim’s account is supported by medical records and an 11-minute, obscenity-filled video of Dahlberg’s remarks leading up to the alleged assault. Salim, a 39-year-old from Great Falls, provided The Washington Post with a copy, which his attorney described as evidence of the prejudice that others sometimes face but rarely document.
The video, which Salim took on his phone, appears to show physical contact between the men but does not capture the alleged punch that Salim said fractured his jaw, the Boston bombing reference or the threat to kill. Salim said that those happened after he stopped recording so he could call the police.
On the video, a middle-aged businessman can be heard asking Salim if he is Islamic and then asserting that most Muslims are terrorists. He says the Koran directs Muslims to kill nonbelievers and then repeatedly and loudly demands that Salim denounce the Sept. 11, 2001, attackers. When Salim asks if the passenger is threatening him, the passenger uses an obscene phrase to respond in the affirmative.
“If you’re a Muslim, you’re a [expletive] jihadist,” the passenger says. “You are just as bad as the rest of them.”
The video ends with a blur of motion and audio of Salim asking, “Why are you punching me? Sir, why are you punching me?”
The passenger replies: “You’re a [expletive] Muslim.”
The insult is followed by the sound of a car door slamming. In an interview, Salim said Dahlberg left briefly but returned, struck him and ran into the woods.
Dahlberg’s attorney, Demetry Pikrallidas, said Dahlberg did not assault Salim. Even so, he said, Dahlberg wanted to apologize to anyone offended by his remarks. Dahlberg was profoundly affected by the Sept. 11 attacks, Pikrallidas said, and misunderstood Salim’s response to his questions.
Dahlberg “became rather emotional as the discussion turned to jihad and 9/11, and especially heated on the subject of jihadists who want to harm America,” Pikrallidas said in a statement.
Here’s the video, you be the judge:
Seems to me like Dahlberg was a drunk, bigoted, idiot.
He just needs to sober up and then he can run for office as a Republican!
The alleged assailant is the CEO of Emerald Aviation in Manassas. Looks like the cabbie just got himself an airplane.
“Emerald Aviation is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance.”
Oh, well, that’s OK then. The rest of us were not profoundly affected by the September 11th attacks….
What a sad, hate-filled, little man. The collection of bigots we have in this country comes awfully close to depressing me every now and then.
Dahlberg wanted to apologize to anyone offended by his remarks.
I thought you had to be a politician to get away with the phony apology to everyone and no one.
In vino, veritas.
I apologize if any lushes are offended by my remarks.
Apparently this asshole lives in my neck of the woods. Figures.
I’ll be damned. Apparently the “anti-Muslim backlash” has finally happened.
Considering how many times it’s been predicted, I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.
But that this made national news shows that this is an aberration, not a trend.
@Jenos Idanian #13: That Sikh dude minding his own business before he got murdered in cold blood right after 9/11 is, I am sure, happy to know that he’s only “finally” been dead for 12 years now.
@Jenos Idanian #13: ‘
Oh my lord dude, do you have no humanity?
@Jenos Idanian #13:
GFY, shitstain.
@Gromitt Gunn: Wow, you’ve squeezed in two in almost 12 years.
Meanwhile, OTB hasn’t mentioned domestic terrorist Floyd Corkins since October, even though he’s on trial right now. And the FBI released its list of the 31 most wanted terrorists. 30 are Muslims, 1 is an animal-rights extremist.
But this a-hole who got drunk and stupid gets the attention…
@Jenos Idanian #13:
There are a hell of a lot more than just two, numbnuts
Here is another one that was just this past winter:
Anti-Muslim violence spiralling out of control in America
Many, many more examples at the link. Also, too:
FBI: Anti-Muslim hate crimes still up
Rising anti-Islamic sentiment in America troubles Muslims
@Doug Mataconis:
Oh my lord dude, do you have no humanity?
He’s not human; he’s troll.
Hey Jay, remember when you got quoted by Taranto? Did you realize that was your high point?
