Mass Voting Behavior

How to create an echo chamber.

No Kings Act and Judicial Supremacy

Was Marbury v. Madison a mistake?

Biden Isn’t Dropping Out

More post-debate thoughts and a reminder about how US parties work.

Cultural Identity, Mass Migration, and the Far Right

The fine line between xenophobia and patriotism.

Toward a Functional Congress

Democrats are helping the Republican Speaker tame his nihilist wing.

Congressional Typologies

Grouping House Members by their voting patterns.

OTB’s Future

There’s a fork in the road.

Two GOPs

A policy-leaning wing and a political-leaning wing make for an unworkable coalition.

Steven Who?

The Media is Biased Against Us!

Journalists openly root for a good story.

The Florida Fantasy Meets Hard Reality

How a hideous, diabolical, pestilential, God-abandoned hellhole became our 3rd largest state.

Another Sane Conservative Pushed Aside

Original blogger AllahPundit is leaving Hot Air after 16 years.

Social Justice the New Religion?

The intersection of politics, morality, and meaning.

Feelings Don’t Care About Facts

“America can survive the demagogues themselves, it’s their audience that will kill us.”

An Observation about Blogging

People can be strange.

Whitmer Kidnap ‘Plotters’ Acquitted

A Michigan jury believed the FBI created the crime.

Content Moderation, Free Speech, and Community

Unlimited dialog makes conversations harder.

Gun Control is Jim Crow protester Gun Control is Jim Crow protester

Tribal Lenses and Criminal Justice

Our reactions to recent murder trials tells us a lot about our divided country.

Reflections on Reflecting

An artist engages with her critic.

Biden’s Culture War Aggression?!

The hidden wokeness of our new Critical Theory-loving President.

Peak Both-Siderism

David Brooks is the leader in the clubhouse.

Is Federalism the Real Problem?

A fundamental building block of our system makes it nearly impossible to fix.

IMHO boggle honest truth IMHO boggle honest truth

Honestly without Anonymity

Can there be truth when there are consequences?

The Hidden Left-Liberal Divide

One side is arguing over rules while the other is focused on consequences.

Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Pledges from wealthy men to help rebuild Notre Dame cathedral after a devastating fire is generating backlash.

Misogyny and Nano-Bubbles

It’s increasingly challenging to discuss media coverage because we’re all consuming a hand-selected bit of it.

Where Have All the Commenters Gone?

The mysterious disappearance of long-time OTB commenters.

Happy Thanksgiving From Outside The Beltway!

Happy Thanksgiving!

New Reading Environment?

Social media has altered the way writers and readers interact in odd ways.

Trump is What Republicans Accused Obama of Being

Tom Nichols draws a contrast between Republican criticisms of the last president and their defense of this one.

How That “Caravan” Of Immigrants Became A Focus Of Panic On The Right

Thanks to a combination of sensationalism and outright lies, a fairly conventional story about an annual protest march in Mexico was turned into Fox News fodder that raised images of an invading army of illegal immigrants.

Air Force Recognizes Colonel’s Right to Discriminate Against Spouses of Gay Airmen

Leland Bohannon objects to same-sex marriage on religious grounds. What rights should he have to act on that belief?

To Ban or Not to Ban

On OTB’s subjective, inconsistent enforcement of its policies designed to promote civil discussion.

Budget Surplus in California

Responsible governance from the Golden State?

First Clinton-Trump Debate and Low Expectations Redux

Judging 2016 by historical standards hasn’t worked out well thus far.

Fox News Sums Up Clinton-Trump Race Brilliantly

Most Americans distrust Clinton. More distrust Trump.

Conventions Helped Trump More, Even Though His Was Awful and Hers Wasn’t

The one with the better convention seems to have lost ground over the last two weeks.

The Fine Line Between Protest and Riot

Hillary Clinton’s two biggest challengers were ambushed at a progressive political convention over the weekend.

Does It Matter Whether Charleston Was Terrorism?

The debate is ultimately academic.

Site Proves Racism Isn’t Really the Problem; Commenters Prove Otherwise

A black leader is running a billboard campaign to improve his community. Racism ensues.

Get Ready For More Rick Santorum In 2016

Rick Santorum looks to be getting ready to hit the campaign trail again, but it’s doubtful he can find appeal beyond the religious conservatives who supported him in 2012.

Dinesh D’Souza Indicted for Campaign Finance Fraud

Dinesh D’Souza has been indicted by a federal grand jury for being incredibly stupid.

Judging Presidents (and Thinking about Institutions)

Because sometimes poorly contructed observations can set a fellow to writing.

Moderation in a Polarized World

David Brooks tries to “describe what being a moderate means” in a way that most Americans would find puzzling.

Repeal and the Mechanisms of American Government

Electing Romney hardly means repeal of the PPACA, even if he will make it sound that way.