As much as we hate paying $200 a month for television, the future is likely going to be worse.
Fewer people are watching live television events such as the Super Bowl and Academy Awards.
To the surprise of few, Bill Simmons’ site didn’t long survive his departure.
An FCC rule from a bygone era may get Bernie Sanders and company some time on NBC.
Does encouraging binge watching make sense for Netflix?
Who watches Sunday morning talk shows anymore?
Tomorrow, the Supreme Court will hear argument in a case that will likely be this era’s version of the Betamax case.
A step up from The Colbert Report.
Was there ever a more tepid endorsement than “Joe Scarborough for President? Sure, Why Not?”
At nearly $4 million for a 30 second spot, advertising on the Super Bowl is a bargain.
I question the timing of the Republican Convention.
Alex Pareene’s quip that “Aaron Sorkin is why people hate liberals” has gone viral.
We’ve reached a point where our wonder at modern technology fades almost instantaneously and is replaced by annoyance that our technology isn’t better
Dish Network is offering customers a DVR that will skip commercials. I’m sure their content providers are thrilled.
Doug Mataconis’ Thursday posting “Herman Cain Releases Bizarre New Video Involving Apparent Goldfish Murder” got picked up on that night’s edition of The Colbert Report.
Did Speaker Boehner insult President Obama by snubbing his speech request? If so, so what?
If someone had given me ten guesses as to the biggest electricity hog in my house, I’d have never guessed it: The set-top box that houses my DirecTV signal and DVR.
Amusingly, the most recent episode of South Park, “You’re Getting Old,” perfectly encapsulates my view of recent episodes of South Park.
It’s Campaign Fact of Life No. 1: If you aren’t a factor in the race, you aren’t going to get free media.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 could be a Google killer. It could also kill the Web as we know it.
The next generation of the Windows operating system is about two years away. Does anyone care?
Will Digital Video Recorders kill the campaign commercial? Unfortunately, no.
Has the digitization of entertainment — DVRs, iPods, iPods, digital cameras, Netflix, and so forth — transformed it from fun into work?
ABC’s Sunday talking heads show has a new host. Is she a secret Taliban sympathizer?