So was alot of people but that doesnt mean that this piece of garbage can go around and pick fights with some random muslim. FU Dahlberg, F-ing douchebag
@Mantis Anti-Muslim violence spiralling out of control in America
Tragic. And, in relation to the subject at hand, basically irrelevant. Not to mention blindly hypocritical. One aberrant action does not make a trend, and certainly does not make a cultural statement. The fact that you fail to make any comparison to the cultural trend in Islam for extreme violence propagated against other religions by muslims – justified by the simple fact the others being killed, maimed, blown-up, etc. are not muslim – shows either your ignorance or your bias.
I don’t care which one prompted your silly post. You are definitely not worth paying attention to.
You are definitely not worth paying attention to.
And yet, here you are.
@medusa: Replace Muslim with Christian or Buddhist or any number of religions and your statement would still be true. At this point it’s a several thousand year tradition for “religious” people to kill each other in the name of their god(s)…
@Jenos Idanian #13: If that is the actual lesson you took from my post, then you truly are much more stupid than I previously guessed. The point is that it only took four days for the *first* known anti-Muslim murder to occur after 9/11.
@Gromitt Gunn: Four days? FOUR DAYS?
And how long for the second?
Here’s a question for you: if there’s a religiously-inspired act of violence that involves a Muslim, are they more likely to be the victim or the perpetrator?
Here’s a hint… that’s a trick question.
@Jenos Idanian #13:
You’re an idiot.
@OzarkHillbilly: The correct answer is both.
Muslim extremists kill a LOT of people, but mainly other Muslims. It’s usually only when they engage in a little ecumenical outreach that it gets the headlines.
It’s way too early to speculate on Mr. Dahlberg’s motivations for assaulting Mr. Salim. April is a big month for environmentalists. Earth Day was April 22, just 4 days prior to this incident. Mr. Salim drives around in a taxicab all day. His carbon footprint must be enormous!
Let me get this straight… despite his attorney’s statements and such classic quotes from the recording such as
You’re seriously suggesting Dahlberg is a violent liberal, ticked off at a polluting cabbie? You fail at trolling almost as much as you fail at being human.
@Jenos Idanian #13: This is why you get no respect & are treated so poorly here, Jenos. It’s not just that you’re uneducated, hypocritical, unsympathetic, and just plain _wrong_ in pretty much every post you make; it’s your particular combination of smugness and laziness that shows just how weak-minded you truly are.
Practically any opinion you post can be disproven with – literally – about 30 seconds of Googling. But you’re just too lazy to do your own thinking. And when the evidence of your incorrectness is placed right in front of you, you still want to be spoon-fed the tiniest morsels. The only value you have in society at all is to remind the rest of us that we have to actually use our brains, instead of just assuming we know all we need to know, lest we end up like you.
I used to be a cab driver here in Las Vegas. Most of the cabbies here are from other countries such as Somalia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia,etc.
Most of the ‘Anglo’ cab drivers don’t like the foreign drivers here because of the shady ‘longhauling’ (taking a passenger the long way to bump up the fare) tactics that they pull in order to keep their jobs with the cab companies…
Let me say this to you, Mr Passenger, I am a white Anglo American like you, and yes I don’t understand or care for Islam and their followers. However, you were 200% WRONG for hitting that cabbie! And you definitely need to serve some serious jail time!
Here in Vegas, assaulting a cabbie is the same as assaulting a police officer, fireman or any other first responder. You just should have kept your stupid mouth shut and let the cabbie do his job you idiot!
@legion: And that is why I hold so little respect for you, legion — to the point that not a single past statement of yours sticks in my memory, just a general contempt.
Let’s take this thread as a case study, shall we? I make two assertions: 1) the majority of religiously-inspired violence (defined as “causing death or severe injury”) is carried out by Muslims in the name of Allah; and 2) the majority of the victims of such violence are also Muslims. Also, I’m speaking currently, not historically — let’s say, arbitrarily, the last 30 years.
Now, you say I’m totally and completely wrong on this. But instead of rebutting me, you engage in mealy-mouthed vagaries and generalities, presume to speak for The Masses, and demonstrate a completely-unfounded arrogance and sense of superiority.
Which is probably why I don’t recall any of your particular guttersniping from the past — there’s nothing memorable or noteworthy in your comment, and I’m going to presume that your above comment is representative of your best efforts.
