A Virginia Judge has ruled that automated license plate collection systems violate state law.
Did Hillary Clinton mishandle classified information while Secretary of State? Two Inspectors General want to find out.
Despite his remarks about John McCain, Donald Trump is likely to be around for some time to come.
The Supreme Court ruled that police are not entitled to access to a hotel registry without a warrant.
Big news out of Baltimore and, perhaps, the beginning of justice for Freddie Gray.
There is no excuse for last night’s rioting in Baltimore, but that should not deflect attention from the problems with that city’s police.
New allegations regarding foreign government donations to the Clinton Foundation seem likely to become a campaign issue.
Vice-President Cheney’s amoral defense of torture has come to define how most conservatives view the issue, and that’s a problem.
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul continues to challenge Republican orthodoxy on foreign policy, and that’s a good thing.
As talk begins of expanding the war against ISIS into Syria, it is becoming long past time for Congress to exercise its Constitutional function.
Despite a high profile effort to oust him, the most prominent libertarian Republican in Congress survived his primary challenge yesterday.
Hobby Lobby Is an important decision, but it’s one that the Supreme Court handed down a week earlier that will have the widest impact.
Obsessing over what a politician believed in the past accomplishes nothing.
Good intentions and good results aside, the President’s disrespect for the Rule Of Law should concern everyone.
Conor Friedersdorf turns the oft-asked question on its head.
Former SecDef Robert Gates is among those who believes that the Iraq War unduly diverted attention from fighting the War On Terror.
The “paper of record” joins the call for some kind of deal with Edward Snowden.
Guess what’s coming to the dinner table.
Outrage over leaks like those that Edward Snowden makes doesn’t exist when its politicians doing the leaking.
Contrary to President Obama’s assertion today, the NSA’s operations don’t have proper legislative or judicial oversight.
A bipartisan commission of elder statesmen confirms what we’ve known for years.
A new report confirms that the United States did engage in torture in the wake of the September 11th attacks.
The Hagel confirmation, like Obama’s election, was big news to some avid news consumers.
Conservatives complaining about biased coverage from the liberal media should instead look in the mirror.
Conor Friedersdorf contends “The U.S. Already Had a Conversation About Guns—and the Pro Side Won.”
Judging by the record of the past decade and a half, movement conservatism has accomplished very little.
If you’re a white Southerner who gets most of his information from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, you probably don’t know a lot of people who voted for Barack Obama.
The analyst actually wants to understand and be correct far more than he or she wants their preferences to prevail in the analysis
The case of an infant with a rare genetic condition raises an interesting ethical dilemma.
Like the men who came before him, Barack Obama has vastly increased the powers of his office. Someone should have asked him about that last night.
A five year old “shocking” video of President Obama speaking to a group of African-American ministers proves to be not very shocking at all.
Mitt Romney is a deeply flawed candidate, but that doesn’t mean the President is any better.
Whether Mitt Romney wins or loses, the GOP needs to evolve or be doomed to minority party status.
So, Mitt Romney opened his mouth again.
Do fiscal conservatives realize they’re being sold a bill of goods?
Security at the Republican Convention in Tampa looks more like a war zone than a political convention in a democratic republic.
The Romney Campaign is reportedly planning a more aggressive campaign against the President for the fall.
Marco Rubio wants to prevent these young women, and other Olympic medal winners, from paying taxes. It’s a dumb idea.
Lies and misrepresentations in politics seem to be something the American people have come to, if not accept, at least expect.
America’s Drug War has caused more problems for Mexico than Fast & Furious ever will.
Mitt Romney believes he could take America to war without Congressional involvement.