Same-Sex Marriage Gets Its Day At The Supreme Court

A sharply divided Court heard argument today on an issue that has sharply divided the nation.

Once Again, It’s The Eve Of History At The Supreme Court

Tomorrow promises to be an historic day at the Supreme Court, but it’s been a long legal, political, and social battle.

Hillary Clinton ‘Unrunning’ For President

The press corps is already bored.

Sen. Tom Cotton Thinks War Against Iran Would Be Easy And Painless

One freshman Senator seems to think that war with Iran would be easy, just like Republicans used to think that war against Iraq would be easy.

Rand Paul’s Pandering To Social Conservatives Likely To Turn Off Other Supporters

Rand Paul has been cozying up to social conservatives lately, but he risks alienating the people most likely to support his campaign for the White House.

Supreme Court Appears Divided In Latest Obamacare Case

Once again, the Supreme Court appears to be sharply divided on the latest challenge to the Affordable Care Act.

The Supreme Court Sends More Signals That It’s Ready To Strike Down Same-Sex Marriage Bans

By refusing to stay the legalization of same-sex marriage in Alabama, the Supreme Court has sent the strongest signal yet that it is ready to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide.

Supreme Court To Consider Whether To Accept 6th Circuit Marriage Appeals On January 9th

Shortly after the new year, we could know whether or not the Supreme Court will issue a definitive ruling on same-sex marriage by the end of June.

SCOTUS Gives The GOP A Way Out Of The Same-Sex Marriage Battle

The Supreme Court has given the GOP a way out of a battle that they are going to lose anyway.

New York Times Cutting Staff Again

The nation’s newspaper of record is slashing its reporting team.

Social Conservatives Campaign Against Republicans Who Endorsed Same-Sex Marriage

Opponents of marriage equality clearly don’t like the idea of a “big tent” in the GOP on the issue.

Federal Judge Upholds Louisiana Ban on Same-Sex Marriages

A lower court judge has upheld the Louisiana Constitution’s limitation of marriage to “one man and one woman.”

Republican Congressmen Keep Talking About Impeachment

For a party that says its not interested in impeachment, the GOP sure keeps bringing it up.

Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise Win Leadership Elections, But The Battle Resumes In November

The House leadership elections turned out about as expected, but we may be doing this all over again in five months.

President Obama Must Not Act In Iraq Without Congressional Authorization

If President Obama does decide to use military force in Iraq, he should be required to seek Congressional approval beforehand.

Where’s The Outrage Over The Outrage?

When everything’s an outrage, is anything outrageous?

House Votes To Protect States That Legalize Marijuana From Federal Raids

A victory for Federalism and sanity in the War On Drugs.

Two Weeks Later, 234 Nigerian Schoolgirls Are Still Missing. Where Is The American Media?

A prime example of the failure of the “infotainment” industry that American news media has turned into.

Are Tea Party PACs Scamming Their Donors?

Purity for profit on display.

Mitt Romney 2016

A certain wealthy man with good hair is doing very well in a meaningless poll.

Ezra Klein and Matt Yglesias to Launch New Venture Doing News That Isn’t New

Ezra Klein has put out a teaser of the project that he left WaPo to pursue.

Ezra Klein Going Solo

Wonkblog’s founder is leaving the Washington Post to start a new media outlet of his own.

What Happens Online Doesn’t Just Stay Online, Justine Sacco Edition

The danger of saying stupid things online apparently has not sunk in with some people.

Poll: Obamacare Woes Lead To Doubts About Obama’s Leadership

More bad poll numbers for the President and his party.

Democrats On Capitol Hill Starting To Get Very Nervous About Obamacare

Congressional Democrats are not very pleased with the White House right now.

Pentagon Accused Of Moving Slow On Same-Sex Spouses Based Overseas

For some same-sex couples with a military spouse, living together on base is proving difficult to implement quickly.

Rand Paul Copying From Wikipedia: Plagiarism, Or Lazy Speech Writing?

Rand Paul used word-for-word excerpts from Wikipedia in two speeches in Virginia.

Chris Christie’s Gay Marriage Decision And The Politics Of 2016

Chris Christie’s decision to take a tactical retreat on the issue of same-sex marriage raises some interesting questions for 2016.

Alabama GOP Seeks To Sanction College Republican Who Supports Same-Sex Marriage

Down in Alabama, the Stupid Party is being particularly stupid.

Eliot Spitzer Plots Return To Politics With Run For NYC Comptroller

Is 2013 the year of second acts in American politics? Eliot Spitzer seems to be the latest disgraced politician to hope that it is.

Edward Snowden Is Not The Story, And You Don’t Have To Like Him

Focusing on Edward Snowden is largely a waste of time.

Rep. Peter King (R., New York) Wants Journalists Prosecuted As Spies

One Congressman thinks it would be a good idea to treat journalists as criminals.

Cory Booker Announces Campaign For Senate

Cory Booker is in the race for New Jersey’s open Senate seat, but is he really unbeatable?

Who’s America’s Best Looking Attorney General?

President Obama says Kamala Harris is “by far the best-looking attorney general in the country.”

Divorce And Politics

The American people no longer seem to care if their political leaders are divorced.