I will admit that some folks here have found the way to shut me up on a subject — start talking about me to the exclusion of the topic. I only talk about things that interest me, and I find myself completely unremarkable (literally) — an opinion that others don’t seem to share, as they love to remark about me to a surprising degree. And you seem to be one of those.
But back to the point — this story is about a drunk guy who did something stupid. I don’t see anyone defending him, anyone saying that he is right, did the right thing, and should be emulated. It’s a nothing story. The guy was arrested, and if convicted will serve his time. It’s far more of a “local crime story” than the Kermit Gosnell story, or the Floyd Lee Corkins II story.
But this story suits the political biases of the left, so it gets pushed, while Gosnell and Corkins get quietly buried.
So, legion, wanna take up my challenge and show me up? Or more empty words?
I’m going to be AFK for most of the day, so take your time. I’ll check in a bit later.
@Jon Barrett: Here in Vegas, assaulting a cabbie is the same as assaulting a police officer, fireman or any other first responder.
I don’t think I particularly like that law, but I applaud the rest of your sentiments.
@Jenos Idanian #13: @Jenos Idanian #13:
Let me add this, Jenos, I had picked a lot of drunk, disorderly passengers when I was a cab driver, and always feared for my safety when I would have some belligerent knucklehead (like the guy in the video) in my backseat and wondering if he would strike me for some reason.
This driver was just doing his job; he didn’t voice his opinions until the passenger prodded him. And still, it was just a freedom of speech issue at that point.
Once again, you do not hit a cab driver unless he/she assaults you for some reason….and that is very unlikely since they are usually driving the cab. It is a real, crappy job, and I detest cabbies that longhaul customers. But as I stated, that man needs to face legal repercussions for what he did to the driver.
@Jon Barrett: I’ve been friends with cabbies, and have a lot of respect for them. But I wouldn’t give them the same legal protections as first responders.
Hell, hit the assailant with public endangerment or something similar because he’s risking the cab going out of control. But cabbies are NOT police officers, firefighters, paramedics, or any other kind of first responder. Those people are looking out for us, and they deserve to have us looking out for them.
@Jenos Idanian #13:
That’s because I and many others here have done exactly that in many other threads.
I’m sick of rebutting you, Jenos. You start off by making statements that you yourself could debunk by typing three words into google and hitting ‘enter’. You’re the one being lazy, arrogant, and superior here, just like so many times in the past.
You read my response to your comment – why don’t you try reading what people like @mantis and @Ben and @Gromitt Gunn have written? They’ve already shown you up quite conclusively – your implication that the “anti-Muslim backlash” hasn’t existed is flatly untrue. Your statements are not simply wrong, but easily disproven. Always.
It doesn’t make any difference that Mohamed Salim is an army reservist and Iraq veteran. This is an attack by twisted individual (who has his FOX news filter of the world) on another American citizen. This is plain and simple hatred and fear from an uninformed white person.
Racism is alive and well in this country. Inequality and bigotry continues unabated — ask any Black, Latino or ‘minority’. It’s a sad truth that we won’t consider the breadth of people who share Mr. Dahlberg’s actions as a “terrorist” group, with intents to do harm to US citizens. We save that for kids that are Muslim, or have parents from Islamic countries, or for ‘people of color’.
Our American military and foreign policy treats innocent men, women and children in Islamic countries with disdain and prejudice through our callous attitudes and beliefs. We are creating real jihadists with legitimate gripes against the US by our actions in foreign countries. The childish views of Dahlberg and his ilk are, unfortunately, a reflection of US society as whole.
@Doug Mataconis: I think we have adequate evidence that he doesn’t. He’s another Pam Gellar of the internets.
And the fact that the anti-Muslim bigotry has taken the lives of non-Muslims as well he just doesn’t worry about. Because he doesn’t look like a Muslim and therefore the fact that U.S. citizens are getting killed by idiot, hopped-up bigots isn’t something that will ever cause a wrinkle to cross his brow. Because it’s not him.
Doug, I know you’re a Libertarian. But at least you have empathy for humanity and realize that “there but for the grace of God, go I.” Jenos hasn’t demonstrated that level of maturity.
