The Phony-Tough and Crazy-Brave

Violence, masculinity, and American politics.

More Americans Have Died from Covid this Year than Last

A scary if misleading factoid.

Infrastructure Politics

Politicians gonna politician, but still…

Jacob Chansley Sentenced to 41 Months for Capitol Riot

The erstwhile QAnon Shaman will spend another three-and-a-half years in jail.

Changing CDC Guidance, Communication, and Conspiracy

Science and insanity don’t mix.

Let’s Go Brandon

An amusing incident highlights how far we’ve fallen.

New York’s Sloppy Vote Counting

The combination of incompetence and a new system have the mayoral race in turmoil.

Wuhan Lab Leak Moves from Hoax to Theory

The fact-checkers blew this one and blew it big.

The Arizona Audit

The latest front on the war on truth.

Maxine Waters Under Fire

The latest variant of the “No Justice, No Peace” threat is unhelpful.

Nugent Wonders Why Didn’t We Shut Down for COVID 1 through 18

You know you got it when you’re going insane.

This Week’s Dr. Seuss Nonsense

A story that is both unserious and yet emblematic of our age in a serious way.

Vaccine Hesitancy

A third of Americans are unsure they want the life-saving COVID shots.

Fact-Checking in a Fact-Free World

Debunking urban legends and Internet rumors is harder than it used to be.

Still the Party of Trump

The disgraced loser remains as popular as ever with his base.

We Are Not QAnon Nation

Most Americans have never even heard of it.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Stripped of Committee Assignments

House Democrats have done what their Republican colleagues refused to do.

The Pendulum Is Broken, Not Swinging

Historical precedents fall apart when we’re in a truly unprecedented time.

Assessing the Party Fringes

AOC v. MTG: one of these things is not like the other.

Fox News Purging ‘Real Journalists’

Losing viewers to fringe networks, the Fair and Balanced team is joining them.

Turley on Impeachment, Redux

Outliers are bad places to look for solid support of your argument.

Why Was Capitol Security Inadequate?

A large, well-trained police force was unprepared for a foreseeable crisis.

[Voter Fraud Graphic] [Voter Fraud Graphic]

Two Crazy Aspects of Trump’s Fraud Allegations

Granted, there are more than two. But from a political science/political history POV, these two stick out in my mind.

Barr Contradicts Trump on his Way out the Door

Although, as usual, he maintains his odious approach to it all.

Kemp Feels the Wrath of Trumpism

The Georgia governor and his family are under attack because he did his job.

The Scouring Of The Shire

Saruman’s rigid arrogance ultimately made him pathetic. Sound familiar?

Reaping the Whirlwind

That thing that happens when you sow the wind with conspiracy theories.

Rush Limbaugh Slams Trump Legal Team

The EIB host and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient is not impressed.

The Fascism Is Here To Stay

While the authoritarian threat recedes, the fascist threat remains.

There Is No Fraud

The President’s claims have no merit.

Four Seasons Total Landscaping

A tale so bizarre it is hard to believe it is real.

The Most Important Election in American History

The stakes of losing will be catastrophic. Either way.

Truly Disturbing

Statements by an HHS official underscore the rot of this administration.

Electoral Integrity Concerns, Real and Imagined

What is more concerning, speculation and war games, or the words of POTUS?

Let’s Drop The “Proto” Already

American fascism is on parade, right now.

President Donald J. Trump boards Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Friday, July 10, 2020, en route to Miami International Airport in Miami President Donald J. Trump boards Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Friday, July 10, 2020, en route to Miami International Airport in Miami


Why roll with the facts when you can confuse your supporters with conspiracy theories?

Culture and Institutions, Part 1

A partial response in the context of a complex topic.

President Donald J. Trump participates in a FOX News Channel virtual town hall entitled America Together: Returning to Work, with co-moderators Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum live from the Lincoln Memorial Sunday, May 3, 2020, in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead) President Donald J. Trump participates in a FOX News Channel virtual town hall entitled America Together: Returning to Work, with co-moderators Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum live from the Lincoln Memorial Sunday, May 3, 2020, in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Fox News is Leading Prime Time Network

Preying on the fears of old white people is good business.

Masks Biggest Factor in US Coronavirus Debacle

We were much slower and have higher non-conformity than countries that have it under control.

Conspiracy Theories Are Not Funny

Conspiracy theories are poisoning the United States. That’s no joke.

Bolton: Trump Asked China to Help Re-Election

Some explosive charges in the former National Security Advisor’s book.

WSJ Chastises Trump’s Slander

The President’s unhinged Twitter rants have drawn a rebuke from an unlikely source.

QAnon Conspiracist Republican Senate Nominee from Oregon

Jo Rae Perkins may be a nut, but she won a four-person primary.

Liberty U. Sticking with Face-to-Face Instruction

It is hard not to see this as a politically driven move.

Explaining the Sanders-Warren Flap

Two progressives enter. One progressive leaves.

It’s Putin’s World, We’re Just Living In It

Notwithstanding Russia’s weak position vis a vis the west, It’s Putin who seems to be winning.

DOJ Inspector General Rebuts Trump On Russia Investigation

After a two-year investigation, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice found no basis for the conspiracy theories being pushed by the Republicans regarding the Russia investigation.

George Zimmerman Files Bizarre, Conspiracy Theory Laden, Lawsuit

George Zimmerman has filed a bizarre conspiracy theory-laden lawsuit against Trayvon Martin’s family, prosecutors, and others.