@Jenos Idanian #13:
Just stating a fact in regards to Clark County (which Vegas is part of), NV. That is the law they have on the books here. But I appreciate your opinion on it
When Army Major Nidal Hassan shot up the cafeteria at Ft. Hood killing 13, the media told us that he was likely suffering from secondary Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and that was the cause of his violent rampage, despite the fact that he was shouting “Allahu Akbar” while gunning down soldiers and despite the fact that he had been trading emails with the radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki
When Faisal Shahzad attempted to blow up Times Square with a car bomb, the media told us that his anger over his house being in foreclosure was the likely cause of his attempt to murder people, despite the fact that he told investigators that he was inspired by the same radical cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki.
Therefore, it is certainly probable, even likely that Mr. Dahlberg was motivated by something other than religious hatred when he allegedly assaulted Mr. Salim, regardless of anything he said. Maybe his house was in foreclosure. Or, maybe he was under alot of stress at work. Or, maybe, as I originally suggested, he was inspired by radical environmentalism.
@Jay Tea the Coward:
while Gosnell and Corkins get quietly buried.
If anyone has any trouble finding copious mainstream media coverage of both of these stories, you are as dumb as Jay Tea’s stupid little sockpuppet Jenos.
At what point did I say that there was no backlash against Muslims?
About as far as I will go is to say that there is no statistically significant backlash against Muslims.
Here’s a metaphor: progeria is a horrifying medical condition. Anyone who’s ever met a sufferer of the condition knows what I’m talking about, and it’s something that needs research into finding a treatment or a cure.
But do we drop anything to fight it? Do we divert funds from AIDS and cancer research to find a cure?
Likewise, when these very rare incidents occur, we treat them like any other crime and punish the guilty. But as long as it remains so rare, we should focus on much more pressing concerns.
This guy was an idiot, broke the law, and needs to be punished. Lock his ass up for a good long stretch.
But he is in no way a symptom of a larger problem. He’s a major idiot and a statistical outlier.
@Jay Tea the Ignorant Coward:
About as far as I will go is to say that there is no statistically significant backlash against Muslims.
But as long as it remains so rare, we should focus on much more pressing concerns.
Translation: Don’t talk about it when my intellectual allies attack or kill Muslims for being Muslims. Stop talking about it now!!!!!111!!!
But he is in no way a symptom of a larger problem. He’s a major idiot and a statistical outlier.
Statistics are not the same thing as your ignorant assumptions. FYI.
@Jenos Idanian #13:
It seems pretty apparent from your first post in this thread, sparky:
In which you imply both:
– There hasn’t been an anti-Muslim backlash until now, and
– This isn’t a trend, just an isolated incident.
You’re a fool and a liar, Jenos, and after your despicable comments in the ‘Plan B’ thread I will never show you respect or even politeness again. Usually your lies only require a quick net search to disprove – as several other commenters have already done in this thread (as they do in every thread you post BS in), but fer cryin’ out loud, all I had to do for this was scroll up.
@mantis: Let’s see…
1) The source you cite is the SPLC, which was the group that enabled the domestic terrorist who shot up the FRC last fall.
2) The original FBI statistics, as I noted before, shows that there were roughly 5 times as many anti-Jewish hate crimes as anti-Muslim hate crimes. (771-157.) By comparison, there are roughly 3 times as many Jews in the US as Muslims (Jews 1.7%, Muslims 0.6%.)
Again, yes, what this one drunken idiot did is bad. But it, as noted, is a statistical non-event — that 157 is out of 6,222 incidents, or 2.5%. And it’s about the same number of anti-homosexual and anti-bisexual incidents combined.
Oh, here’s another fun artifact from the original FBI report: the total number of anti-Muslim offenders identified: 138.
And here’s another: the anti-Muslim incidents are roughly comparable to the anti-Asian/Pacific Islander numbers. (I’m suspecting that if Michelle Malkin turned over the e-mails she receives on a daily basis, that statistic would easily triple. But I digress.)
@mantis: You know, I’m tired of your shit. It’s time for a good old-fashioned beatdown, and I’m going to beat you down with your own choice of tools.
Your link that you’re using as so authoritative is third-hand bullshit. It’s a Salon article that cites the SPLC quoting an FBI report. So let’s go right to the source.
1) In the “hate crimes against persons” category, there were 3,754 incidents. Of those, 3,056 — more than 80% — were “simple assaults” or “intimidations.” There were 4 “murders/nonnegligent manslaughters,” 7 “forcible rapes,” and 677 “aggravated assaults.”
Just for giggles, let’s look at the crime statistics in Chicago for the same year. 431 murders, 12,408 assaults, but no rape statistics. The last year reported was 2009 with 1,439. It doesn’t specify the assaults as “aggravated,” but considering that it’s serious crime being reported, I’ll assume that they are roughly equal to what the FBI considers “aggravated assaults.”
So, the total hate crimes committed in 2011 that you chose to cite as authoritative don’t add up to a good weekend in Chicago.
My, this is fun. Let’s keep going and check previous year statistics and see what kind of trends there are! I’ll skip the links, as I don’t want to set off the filters, but just go to the 2011 link I provided, then click on the links to go to other year reports. I’ll cite the same stats from 2011 I cited before.
Anti-Jewish: 887
Anti-Muslim: 160
Killings: 6
Rapes: 4
Aggravated Assautls: 695
2009: Reports not available.
Anti-Jewish: 1,013
Anti-Muslim: 105
Killings: 7
Rapes: 11
Aggravated Assaults: 774
Anti-Jewish: 969
Anti-Muslim: 115
Killings: 9
Rapes: 2
Aggravated Assaults: 853
Yes, hate crimes are bad. Yes, this drunken sot needs to be locked up. But is there some kind of epidemic of anti-Muslim attacks? Hardly.
I’m wondering if the incident last fall where the guy who looked through the SPLC’s list of “hate groups” and then went to shoot up the FRC will be listed as a “hate crime” or “domestic terrorism” when the stats for last year get posted. I’m just cynical enough to think maybe not.
And I’d really be floored if the SPLC looked at the incident and listed themselves as a “hate group.”
So please, go on, cite another “authoritative source.” ‘Cuz I’m just getting warmed up. I haven’t even come close to working up a sweat.
@mantis: If anyone has any trouble finding copious mainstream media coverage of both of these stories…
Gosnell was arrested on January 19, 2011. The Washington Post ran 3 stories at the time, then nothing until a couple of weeks ago.
Floyd Corkins carried out his SPLC-inspired terrorist attack on August 15. The Washington Post since then has run less than 30 stories on the whole incident.
In contrast, Sandra Fluke got 271 stories since February 2012.
@Jenos Idanian #13:
as I noted before, shows that there were roughly 5 times as many anti-Jewish hate crimes as anti-Muslim hate crimes.
I love this pathetic twerp. He starts off claiming this is the first anti-Muslim incident ever, then that it is the second, then claims the many, many examples provided have no statistical significance, and now the problem is there are more anti-Jewish hate crimes than anti-Muslim hate crimes. Are anti-Jewish hate crimes significant? I think so. Where’s the cutoff, you psychotic little troll?
it’s about the same number of anti-homosexual and anti-bisexual incidents combined.
This is supposed to support your argument that such incidents don’t happen at any significant frequency? Are you serious?
You know, I’m tired of your shit. It’s time for a good old-fashioned beatdown, and I’m going to beat you down with your own choice of tools.
Interesting how you constantly describe your arguments as physical violence. Seek help for your psychological problems.
Your link that you’re using as so authoritative is third-hand bullshit. It’s a Salon article that cites the SPLC quoting an FBI report. So let’s go right to the source.
It links right to the source statistics, you moron. The reason I linked to Salon is for this part, which you of course ignore:
Two Department of Justice studies have indicated that the real level of hate crimes in America is some 20-30 times the number reported in the FBI statistics, in part because some 56% of hate crimes are never reported to police and more than half of those that are are mischaracterized as non-hate crimes. Nevertheless, the FBI statistics can be used to get a sense of general trends.
I happen to know several victims of such unreported crimes, but nevermind. I also cited quite several religiously motivated violent crimes and linked to many more, which you ignore.
You started this thread denying the existence of such behavior and have now declared victory by acknowledging that which you originally denied existed. How you don’t understand what a joke you are is beyond me.
@Jenos Idanian #13:
Hilarious. Your proof of the national media blackout is to cite one newspaper that covered both stories extensively. Do you even read the shit you write?!
Saying to someone, “I’ll slice your fucking throat right now”, is no longer assault?
@mantis: wo Department of Justice studies have indicated that the real level of hate crimes in America is some 20-30 times the number reported in the FBI statistics, in part because some 56% of hate crimes are never reported to police and more than half of those that are are mischaracterized as non-hate crimes. Nevertheless, the FBI statistics can be used to get a sense of general trends.
So, this is like global warming where, if you don’t get the answer you want, you invent “fudge factors” to “hide the decline” and get the answers you like? Tell you what — how many should we take away to account for those that were faked? It happens fairly frequently — see Tawana Brawley, University of Mississippi in November 2002, and several other cases.
And as far as my saying anti-Muslim attacks never happen… go look up the term “hyperbole.” Hell, one such attack that sticks in my head that no one brought up Michael Enright, filmmaker who (stop me if you’ve heard this one before) got drunk and attacked a Muslim cabbie. Oh, yeah — that one doesn’t count because Enright is an anti-war filmmaker who had just returned from filming in Afghanistan.
My original point — that I stand behind — is that after pretty much every terrorist attack (successful or failed) we are bombarded about how there’s this grave danger of a massive anti-Muslim backlash — and that danger never materializes.
Apparently “the boy who cried wolf” is banned on the left, ‘cuz so many on the left can’t recognize the concept.
Sheesh. Less than an hour after I posted the above, I found this posting that had a big (but hardly conclusive) list of faked hate crimes, with links to even more summaries in the comments. That “fake hate crimes” fudge factor might have to be even bigger. After all, for each faked hate crime uncovered, there have to be many others that aren’t exposed, right?
@Jenos Idanian #13:
Because the US government accused the wrong guy on one of the anthrax cases I guess that means they can’t bring any accusations of terrorism against anyone, according to your logic….
And because someone I’m sure has made up allegations of assault, that means if anyone comes charging towards you with an iron bar threatening to beat your head it you shouldn’t have any judicial recourse.
And because we’ve got examples of people faking their own deaths we don’t have to worry about murder.
@Jenos Idanian #13:
I found this posting that had a big (but hardly conclusive) list of faked hate crimes
I think I’ll take the Justice Department over a website called “Progressive Disorder” run by someone who goes by the name “Randy Breitbart.”
And as far as my saying anti-Muslim attacks never happen… go look up the term “hyperbole.”
I looked it up. It’s defined as “a desperate excuse used by liars when their dishonesty is revealed.”
Oh, yeah — that one doesn’t count because Enright is an anti-war filmmaker who had just returned from filming in Afghanistan.
Actually, it does count. You’re the one who who decided anti-Muslim crimes don’t exist, don’t count, or are faked, not me.
My original point — that I stand behind — is that after pretty much every terrorist attack (successful or failed) we are bombarded about how there’s this grave danger of a massive anti-Muslim backlash — and that danger never materializes.
And it’s been shown that you’re full of shit, that the danger is here and longstanding (as is the danger to Jews from your bigoted intellectual allies). Yes, you stand behind your bullshit. Behind, in front of, and beside. You’re up to your eyes in bullshit; there’s nowhere else for you to stand.
Apparently “the boy who cried wolf” is banned on the left, ‘cuz so many on the left can’t recognize the concept.
Sunando Sen was murdered. Vasudev Patel and Waqar Hasan were murdered and Rais Bhuiyan lost his eye when they were attacked by the “Arab Slayer” just days after September 11, 2001. Wade Michael Page killed six Sikhs and injured four others last August. Ahmad Bashir suffered multiple stab wounds and had his nose bitten half off. Mosques and Islamic schools around the country have been subject to violent attacks using firearms, acid bombs, molotov cocktails, and more. I could go on and on with more examples of dead and maimed people who were attacked because they look Muslim/Arab. I encourage you to contact their families and explain how none of it happened.
We’re crying wolf because there’s a goddamned wolf, asshole.